Free Speech Champions
'God Is Trying' (House Gospel Choir), 15.45 in the mix. "Let's Go Danny" who Big's Up, Jellybean Benitez (NYC)
You might’ve heard that the US has left Afghanistan.
After twenty years there, the US and the international forces have pulled out. They tried to do it pretty quietly. So quietly, in fact, that the overnight departure from the Bagram Air Base was something the Afghan commander there didn’t even know about until the next day. They didn’t even bother to tell their Afghan allies that the final departure was happening.
What was the point of the war in Afghanistan? And the point of twenty years of US/UK/NATO involvement in the country?
Now that the US and NATO have unceremoniously withdrawn from Afghanistan – having apparently accomplished next to nothing, either for US interests or the Afghan people and society – the question really needs to be asked again.
AFGHANISTAN: The US/NATO’s Failed 20-Year War – What Was It All About…?, S Awan, Burning Blogger, July 23, 2021
Drake — Nonstop, July 27, 2019
The word 'Vaccine'?
The Govt./Media deceptions we face are over terms and definitions. Historical understanding of science and medicine is misunderstood, or forgotten: Dismissed and replaced, by irrational claims.
'Testing for a virus without symptoms'? An unknown practice before C-19. A Case, is now equivalent to an unreliable test and positive diagnosis, while the numbers claimed ill or dying is statistical nonsense.
People I've known, and respected, even looked up to..., are bewitched, and bamboozled, and in a single declaration and undermine intellectual, and moral, outlook.
Someone who led and taught me in Church work and leadership:
First they joke about, 'behaving' and, 'masked up' and taking a train early in June. A breezy acknowledgment, and 'fully vaccinated with Pfizer jab', all with appreciation and, 'have been very well so far'.
A couple of lines, said in a sincere belief that wouldn't survive any reasonable consideration. It undermines, all and any, credibility. A big pretend, the issues, are settled. No compulsion to explain, anything. No accountability, or transparency. All smoke and mirror' thinking.
Not, down on 'em, but... heartbroken. Of all, the upset and distress, people who should-know-better; knocks me over.
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness,
Opens, Ginsberg's poem, Howl, on 'looking for an angry fix'.
Don't go looking for Christians in error, people, lost in a supermarket. Truthscoop is for practical response and uplifting hopes. Theology comes into it, and keep broad in recognising, complimentary world-views, that sit with, the Gospel. Danny Rampling was dynamite on Sunday Wire and a rewind, from the week before.
Almost all he said in thirty minutes got my heartiest of Amen's. Nothing to oppose, but suppose, the roots of our thinking differ some?
As for a music person, talking truth and sense?
Danny's tops. About as awake and appropriate a talk as we'll ever hear from a pop star.
ADD: House Music ne'er sounded so fresh and zippy. Am back on Danny's slapping selection on 'Defected'.