Submissive Void
'JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters' is a brilliant title and top-rated book.
How about why investigating 9/11 matters...
Answer? Because it leads to critical thinking about Sandy Hook through to Christchurch.
And why do particular claims matter? If proven correct, amount to . . .
Because I Was Not
Most of the UK population wouldn't mind a bit of tyranny and silencing, depending on how it's presented. Most -- in how few otherwise, care to shout about future dangers and unwanted consequences.
Yet, as long as people consider, it's "my kind of tyranny" and for the good of all -- of course -- and, . . .
Max Has It
Unusual short and put out.
Max has it.
I was wrong. I... think?
The detailed and more thorough presentation.
We can't ...or shouldn't turn away from this.
Christchurch is Twin Towers kind of stuff.
Initial reporting, compared to pre-Parkland, was not . . .
Blessed To Be Wrong
This is where widespread denial of false-flag and hoaxes get us. Variants on a theme.
Smollett’s lawyers, Vox reports, re-state; “Jussie was attacked..."
By all accounts, lone fabrication, directed by enablers. Constructing crimes for political posturing. For think-big players pushing and publicity. Bashing . . .
Media Portrayals
Brexit, designed to disappoint, is the greatest awaken-er and the contemporary UK. With little awaken-ing going on before 2001, it's far and away, the bubble-buster of our times.
Back to Thatcher's wars, a popular retrospective and consensus are whatever-wrongs, included necessities. Strong on socialism and still . . .
Confuse Circus
(Second update; the way Max spoke about others is ill-advised but… ignored it and put up the update. Might be am desensitised. As “everyone is doin’ it, doing it…” Will knock-up a follow-up Christchurch post but add this to keep my accounts up to date.)
(Update: Heard Brendon O'Connell and others, early on explain, why . . .
No Face, No Name
How long will words like these here, be legal and allowed? Seem far fetched? Common impressions are they'll snap around the edges, while even if and go so far, assume a long way off.
Rather and reckon; It's go-go-go for full-on censorship phase. Obvious that in the year break from 'Parkland' guns are about . . .