Media Portrayals
Brexit, designed to disappoint, is the greatest awaken-er and the contemporary UK. With little awaken-ing going on before 2001, it's far and away, the bubble-buster of our times.
Back to Thatcher's wars, a popular retrospective and consensus are whatever-wrongs, included necessities. Strong on socialism and still lament the union-busting onslaught. But then came Blair. Who overshadows all and most damaging lackey/leaders in... who knows, and I don't long?
Active and most evil-complicit of MPs manage to keep a certain political cover. It's a senior Government allowed-in deal. The official secrets act and some. An operational agreement and disclosing of lies about "having to" conduct false-flags. This includes all the war and mayhem overseas. False diplomacy, false aid, false... etc. etc.
For all the deception and corruption on the homefront, the big push is in the conquest and plunder of other lands. While the UK's greatest scandal and elite industrial-level child abuse/murder is the tool. The whip and the votes-go, The City's way.
'...My profound shake-up came soon after an early-hours posting, watching and hearing Boris. His first comment and should be 'oh glorious victory...' somewhat later than expected on the morning after the referendum. As I recall, a pensive look, while all that stuck out was the "no need to rush" line.
Lights, flags, and alarms. What... The...
Knew the fix was in. Suspected frauded-somewhat the vote. A purposeful holding back from creating a 'remain' result. Reckon 'leave' was more a landslide. Planned years of mental carnage suited a close vote. With the media ready to oblige -- esp. the BBC -- to pummel away, taking political based discouragement to new levels. The art of Edward Bernays. Blatant both-sides belittling. Crazy-crap-sincerity.'
(Update/edit: Or could not fraud a Remain of course.)
Now, they've All... cometh forth and full-on sold their sorry and sad selves to a House of Unrepresentatives. All -- in, and at least, the voters for 'other options' and not the referendum result.
Again, the representative has never been our days of a democracy thing. This time around the natives got stirred over dreams of independence. Pre-waking.
Build, build.. build up, through two years/near-three and getting dashed by media portrayals. Spat out. A-waking.
Told consistently of a 'country split'. In truth, one that lost its care once the foolishness to believe a vote would happen to... matter. Never did, never would, because it was never going to be. All about a bit more delay and break-up political cohesion. Split The Right, while less but nevertheless, Labour-stomping split the socialists and seeing the scam.
A: S-C-A-M, causing millions to doubt decisions-made justice and... a whole lot more. Nowadays put forward talk of hidden hands in the post-Brexit facade and disregarded? New openings. While generally-cynical, some of the puff-up and dismiss/resist, has depleted. Talk secret state. Secrets, about events... we-misunderstood.
Brexit has thrown open the doors.
Am a bemoaner about the intransigent ignorance and apathy but no-Brexit's a blessing. The downside and Right/Left fighting in the streets. The upside is the suffice and 'out' full would've quelled discussion and how it isn't. City and Globalist ties that bind are proper and tight.
Today the rag on the doorstep proclaims. 'MP's vote to take back control'.
Today, those new to the conspiracy we're told to swallow, are in droves having enough.
On Brexit? Refuse to read about it. All about not-looking at any online newspaper etc. The mainstream. Mainlining... a drug of the nation. The drug for the supposed 'intelligent' sorts. Clobbered by re-made meanings and words.
This what's going on. Reality understood that's media-derived -- which is considerable -- is redone. Reshaped language and meaning. Remade in the media's image.
Waiting for the first article on my-allowed-sites, for a quote and scoop -- and 'here'. Give Zero Hedge a look. Nearest might get, to a news source.
Read this and;
Brexit is the single most important political event of this century. It’s one of the few things that is bigger than Trump. So, paying close attention to it is important. That’s why it has so divided people. It represents an existential threat to the inevitability of modern liberalism. The European Union is the symbol of that inevitability.
US Russiagate and Brex-oh-what, are the respective countries, all about, distractions. The need to ...not, pay attention, is paramount to mental health. A source for a mocking and satire -- about all it brought and worthwhile.
What's good is the disenchanted and hope-in nationalism, tempted to look deeper.
...why it has so divided people? Intentional and why fraud-vote-central let the vote go 'leave' for this spearheading purpose. Why waste a crisis or better, construct for one.
Then we get; It represents an existential threat to the inevitability of modern liberalism.
Depends on how 'modern liberalism' gets interpreted. For certain an 'existential threat' is an essential pre-requisite. For breaks-on against unmistakable tyranny. Or could say; the kind without pretence otherwise.
Got to jump off.
End on butchering the quote for the image:
That’s why it has so divided people. It represents an existential threat...
The dangers and downside are media-stirring to physical violence. If my thesis of the direction is correct, expect counter-looking media wind-up. For fighting in the name of 'peace' making.
The solution to be martial states and emergency laws.
Truthscoop goes. What voices remain; guarded and what's prescribed, or kept off-line?
So my conclusion: Do NOT pay attention.
Do pray (me) the calculated divide and conquer will rip through thinking and not turn to fists.