Who Knows?
Said I’d write about, of all things, Obamacare. This to someone who I’m not expecting will read this but argued, against this US-living family/couple’s position, claimed pros not cons for the scheme. Sent them the first link I could find slamming it.
Writing as an exercise. Try to be able to say something, about whatever. Here goes.
And why? (Always the big W?) Because? I’m too self-bugged by the hypocrisy of claiming the need for wider-spread public expression – and not bothering.
There are other, overall goals: I could be wrong, at least to some degree, while the exercise, healthy, considering the brief time and effort involved.
Mostly though it’s because – said I would. Reminds of the book Dice Man. You roll, you do, whatever the risk and dare.
I said, so…
Who has a positive word for Obamacare?
Do I care enough to look? Changed my mind, although better say something.
Here’s a thought. I went with Obama being a CIA etc cut-out from his get-go. A young agitator primed for the post. Possibly ideologically driven and into boys and coke. Maybe married to… nah, leave this speculation. Watched all the Teleprompter-led lies, the NDAA, locking up/down a record number of whistle-blowers and overseeing the false-flag frenzy. Benghazi to Fast and Furious. Lots of war. Drones and destruction all courtesy of the central bankers pulling strings.
YET. There have been things I heard he did, in his last months as the supposed-boss, that makes me wonder about this golf-loving-holiday, sport watching, seemingly stuck in a White House luxury romper room playboy.
That he somehow exercised slight opposition. Suspect, this all allowed and adds to the look of authenticity. But without remembering and recounting, these here and there’s – do wonder.
So not gonna try to find commentators that can explain how Obamacare might have upsides.
Half-fulfill my intention. Perhaps, in the refusal to look too deeply, realise I should've not responded in opposition to the person’s opinion last night. Until/unless completed thorough, two-sides, research.
Perhaps this my write-to-myself plea: Don’t let my frustration at perceived unwillingness to face deception – out. On others. Generally don’t but realise it’s a foolish question, when someone contends Barack was a better man and politician than Donald. Or whoever. Say much. Say anything. By suggesting this, is an issue – creaking, quaking, crony-capitalism medical insurance – I minimise the deeper questions by making this look the issue to spark up about.
Who d'man? Who the prez?
Who isn’t personally running what the role suggests.
What we know is what we see or are shown. Glimpses suggest, there might be small heartbeat of independence and for mass betterment. As for what really is going on? Inside their heart and mind?
Reluctant criminal, desperate dupe or flaming monster? We really don’t finally and fully know.
Actions speak louder than words but matters of the heart maybe obscuring and if we knew... might be a surprise.