Who Do You Think You Are Kidding...
The Unpleasant Truth About The 1941 Parachuting Of Rudolf Hess In England, Part 1 with the essential Zero Hedge comments got me good. Led me to part 2 and the excellent Oriental Review.
Respect to the article but it's with the comments on part 1 makes for essential reading.
TV and Papers. Pundits and crowd-pulling broadcasts:
Difficulty to sift the secrets and lies about the war emerges as frothing confidence. "Our..." defeating the Nazis. Goes without the need, yet demands are, for affirmation. Every begging opportunity with a pause and expectation. A dog-whistle for a bark. Supposed calling card to proclaim; "Of course, haven't lost my mind..." and "let me say Hitler/Nazis were..."
Well, thank Queen and country for that eh.
All media-don led. Famous faces and the need to follow. Politician and kind, ne'er mind, Left or Right tagged. "Don't mention..." but to spit establishment credibility.
To even hesitate or show the flicker of compromise is headline-flapping unacceptable. More whistles and a swift back-track to reiterate "of course/Of Course". Evil-H the devil undisguised.
It's a secret sign. A dodgy hand-make. Allegiance to an invisible sect. The in-with, the respectable. No truck with terrible. All the while there be fork-tongues a gabbin'. Not and so many up for-Hitler and did little/no terror and wrong. More context and other characters. Off the script, missing in action.
What gets us -- or should? -- is the staggering imbalances of care and attention. Suffering and equivalence disappearing. Actually is race-ism for once. Bad Germans vs.? " Not nowadays" all chime up but transferred on to, all who now make a thing about, go back and dare... Look and Talk About.
Back-end designed to have us 'conform to the patterns of this world', so said Bible Paul. Goes on to talk of 'clothing ourselves' and putting, on or off, 'falsehoods'?
On this take; Lies about the war/s passed about like a mantra. A devil-led chorus unto call into being next-levels slave system. For these social darkening purposes, any lies will do. As long they are big bold and self-revealing the bullshit. Leaks enough but not too much or in the citadel of satan i.e. on a digital screen. Or in the fast-declining version called 'the papers'.
The servitude required is voluntary. The highest/their lowest, goal: Have us leap off a high point to our deaths. Know so, we -- should. Collective suicide. This the anti-Jesus mission. Call for complicit entrapment and killing, or DIY. Pass the pills and all a simulation this ol'reality stuff.
Less to do with documenting 'history' rather about containing the atmosphere of deception. The countless problems outworked through knowing to lie, and doing this in public. The atmosphere of death. For what is it to lose our minds through bio or psycho consequences? A dying inside. See less know less -- think 'dark' is light, perspectives go crazy.
How much underpins this is all because we're told our prescribed talk and otherwise: "Don't mention ..."/unless.
Which might be the Nos. 1 famous Brit. comedy line. Basil Faulty trying-not makes such a deal-of he cannot but not. The mind experiment that says, 'try not to think about (pick object) and finish saying so, without...' Bing, up pops, the pic.
'Holocaust Denial': What comes to mind? White tee-shirts, tats, muscles and salutes with a few banners?
'Hitler not the sole baddie'? Again... or, how about a grasping of arguments and dynamics and less of the knee-jerk?
If so, count y'self blessed.
No-doubters talk is a lack of light and sanity about WW2 (let alone WW1) and a sad parade. In the end, it's religious. This word and; to be bound to something. The lies that bind.
Hardly need a PhD in Psychology to suss these telling moves. Doubts abound and here we get, screaming defence to a by and large certainty. Polite and professional to wave with a cool know-my-stuff sign and 'case closed' on it. Lest-Never-Forget.
Rare and A says B, my argument with B is C. Bypass that: We all Know C without giving B the airing it 'doesn't deserve'.
We Brit. good. While them/him/lot -- equals; all bad. Media-appearing shapers hold this tone with quiet confident gusto.
A bit like Muslims who insist on saying "peace be upon him" if mentioning the prophet Mohammad by name. So goes those bound to conventional Hitler etc. talk. Cannot engage on the subject without confessing the line. Mention the H. name exacts a quick-first go show your hate-Hitler sound, for all to hear.
Notice, aspiring to be decent-tough man types first up and "made it a bit of an obsession on reading about the war". Could list examples but somehow suits the strong and assertive temperament. People presenting they hold compassion high. Proclaim being realistic about 'evil' is a primal rule. Go soft or get confused about Nazism them -- or now -- is a mugs move.
Talk about underline stupidity. Or worse and sadder -- playing a part.
As for H? Ordered intentions, numbers and chambers are three foundational controversies. There's a choice? We agree on debate and sit with, or can, conclude from. Or, we're children basing history on Hollywood.
Pretending to be believers in this over-bearing modern-day cultural gawping looks-like a ton of con. One beating and wide-reaching others. Then came the moon, next 9/11.
What about those reckon to be Hitler-ites. Wherever a small pocket and organised, bright-investigating would surmise, infiltrated by undercover spooks. If not, run by.
Yet? What's the reality-based UK Neo-Nazi threat? How would its mainstream amplification serve a wider purpose?
Link talk of the war and unorthodox views with racial supremacists. Immediately dubbed upping the skinheady enemy. Couple any talk that brings balance to Hitler and crew with whipping up the racists to go-go-go.
A return to 30's Germany, considered the stake. Budge an inch and push the street-fights to begin. The one barometer, hints or vague possibilities and getting critical of 'Jewish people'. The frustration is the opposite and those taking little open engagement if not into 'Jews did it' -- All.
Rooted in "don't mention the war..."
Unless to rattle out the line. "Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler..." another comedy classic.
And what's this do? Makes identitarians and ethnic-state based believers feel emboldened. Adds justification to their conquest. No talking with them is sunshine on their plants. Rain pouring on fledgling comrades.
Final thought. How come all the best teaching about history comes through exposing disagreements together. Years back the late Alan Hart caused hundreds of comments over two articles on Darkmoon. Connected and called it a mental disorder. Those banging on about the Holocaust as Hollyhoax.
Gave a good punch. Boy though, what an education the response produced. We can all consider and go more which or that way, hear this, doubt that, stand here.
People with evident wrap-around sense about all and family. Go into gabba-gabba goey-woey when talking about the war.
All the while contemporary Hitler the wind-up and stir, censor and shout.
Fascist: The combing of state and big business to dominate and determine. Litmus: What's unmentionable -or- not?
'My name is called disturbance' sang The Stones. Someways dumb lyrics that song but it's what the protectors who are not -- want.
Street-fighting men, over media-spun insistence, we must not openly talk about... So people get their fists up and...