When The Tipping?
Paul Craig Roberts asks What do we make of Trump’s national security speech?
Then... he goes, and out rolls a brutal dissection. Hard to argue. His take is keep it simple, not obfuscate with intricate theories about who pulls the strings of the strings of the...
Looks to all a neo-con, pro-Is. first, line oligarch pockets, war machine. Leave it there. Brinking the world and looking like increasing conflict.
What's the alternative? More posture than genuine clashing. Russia in on and more an act?
Why the need, to persuade who/what? Power over? And what about 'Syria'? Moves too authentic a power-block battle than orchestrated for show. Hear the all sides/one evidence but less than full-on convinced.
There's acting but sometimes it's hard to believe could be. Get the power of congnitive dissonance. Open to space-age possibilities and mind control -- but history attests trouble.
Get rituals and false-flags but the hubbub of what's seen Geo goings on?
Get the need to divide and discourage. Hope raised and shattered. The demoralisation to slink us off from interest or -- dare this -- engagement and protest.
There's no mainstream process for meaningful participation. PCR, scathing, ends with:
My conclusion is that Trump has surrendered to the real rulers of America—the powerful interest groups such as the military/security complex, the Israel Lobby, the environmental polluters, Wall Street and the banks “too big to fail.”
America is a country in which despite the hopes flyover America had in Trump, an oligarchy rules. The American people, regardless of who they elect, have no voice, no input, no representation.
The governments of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush were the last governments that were subject to any accountability. With the Clinton regime the United States entered into the age of tyranny.
And being an insider, now out, with that sober considered manner -- all the more shocking. So should be. But no, too often our capacity for alarm is under a sick "know-it-all" spell. Most everyone turn/on are stupid and smug. Nothing but houses built on normalcy-bias sand. Understandable but to what degree? When ask the questions never broached. In public and most circles.
Of course the turn back would be so, "when the tipping?". Where's the promised 'coming'? Bible talks and Jesus return, that 'scoffers will come'. Same mass reaction with the what's really happening in the West. That which would erupt through the facade. And scoffers will be shamed. Not good. Debilitating. Not healthy prep.
Actually re-write this: Same mass, middle-class and educated lots, reaction. Those who think/sound/care. Think a bit clever and smart. The rest lack these levels of hypocrisy.
Two thoughts why the delay? One is the obvious resilience of the illusion. Faith. Sustained best-can, through instinctive, collective agreement, to take part. While it's fun-fun-fun and until the remote hideaways are ready to inhabit. For them lot.
Smashing through the red lights what should be crashing, Banksters keep the lights on.
The other is about the paradoxical danger this causes. No rock-bottom and repentance makes for increasing risks on final health.
In other words the sooner we fall the less distance this will be. The more this persists on as is, the more damage done. Not that much is building and the downs are evident and widespread. Yet, fake news-making continues and mantra believed, covers for the criminals.
Very, very bad, and sowing psychological turmoil. The in-denial and psychotic reactions to come will be horrendous . We will go down. Horrible and hard and to who knows what levels? A disentanglement of the deception. A word for this is apocalypse. Revealing and pulling back the curtains. Is this hopeful?
Because -- believe and sure -- God is alive and well. Present and able. The Church subsumed by the World, will here/there, could and can, arise and pray up. Madness to an outsider, get that. But if the case and the Bible not a sky-god fantasy -- we have some better's ahead, post-down and in repentance.
PCR conclusion is 1 + 1 = 2. Mine is, 2 can become a door open, not all about shut.