Whatever It Takes
It's a narky nasty piece. A Paul Craig Roberts re-post. Suits his urgent in a wilderness cry. Not one for the sweet pill.
After quotes, the writer John W. Whitehead begins with; Life in America has become a gut-wrenching, soul-sucking, misery-drenched, demoralizing existence.
Roberts titles in barbed and shocking resignation; 'Is It Too Late for Nonviolent Means to Restore American Liberty?'
Squeeze something positive out of this will be a one-er.
Regardless of accuracy and all the comparisons of old, someone's an unashamed alarmist. Freaked out and not reluctant to express the upsetting call to care and fight with all we've got.
Do what must and anyhow, in proposing it's time to recognise: whatever it takes. All the while, a backdrop of relative indifference. The onslaught of media-led 'business as normal' hypnotism.
Wonder why? What drives the rare upfront and public soldiers who won't give up? Why not retire and accept the odds when no-one much is listening? Or, in this case, reading.
The converted and choir are all with it -- but as for the 99.99%? (UK figures).
These 'older gents' (and gent-esses) are often, the... most-angry ones. Seeking for decades to offer measured political analysis, now so distressed, sound, oh so... extreme.
Pushing for radical action. Letting go and lashing out. Pushing hard, far, and failing to 'calm down and carry on'.
Desperate. Not prepared to moderate and hope for what they consider, the dreamy and unrealistic. Unable to envision anything but the death of what we now expect is a given and freedom. Unless...
Equalling; a whole lot more than current 'take it easy' and 'see how it goes'.
Whitehead quotes 'The Gulag...':
How we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if … during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but...
The but and when.
This -- the boiling frog question.
Sniggering back, comes mocking, it's all too much "woe is us" and overstating the trouble 'we' are in. Underestimating the long-long... long and at the worst, languishing decline, taking decades and beyond most of us.
So here and something good? There are some 'elders' taking a lead.
How the younger ones are in need of these words. To pretend they don't carry something weight and age-wise is more dumbo 2019 stupidity. Can you hear it?: "Why get hyped up when there's the brevity of life to contend with. Enjoy and hope for the best. Please don't waste time on the futility of effecting social come political change. Pissing in the wind, vain bravado etc, etc."
Do you hear this sickness of the soul and mind? Fooled by fake fate and some supposed cosmic inevitability. Dim-wit dupes.
Might be living it large and lovely but when the tipping point and wake-up shocking hits? At what stage in the Gulag Archipelago/Brave New World proceedings?
How the image of the geezer in central London standing grim and with his placard 'the end is nigh' is a mocking cliche. Could be the ultimate one? Actually, a more recent generation and it's that 'keep calm and carry on'. The sign to psyop and spin into sedation.
Screwy and sick.
Or, as the Ramones sang; 'I-Wanna-be sedated'. Crack (the drug) has hundreds around these parts gagging for little else. The grubbier of hooks but there are haze-makers and buzzers galore to keep us docile.
Is this post more moan and groan going nowhere hopeful?
No: Positive is -- Men and Women of age and sense are getting louder and will not rest or shut-up. Take the lead and be first and look we follow to:
Get mad, get outraged, get off your duff and get out of your house, get in the streets, get in people’s faces, get down to your local city council, get over to your local school board, get your thoughts down on paper, get your objections plastered on protest signs, get your neighbors, friends and family to join their voices to yours, get your representatives to pay attention to your grievances, get your kids to know their rights, get your local police to march in lockstep with the Constitution, get your media to act as watchdogs for the people and not lapdogs for the corporate state, get your act together, and get your house in order.
Oldies and goldies. We have a few good men and women who love and won't give up.