What We're Seeing is...
"...is that somewhat accurate?"
"It's completely wrong."
Pieczenik punching. When he's on it, he's on it. Sometimes don't watch/listen to him but when THIS happens, more-mad-warring, he's an intellectual flame-thrower. Might be the only voice reaching the many millions and echelons c/o AJ. Although his lot, mostly choiring along but will still rattle those pretending a. The flags aren't false and b. Trump is different.
For newer associated ones. A reminder of Jones-boy's roots and albeit rarer, unsettling voices, that insist on overturning the moderate, Left/Right, Muslim/not, blunt dialogue.
Think this one ten minute or so talk, will be a thank-God upsetter for some and permission for multitudes to properly dump Trump. If for no other reason, than this week's disastrous military expansion.
Noted Steve, didn't include with CIA – "and Mossad" his understandable and honest, 9/ll assessment. Called grace. Give 'em a break. Saying enough. To those with Israel-first sensitivities on high-alert.
Last night played a live-stream of a worship group, no one watching, more like a rehearsal and a young gal began praying – very well at that – for Israel. And yes, for the salvation of Jews and all, is all-right. But can tell there's a clash of theological kingdoms afoot.
"It's all about 9/11..." is Steve talk and so utterly precision thinking.
So Mr T, has set up the grandest political disappointment for who knows how far back? That he 'knows' and would resist mindless/contrived and intentional – destruction. What a let-down. Betrayal is the word. And blaming the 'deep state' is the new cliched cop-out.
Donald could resign. Have some personal honour and thereby make a statement. Let the blatant dogs of war take over. There's a reasonable call to suggest, that the way of Brexit and Trump would have served truth and justice better, to have rallied more thorough opposition, if those votes had gone/been fraud-ed – the other way?
Those T. speeches and online claims, No-More-War without have-to reasons. All those piled out, voted him in, and now. Turnaround Trump has achieved one thing. Something that was seen when Ron Paul seemed to pull back at his last Prez-attempt and more recently the Trump debacle in the attack on Syria.
You can't expect anything from anyone in the swamp.
Now fair-do's Ron Paul, Paul Craig Roberts, a small handful of voices with credentials from the same scene, will slam and roar but the list is short. Perhaps, Trump'll leave and at last, talk more like before.
Lock-step UK MP-like will sheeply bleat. At best show mild disquiet. Where a Tony Benn or ANY mainstream commentator? Press? Anyone got guts?
Oh I know. Comes with the job description and 9/11 is an outside job. Alt. right and left, dumb and dumber. How about church-folk? Men with hats? Na-da.
NO ONE wants to get it.
And so the media, so the public. So the arts and culture-makers. So it goes, so it goes.
There is NO intellectual credibility for those who pretend the towers 'fell'?
Not even debatable? Well would be but the smart won't. Dare not.
Pride wounds, too painful. Ideological overlay, too precious.
Ne'er forget: 911-the Crime that Will End the Empire.
Always comes back to three or four buildings. The symbolically sourcing for perpetual mass-slaughter.
The demons' womb.
Ay, take some hope. One only need to confess. And some more, and some more. What suffering might we see diminish. Bursting the banks and forcing repentance.
While going along, is speaking for hell. And note to the saints: All who are silent have no place in today's Confessing Church.