What really matters in the Middle East? (Robert Fisk interview)
And what matters, what are people after?
Two words: Dignity and Justice.
Increasingly impatient in listening/watching commentators. This not only gets past that but demands a rewind. Think I need elements of disagreement to stir me. This first-class teaching is eked out by just the right interviewer. Reading Robert, if I dare look at, The - less and less by the month - Independent, sometimes exacts a groan, albeit with my less-educated come reasonable doubts. I sometimes ‘yelp’ here’s true-talk, is that allowed?
Robert’s age helps, ‘been-there’ helps, gracious and measured helps. A learned balance for reconsideration, writing - and prayer. Oh this is help. This latest interview is moving and strangely, considering what’s revealed, bearing hope.
I don’t have hope the occasional wider descriptions re the powers are as correct as could be, but his historical and human reportage is galvanizing. If mainstream-feeding, virtual, hypnosis, is childish simplicity, I have to watch my own reduction to a counter-version.
This side of the fence will struggle to open-ears to someone who talks power-block-nation independence while ignoring global re-ordering, particularly for the strong/est cabal/s. As for - entirely expected - amping up Osama’s boys flew the planes etc, of course he ‘knows otherwise' but chooses to ‘see’ it that way, for all number of reasons. Pilger comes to mind, there are others: A mainstream, backstream of resistance to lies.
Of course we’d like Globalist and false-flag provisos, or at least say nothing/deny nothing stances, but this is pre-contemplation, contemplation talk.
Good soil, in and for, the shocking coming together.
I'd like to write more about this interview but it’ll doubtless come out without acknowledgement.
Robert is a voice we ought to hear.
Who’s heeding? Who’ll take encouragement to step up? This a wonder... and hope.
Source: http://aanirfan.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/robert-fisk-middle-east.html