Water Pt. 4
Why change the press-publish and complete mode? For fandango compadre and notification jump-on'rsclosed at 3.45 pm.
Water is a latest revelation (for me). Apart from dogged, independent, genuine scientific endevour; it's full of parallels, metaphors, and the symbolic. A shocking mind opener and count as part of the unfolding-for-good.
2023 has been a contrived lull in the proceedings and blatant flag-waving for the technocratic attempt to takeover. Plays into our instinctive desire for a breather and time-off. Understandable but an enemy tactic. News up brings the battle-front and puts our war on a more serious footing. Can tell those who've been less-alarmed are beginning to quake at the cash question.
Canada and USA (on July 4th 2023) are bringing on the digital currency and going for the lock-up. The intention is to bully and gather a united front of country-states to end freedom to speak through commercial transactions with oversight and restriction. We have everything to win or lose, over these prospective moves?
The ramping up upsets, and should.
What's real and less-seen in looks away is no good. At all.
Not facing the battle ahead and employing glib hope is no-hope, again, at all. To sit and do nothing, (aka don't care, enough...) is building for inner loss and a pitiful outlook. We can at least and best, talk and share with whosoever and appropriate, as an act of defiance and gain gravitas. We can stop being silly and thinking like dreamy children playing pretend. A performance to the lies is devoid of maturity and sense. We will manifest the screwing up of our soul and body/minds as the war intensifies, if we've shut our mouths and made zero moves to prepare and resist.
The mysteries of water somehow rejuvenates life and how, there's more than we think we know, going on? Speculation about its deeper components, the indications of an infused marvel and manner, is more signage this world isn't a blank and empty-material oblivion.
We so need to see more, than the reductionist paradigm that gets thrown at us.
The good and 'God' is coming out, along with the dark side. In-between two opposing directions are the malleable masses.
Find the stuffed up extremes are as reactionary be it; anti-dualism, relativism-rules, pantheism all-oneness believers; as the Christians suspicious of the unknown and prospective claims there are remarkable truths for consideration; as the hard-liner materialist and adherence to establishment 'science'; or the done-in with apathy and 'eat, drink, be merry and die' advocates and hedonism.
James Delingpole on a salient rampage against time wasting and the belligerent, cuts through crap:
[These rules are not especially onerous.] In a nutshell, they come down to ‘Don’t treat your host like a ****’. More specifically, they include strictures like: try not to stray too far off-topic (or at least be duly apologetic when you do so); don’t bore on too relentlessly and stridently about your hobby horses (hard-core flat-earthers and hard-core anti-flat-earthers are the worst); don’t try to tell me what the rules of the channel are because if you want to do that go and set up your own channel and see how far you get; don’t state with aggressive certainty stuff you don’t know to be true, especially when you haven’t looked into the counter arguments.1
The openness of their demonic-led plans are clear in Agenda 21 and updated 2030 version. God has an answer but it requires response.
On one side are a few thousand people. A small percentage of that cohort in the heart of the cult and the directors. The alternative is the same tiny number in a mode of repentance (open and mind-changing where the truth leads) and at the tip the outspoken and, ...people who pray.
Get that God-talk-to claim is contentious but don't care and make it. The aim on Truthscoop is to get practical and material-based and will post in that direction. The helpful on a physical or thinking score requires change. Happy to wave my mistakes in thinking and action and struggles and going ahead. Bored with my mundane and mediocre attitude.
Body and Soul is what we need truth about and for? The next months and few years will wipe out many into a fallen mess. The squeeze through physical, (including the psychological), troubles will bring out what's inside us.
What we can become is a God-calling opportunity? Takes courage, humility and bothering to seek truth and love. OK, the L. word is a tough one. Bullshit in that name is a despairing reality. As say, God sorts me..., at least enough and growing up and more so in the rest and the rally on.
“It is easier to ride on the back of a tiger than to climb off it.” This Russian proverb, which appears at the beginning of Dr. Harold Hillman’s last ever book, sums up the current state of our scientific establishment. Whether medicine, physics, or archaeology, all facets of scientific research rest on certain dogmas. In essence, what this proverb is saying, is that it’s easier to carry on perpetuating falsities than it is to admit you were wrong, drop everything and start again from scratch. This is exactly what has happened with modern medicine. They can’t climb off the tiger because there is too much at stake. Too much money and too many reputations.2
Long ago in trusting 'science' was and is the genuine scientific method employed to observe, test and discover had dismissed hemopathy out of hand. Nagging doubts after an initial testimony from a well-to-do woman. She'd been overseas and told her son was too ill to travel with a condition looking life-threatening and was deteriorating. The country she was in lacked better-off(?) medical resources and in desperation turned to a homeopathist. In 48 hours he was sitting-up in bed and credited it as the solution. Hence her volunteering into a project that was recipient.
Not making any final conclusions on homeopathy as haven't re-investigated but use to illustrate the doubts in my dismissal and too small a trace of the supposed beneficial elements to affect the physical on the basis. Couldn't imagine water has 'memory' or made up of other undetectable qualities.
Appears that scientific detection is grasping at evidence water is a whole lot more than the assumed flat and dead-like molecule structure.
The discovery that there's a lot more to it than popular assumptions is opposition to the oppression.
It's truth..., or at least in potential and another cover-up. An honest look is in defiance of an allegiance to false paradigms and the lie of less and life. Against lazy and subservient behaviour.
Years ago and again, shoved-away, was a Truthstream Media presentation on Dr.Masara Emoto. The contention through photographs was about how observation and/or sound and human influences can, or seems to affect, the qualities and health of the water?
Will re-look and think more on water.
Shows me there's material on mechanisms and means to uphold as God/Bible claims. Yep, tis the 'glory of God to conceal' and humility should temper over confidence the search is complete. YET.., we're told, that to have God in us, which is the mind of Christ, can be the source of all manner of hidden mysteries. The Holy Spirit is the bringer and 'breath' within of God and truth.
No one can say it doesn't matter to know what's true and healthy, wise and beneficial. Glanced email and saw an aggregate blog/email update display a Daily Mirror headline: 'Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why'. Oh yeah, no ideas?
History is a way to know what's happening and motivation to shake and shape up. Convinced World War One and Two should drive us to action. The unexpurgated details of these times are this generations legacy of lies. The biological is the contemporary outworking and culmination. Who are we..., is a fundamental question? We're dissuaded from thinking we can know anything substantial or there's much to it, i.e. we're animals with brains in jungle and chaos.
History is the big unexpected revelation. Truths that get submerged by contemporary agendas are often all there in a misunderstood figure from the past.
Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases, as we do now, as separate entities, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a clean and dirty condition. I have seen with my eyes and smelt with my nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in close rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been ‘caught’, but must have begun.
Florence Nightingale3
Getting long and tangled up so to close:
Not true, but at least an honest hypothesis to indicate where reality exists always points to a biblical position.
Looked in vain to find the overturning challenge, not found. There's nothing to be suspicious about and the LIGHT. It's darkness and the obscured, incoherent, the intolerant of open talk and public reasoning that diminishes.
Water speaks of our 'think-know and don't' attitude. Think 'doesn't matter' and it's bring out the toys and sweeties to thumb-suck. Who has the biggest and most toys doesn't win anything in any stakes worth considering.
Water is imbued, fizzling, saturated and full of life as the life-giver who created it gave. Sure am into pushing the Bible God and yes, drives all the woolly-headed pansy, pussy children in big-bodies away. KNOW its not about how I come across, as the difference returns back, and varies across the range and pop., from all kinds of different persuasions.
As Delligpole notes it's 'hard-core flat-earthers and hard-core anti-flat-earthers are the worst'.
Find one Pagan am in contact with is weird and can't help but repel under the pretense, where as a couple of others are as warm as the sun. Mention and 'Pagans' because it's with out doubt a certain hard-core religiousness and bound-up believer that gets miffed-down and wonky.
The new religion is modern medicine. Oh yep, there be the giant zealots. These 'appeal to authority'-ites are driven to disgust and any question on what's gone on, turn mad with rage. Press, and the pricks come out. Spiky to get any thought that their god of medicine isn't the saviour.
Rattlin' and tis three thirty ish. Don't want to go a week not-post. In June have a new blog/site to accompany soon-as, can get on streets and see some action. Gospel of John on offer and pray for sick/drive out demons... raise the/some, dead/ones.
North of England and October at the earliest.
Water and these newer theories are an encouragement to heat up (sauna) and cool down (cold showers). Drink the cleansed version and do plenty. ALL we most need is strength to live up and not down in the downturns and...?
We don't know God can't turn up in such a way to disrupt the cash-less end of life as we've (in recent decades) known it. The chance and opportunity is there. Conviction to pray and pray on, and on, and... for the children to have that future and freedoms adults have known is in the balance.
The water of life is the solution, the question and ...amen.