War Is On The Horizon
Good morning and Paul Craig Roberts. Read slow and his latest. War is... Read it again.
What next? Or, when and war -- is this, the question. Both-sides come all-sides, one pair of hands arguments can only stand so much. Enough contrary-looking interaction places too much on crisis acting. J. Public at an event claiming causalities is one thing but the Govt. bosses -- yes, they do, but how far and where do the borders begin?
People can change their minds. Or forced to, do treble-crosses, claim dual allegiance. Can hear one critic's voice, mocking 'three-dimensional chess' talk as a cover for theatre. How about both/and? One month here, next closed doors internal meet -- "let's go... there". Make deals, break etc.
Difficult here not to think there's too much dialogue -- primarily Putin and co. -- that sounds all too genuine. Especially reading the March 1st speech and interviews.
The need to increase military spending on the public via some voting reps. Get this needs action stations but are there those mad-enough ones up for the cull? As many are right-to exclaim, and all but all killed. Requires religious motivation or suicidal intentions and that press-button able in the cabal. Are they ready for the bunkers and no-return moves?
Too easy to a. think not going to happen, because... because, it 'feels' like, this is too much. But what about the false-flag that pushes them too far. Look at this current UK need to escalate and to what? A most telling quote from Putin surmised 'no Russia' isn't a world worth having. How about trying to starve Russia. Rob overseas assets. Lock off and tie up? Is this an equivalent?
So a. is about feelings and fingers crossed. b. reckons on a limited exchange. Somehow take a whack but pull-back. Keep it all in the West cares-little, Middle East.
On this, there's a film out in Syria, Revolution Man, that's about; ...a journalist who enters Syria illegally in order to take pictures and videos of the war in Syria in search of fame and international prizes, and after failing to reach his goal, he resorts to helping the terrorists to fabricate an incident using chemical materials, with the aim of turning his photos into a global event.
BBB has already speculated on a soon-coming 'event'. PCR reports on the probable prep. On this he asks; Don’t expect to hear anything about this in the totally discredited Western presstitute media, which is a propaganda ministry for war.
Repeating a line here; Those who say, "everything's a false-flag..." blah blah blah. As though this shows smartness and circumspect. When the very need to make false-flags -- whatever else why -- is to take us to war. To kill all can and/or lock all complaining and protesters up. More like, everything leads from false-flags.
The first two w.wars engineered by our supposed-allies. No change. This time there seems a need to oppress in the open. Not hide but be up-front and lie. Knowing there's sufficient "so..." with enough duping along think-intellectual types condoning the respectable line. A not over-disguised scam.
Babbling me/here/// Best stop. Suffice to add, there's likely in the top-tier and all in one Govt. and media, a controlling lie. Quick and not-best example, say; "aliens are..." etc. etc. Something. Their little secret they whisper about and justify their ways. Might be a bunch of different lines. What these do is compel the cynical driving on. Somehow this links into intentional self-disclosure.
Paul ends War Is On The Horizon with the following:
There is no greater threat to life on earth than Washington. Constraining Washington’s determination to destroy life on earth is the greatest challenge humanity has faced. If we fail, we all die, every one of us and all creatures.
Despite Russia’s military superiority, the humanity of the Russian government places it at a disadvantage as there is no concern for humanity in Washington.
Again and slow. Then know why do/say/something... me/pray.
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