Wales 1904
The following is a short-scrappy blab on church, I write it for those not familiar. Sort of.. social history, from an all wrapped-up participator.
For for those sure-no-god, or keep it “spiritual not religious” (whatever that means?) yet, aren’t complacent about the gang causing most of the global terror. Even you, might accept this could make a difference, truthers battling for liberty?
Depending that is, that they join - and are good news.
If there’s one scoop of truth I believe we need, it is, Revival. Somewhere. The UK would make a certain strategic sense. Stumbling blocks; Globally-common, cultural/church, baggage. But hey, if it happens, that would be because enough of this would’ve been minimised or, not present enough, to keep God getting through in sufficient power. It would also preclude there being enough proper praying. The - Question.
‘The term ‘revival’ is too often devalued in some Charismatic and/or Pentecostal Church circles, in the understandable need to see it happen. Therefore, what looks like it could be, gets called such, when evidentially isn’t, compared to ones from a century ago and back, through to the ‘Book of Acts’.
If it happens? Normal, certainly many and much, contemporary church-ways should, and would be, interrupted. One major to overcome, is taking any shoots and turning it into the who-knows-what claimed versions, in the last thirty years. This in the more Pentecostal, of the now overarching Charismatic scene.
They call them ‘outpourings’. I remain agnostic about them (at best). The quandary here is; these are the many of the keenies looking for it but - for all the postulations of being - ‘free in the Spirit’ auto-pilot into old school religion without blinking. On that? Not all and completely ‘don’t-do’s bad’ but, I can’t see it bringeth what’s needed.
And on this, wakey, wakey to the real world? “Not while we’re singing and encountering and getting all-healed-up and/or delivered”.
Prior to this wave of occasional shin-digs, over the previous thirty (1960-90), was a generally more quantifiable, longer-term renewal, with... those... ‘signs following’ (ok, supposedly ones...).
Here’s my plea-up: Could not, the best aspects - my kind of perspectives - combine with revelation about the real levels of MSM lies and whys?
Here’s the trap, that holds many back, (not all/thankfully the shift is on/but so are brick walls up):
In the NT they knew. Knew empire and who was the Beast. Couldn’t not. John wrote a book about it. About Nero, first and foremost, with allusions to every emerging, take-over the world-capturing tyrant to come. All in a final Nero-rising from the dead cataclysmic final battle and new heaven and earth (please nb. the last word). Christians who believe otherwise, (written later, John in his maybe 90's and obv. not, in and about 70 AD) - not a prob. There’s multiple and you can mix-up takes - but, let it take feet off the fighting accelerator? Now - it - undoubtedly, is.
I can’t see or read the Bible any other way, than to see, the clear and contextual declaration, that waking to Christ, would also see the blinkers removed about the true, truth about today’s dominant global empire. This would require one and all to stand outside the confines of being co-opting by stereo-typical liberal or conservatives viewpoints. The millions of Evangelicals, numbers awake? No mainstream leader-calling out. Chuck and a handful. One who’s a big name in the heart, of what crits dub Charismania, went on Alex Jones a couple of years ago, and - shtumph in any public expression otherwise.
I call that a prophetic sign.
How revival would throw the contemporary landscape, significant numbers finding unmistakable God. Bible poetry turning into words of power. Remarkable conviction through unmistakable, un-fussed with, activity of God.
Where they go out from there trying and do good to one an all. Info-prayer-warrioring.
Weep for, or what?
The last time revival happened with most authenticity/happened at all/in many respects, was in Wales 1904-5. Albeit easy to idealistic retrospect but still, not without huge merit and a contender to query a sceptic.
Imitation, might be the sincerest form of flattery but it depends if productive and not on a nostalgic cul-de-sac. Oh for the way off the evangelical roundabout?
Here’s a quickly found synopsis.
A coupla snippets:
During the spring of 1904 a young Welshman named Evan Roberts was repeatedly awakened at 1:00 a.m. He met with God until 5:00 a.m. The Welsh revival followed. Churches were packed for prayer meetings. In a prayer meeting for young people, Pastor Joseph Jenkins asked for testimonies. A young girl named Florrie Evans, who had only been a believer a few days, rose and with a trembling voice said simply, "I love Jesus with all my heart." The other young people's hearts were melted. A powerful spiritual awakening that brought 100,000 people to Christ was under way.
God used young Evan Roberts to spark the new fires of revival. He was not the human leader of the revival, however. In fact, no one human leader directed it. Evan was extremely conscious of divine leadership during the momentous events of the Welsh revival. He said, "This movement is not of me, it is of God. I would not dare direct it...It is the Spirit alone which is leading us" (Ellis, Living Echoes, Delyn Press).
Some have said that God chose Roberts because he lacked all the usual characteristics often found in human leaders...
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