Time To
A while back wrote my 'latest intentions' was to talk more about God on Truthscoop. Evangelism. Reasons for my hope. Instead, carried on social commentating with Plant a Seed being whatever it is morning-times.
Keep telling myself Truthscoop is talk about politics and culture but feeling the need to firmly reappraise. Act on. And write more on God and leave on-going comments about the 'world' un-republished as posts/here.
Recently began a 'web fast' only visiting the handful of sites I might comment on, i.e. Crimes, Bedlam, Aangirfan, Tap, 21WIRE, Darkmoon and Memory Hole. And all of Paul Craig Roberts.
For news, quick looks at Drudge, RT and Infowars. Sensing too much viewing and with two twitter accounts, a discerning glance at one of those I subscribe to on you tube, maybe UKColumn. Occasional tweeted link.
All and enough is…
Now gotta get on to 'God' talk more.
'To know' is my increasingly desperate need. And therefore, in more-becoming attuned and enveloped – exercise the gifts and undertake my one calling above all else. Pray-a-lot.
Plant a Seed; public prayer requests and prophecy attempts, Truthscoop; theology for outsiders.
Need to not care if posts are short. Nor if reads so-right/or how regular.
Recognise I ramble and too diffident. “Mumble” the one person I confer with about my comments/truthscoop-posts remarked.
I believe in the power of words unseen. That God does something with them and in angelic-like realms those forces against love and goodness are done down – somehow unhinged… Jesus spoke of 'loosing'.
Resistance to 'wake-up' isn't all about rational psychology and culture. It's about one-on-one battles for our mind. The reason the world is quaking towards imprisonment and destruction is witnessed through saints of old (not seems 'new' so much) and Biblical mandate, something to be addressed and overcome. We need an urgent and influential awakening and some holy revival. Not sure in which order but the second one cannot come without involving the first.
This isn't 1916.
Church is floundering about; from Progressives to Charismatics, Liberals to Traditionalists. Different strengths but all sharing truther-denying weaknesses. Those that can spell NWO are overwhelmingly determined-determinist's, insistent God's full and final return, is the only plan.
If '1984' isn't supposed to be an instruction manual, the Book of Revelation isn't supposed to be a map but a compass. And for those not caught in that one, it's conversely not written in pretending our previous recent generations of relative peace will remain.
'Revelation' is for preppers. It is in reading out loud, as with the Bible all-through, the means to assert unseen liberation. And so goes our world. Or not? Reading can be sowing, combined with faith. Groaning prayer, more the same, worship, songs – alone me and God – and when the Spirit moves…
'Alone' but not. This me.
That's me in the corner… that's me...
I'll continue to add links at the bottom of posts that repeat my repetitive rants.
Interested in latest ones, suggest you look @scooptruth where I'll post the links to comments.
'Time is short' – need to make the most.
Later update: Will make the most of some already written material. Use comments written over the past couple of years as a springboard into investigating theological aspects. Add something – hopefully – in featuring/linking the post itself. Bit easier. James is often reposting oldies, so that got me thinking… probably the best way.