Thus Saith
In Bush junior's late period, natter among Govt. high-ups wasn't kind toward conservative evangelicals. Anecdotal evidence came out eavesdropping the lowdown. How 'they smile in your face/all the time they want to take your place/the back stabbers'.
White House visits pleased neo-con-ish Christian's snug with Jesus in high-places theology. Yet, the re-appraisal and reckoning was the moral majority, darn-gone, been had. Lots of Prezzie promise, little rigour and reality.
Then came Obama. Timely in a divide and emerging ,revitalised, small but influential progressive evangelical wing. Fueled-by and participating in the elections, helped unite up their gathering cause. All out in backlash-Bush. With Marx made prophet, battling for increasing new civil-rights.
Found legs through 90's local church disenchantment. The symbolic parting with the quake and quivering and said 'blessing from Toronto'. Leading to an exodus toward thoughtful and circumspect evangelicalism on a gentler tip. Hands down and go Celtic. An emphasis on sober study and deconstruct the trouble with Charismatic Church.
Merry-go-round; Progs go Dems, Cons into Repubs. Marching right/left, right/left and ever bigger Govt. and off to wars we go. Only, almost a divergence, and the brief libertarian upsurge with Ron Paul. This self-sabotaged in the early primaries.
Bill to speak: 'I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here. I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs. I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking. Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets'.
What am I on about/where going?
Trumpistan has become a bridge. All his fake this 'n that giving permission, with enough Zionist cover, for the Right brigade to come out. Still part-muted and with spins that suit, are talking about the criminals of empire. Conspiracies even, that evangelicals generally shy from getting detailed about. Or talking and open.
Resilient and more pro-Tumpers -- not so churchy-types -- allowing these voices on air to spark up, "God's in this". Increasing numbers, getting wider than normal, internet exposure. Feeling safe to somewhat talk political and not on home-ground. With miraculous-Trump-in, the calling card.
No idea where Trump and God at. Inspired the man to run? Intervened and here-be a sincere and willing one? To do what?
BUT... on; 'God put in -- period' and for-sure achieve XYZ, disregards the conditional.
Jumps to all assured and sign, sealed, delivered. Mine eyes have seen... not 'what could' -- but already done and (has) happened. Those claiming God's exhaustive foreknowledge, are saying they've seen what'll take place. Impossible, not to happen. Not ...if? These are skip-ahead and bring-back visions.
In fairness all who hold to this timeless for-God reality should remain consistent. Why not 'see' tomorrow?
There can only be two counter-arguments: the future isn't always settled or if incorrect outcomes, the seer saw wrong? Issues are and claims made but are they happening and substantiated?
Any Trump-hope, has for me, depleted near all-gone. Two redeeming possibilities; Stop world-warring ahead and prosecute the child abuse/murderers. Are we mistaking the handfuls of celebs and relatively less serious, come ridiculous, as action stations?
On war? Nope -- no change. No indications, except claimed bad cop/good cop at work to win support. Only other line, is more of a top-floor pretend and posturing, across all large nations/blocks?
Yet, people are being bombed and imprisoned and where's the Trump-care? With some stats, showing more US killing, than ever.
But millions and overnight? Most likely if-scenario, steps taken pre, a more fast-acting full-on global economic collapse.
On the elite rings of death and surrounding big industry? Escalate and undertaking supposed because of Trump, research shows is debatable and nothing new. Claimed upsurge in prosecution figures, seem to be massaged or misunderstood. Wave of busts are not what's claimed by certain saints and celebrating -- or prophesying, no less -- signs fulfilled.
As for us open-view believers, there's plenty going on. Discover God is truly active and anticipating but not without contingents -- and this, us. Intricate and immense maneuvers but within implicit freedoms.
God has us down and a load of moves ahead, to amazing degrees. Meticulous set-ups can become future happenings. The differences and a futurist's take, are about elements of faith, obedience and battling of prayer. And here's m'crux; when believe occurring, not a comprehensive stamp of God-approval .
God is working in and about, not spectating, because all done.
As for Trump and co -- God in? Not likely viewed as a yes or no. More if/wherefore and complex mix. As for these voices of Zion, respect and they've stuck their claims up. What if/though/no show?
"God showed me Don's cleaning the swamp?" Oh yeah? And sure, expectations, currently peaking. Certainly God wants the lock-ups. Will and how much can we pray is the Biblical decisive mover. This and brave step-up survivors and whistle-blowers. Not least, cops etc. with conscience and courage enough.
Most fanciful is the latest star voice prophesying "prosperity coming the US". This undoubtedly belying graphs and data-mining. Not even a bit of wealth but the exceptionalism of tons and plenty more than all. Again, what/if not so?
Boy, this a set-up to stumble, all those convinced. But hey, can't say I got down-on and anything like enough to hear so much. All am sayin'? If we prophecy we should be honestly accountable for our 'thus saith...'.
And Donald being told he's walking into destiny? Assuming believes this? Pros and cons? Leave it here...
Couldn't find an article to scoop about. Any out there are slag-off the scammers, in position.
Write to read and rise-up out my slumbering. Need to hear God and have my backwaters of the internet go. Why? To speak and pray through. Not say and stand back.