This Land
Fracking battles and fuel, was always about this land, is whose land?
Tap's appropriate editorial begins; Decided yesterday. Justice Morgan ruled that INEOS can keep their injunction in place – any form of direct action against fracking will be regarded as contempt of court, leading to jail or seizure of assets to compensate Ineos (no appeal possible). And Ian Crane's update, couldn't be clearer.
The upside is Fracking leads to Geo-engineering, and this to the circles and dots. The one-up, against a devastating forceful of downs. Push too hard and what do you get? Sleepy middle-class, disposed to steering clear of what's deemed, a 'confusing' bigger picture. Asking, "how come" justice is so absent? Leads on to, "what next?"
Not even justice and final outcomes but a process. Allowing for reasonable defence and protest. Pushed up the hierarchy of courts on appeal. These the battles that depend on who/how many join the war?
Fracking is like antisemitism, used to shut-down all like Ian Crane. The few and all UK have, between today's relative freedom and the cell door slamming shut.
2018 -- set to be seminal and facing/resisting these dual punches. 'Hate' and free-speech online. Physical gathered opposition at the 'camps'.
As if we're in a crash, in slow motion. We can see where this is going but what/do? Ian and the no-frackers defy the question with costly action.
Live in a bag, tent and cold. Wake up stand before the awkward security jostling the people. Try to pull off about ideologies of wealth creation necessity vs. greenies being fussy.
About land grab any ol' how.
A highly-debatable cost-effective form of energy-making second and cover for.
All about financial greed? The motive of upfront owning-industry participators. Behind them are those who 'want the world and want it noowww'.
Forget wells and shares. Gazillions of quids. It's for no-more, anything-like, ownership of land. Legal and lost. The never-returning conquest. Once invading armies. Now for the Central Banksters and their operatives, who get yachts and islands. The new slave traders and plantation owners.
Fracking is where the rot tips above. Most mainstream relevant concern.
The door is open. The door is shutting. This next year, the gap is for filling, or losing?
This type-here, if anything, to encourage any rare reader, have-a-go. Join the digital choir. But output impact isn't first and why, self stir-up is. Must. Or what's that 'saying' and psychologically doing?
What's doing is a fracking front-line.
Update not on Rt, the lot. Re
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