The Story Here
'The story here...' James on Crimes of Empire begins The Dallas Police Shootings and without hesitating for some hindsight – breaks down a plausible plot-line. One that, I compared on 21WIRE to those we pour over in fiction:
Fast-up and deep talk. Yes we can. Oh... yes. 'Crimes of Empire' is – not-unusual – all on it, with tough attention and bold speculation. Bigger picture will be trawled over – but the incident itself? How come T.V. Drama is dominated with crime-scene escapades and who-did-what details? When comes to ones thrown at us from the streets? Non-Fiction(?). “Happens-how?” – gets a quick synopsis and off we go… on to the consequences. Noting the 'not-prepared to fast-forward on 21CW'. Right and proper. We should comment this through. OK Putin's statements and Syria's bombardment are more important but we have a population in a dream and these nightmares might develop into the bump in the night.
'Crimes' comment: I just don’t look this way straight-off. As soon as I saw your email/post notification my heart sank. Had thought, so here we go again; suspect falsely engineered but not full-psy-op act? Somehow, don’t want to deal with any more suspected deception, more awkwardness at the attention. (As if I have anyone much looking or caring). More watching, a watching world yawn – and turn channels.
Came in from a short prayer-walk. Had happe’d upon two verses, Amos and ‘whole communities captured’ and Jesus on ‘eating/drinking, as in days of Noah’. I dunno… is the wide and deep mental imprisonment – capturing, tailored to social/cultural communities; ‘with the principalities, with the authorities’ – more upsetting, than the ‘here-we-go-kick-off’ outcomes of this ‘event’?
Initially assumed, at least most-probable, manufactured but causalities as – believed – in previous ‘attacks’ yet, have still not read or seen this confirmed about those other big-news stories. So now here?
This morning/on Tap, wrote about suspected agitators, bragging some stupidity, that included; ‘Must be hordes of justifiable or otherwise angry, ripe for the take and care-not, up for making some money and destruction. Genuine or not, re the above, pray they go too-open and get caught. Perilous divide-up all this. All we (don’t)need now is a UK race-bait. But how can we not believe – next? Most real-time madness I ever witnessed was all the – for once – mass of trolls, amping up the racism on youtube last-time. No censorship and barely an opposing voice. And actually v.few/virtually no, independent clips. Mobiles catching the false-flagging is important and platforms able to broadcast’.
Have they got caught here? And then – what level of obvious will it take, to blow the masses-lid? One final… the lack of subsequent people so vehemently protesting at your and others, “outrageous and categorically false claims”? Leave Dallas aside/ for now. The many killed and the 100’s of loved ones? Wouldn’t at least some-ones, write or broadcast, the most vehement cries to set the record straight?
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