The Refusers (Aangirfan isn't in the list below of websites but am obviously on it, hence the comments I make. Encouraged by the re-post/link. Grateful. Once gave them an award: Later on, 1/1/19 will be looking at 'Dissidents on You Tube'. Off the back of
Looking ahead, beyond understandable confusion and uncertainty sparks up "what's doing"? Alongside the ubiquitous "so what"? The majority chant and response.
Again, more... 'understandable'. Yet, how about the downside and 99% looking-away? The refusers slinking-off valid and important communication. Critical events and difficult reconsiderations. Right tricky stuff that responsible adults, ought to grow-up about. But... who and oh where art thou?
Lies for living in with establishment approval project comfy enough. Perspectives and evidence buried by the BBC etc. soothe and tickle. Manifests in the unwilling, to make some private noise, a given. Sniggering about any 'awake' talk and think know better.
While even more discouraging are ones who can talk-about-it ..ish but shrug and smug-on. No life to their understanding, no passion or appropriate take-up. Let alone urgency, or pressing questions, about how to prepare or rise-up? The pressuring for legality and justice?
Nope, it's a curious interest, if come across. Hobby-like. All about, it's 'over there' and not 'here'.
All about what's perceived as our need for health and safety. For the cops to "do their job". As we merge with machines and every move we make, tracked. Pinned and plugged in. New pills, new solution.
The demolition of public spaces for open and intelligent discussions about the world?
This is the conspicuous and critical news about the news and its primary intent and outcome. Set up, to set us up. We follow their lead, that this is that, and yeah go; "the news' bias but not a complete pack of crap".
The mass disconnect is the phenomenon of our Western times.
Got all the gear and opportunity and whats gone down? Creeping and creepy censorship, with "who gives a..." thrown in to seal the deal.
Much to do about manufactured de-motivation and sophisticated in-depth techniques. Full-throttle to batter us off communicating questions. Knock community-wide care, off the characteristics of nations/peoples.
Media the primary portal has affected one and all. Transmitting the 'dimbo about the criminal takeover' dis-ease. The belief we can say; "Of course I know all about this.... etc. etc." and we have a supposed antidote?
When this isn't demonstrated by openness -- but avoidance. Bolstered in this direction by peer pressure. Social or employment-based threats of punishments.
Where We At?
Brexit is a classic. Watch this little wind-up splutter on. Perfect... 'foil' (-- a word and description that fits.)
Cover, con and corruption. More the same.
S. Awan digs into and speculates in 'Trump, Brexit & the Rigged Explosions…?'
...wondering if the Powers That Be have deliberately rigged a series of explosives to rip through society and the political order: and are just waiting to trigger those explosions.
The should-be troublesome false-flag/hoax investigators have a new tactic. These two or three remaining ones, repost clips from the mainstream news. No, or little and careful, commentary. Professionals on the ground, declaring information. Witnesses to the lone killers or alleged terrorist incidents and/or the victims.
(Sorry, 'confirmed...' as the concept of 'alleged' has gone by the way in such circumstances).
Do you get the final moves to shine a light on the social media' Stasi and secret courts? Let the evidence speak for itself. Join no dots, make no verbal observations. Or, on say, 'Beat Worship', type some thoughts and place over the footage.
What then?
Taken-down or channel terminated because even under fair-use terms the producer is... implying something from the footage, which is unacceptable. Any suggested deception is verbatim and unedited of those 'involved'.
A bright call: Re-play footage and let the concerns speak for themselves.
Of course, to suggest people would lie and deceive is somehow, soooo... ridiculous... in these circumstances. As though lying stops when someone's claiming grief or pain.
Yes, this about falsey's etc. but for the most part, it's all over the media-claimed show. Every other news-story and where. The wars overseas are all fakey-driven.
Take Yemen? What do the UK Govt. approved military do? Only sell the Saudi's the weapons? No, no, no. All but pulling the trigger. Everything but.
So who is doing what and behind whom?
The Middle East is a Belt Road tie-up over all else -or- some of the seen-to-be top-tier antagonism is genuine. More than not. Unravelling a degree of the complexities and subterfuge is possible.
Whatever the most accurate, it's all not what it seems -- most of the time. Not unfathomable. Half-a-dozen or so sites talking sense, do a lot to keep the willing ones alive to credible reports. Real-er by far and what's hidden behind TV-type faking.
Bar, a truth-awakening/revival, we're marinating in full-spectrum-dominance and most peep darn-cooked. They seem beyond turn-around capacity. A whimper of acknowledgement here and there but we're in a diminishing window to oppose.
The Burning Blogger, Crimes of Empire, Paul Craig Roberts, The Saker and a glance at the headlines. The Unz is an epic gathering. Although not pleased Brendon O'Connell claims his Talpiot etc. comments got taken down.
Tougher downer than 'what's happening?' is the betrayal of humanity, by all but few, not scared to face the flags.
Back on a warm-up here for fresh expressions ongoing. Next up, an overview of some vid. channels and encouraging signs. Thanks for making the effort. Hope y'got something from.