Swearing And Screaming
What a day we live in. Shouldn't look at the internet if much at all. A draining wind-up. Scan headlines and see endless hyper-reaction progressing on to the demolition of civility. In the name of protection, taking all that does, away. The cause to sanitise, the mechanism toward an altogether rotten landscape.
We don't see it. Say 'we' = the 99%
Our freedom to express ourselves paraded before us. The cowering nanny-state in pillorying fear. There isn't the opposition. Sure, 99 becomes 90 and 80 or so, if asked leading questions but the worst is, it's championed, by the smart-set. Come over educated and oh so modern, younger or at least, with a swish upbeat attitude. It's bright to hate the haters and get our brave lawmakers on to it.
All received and brought on by modern news-based presentations. Current affairs and interviews etc. My take on the prevailing source. The injection and projection. Done a number. We've mimicked and received. The shiny idol has made us alike.
These are the damaging lost from having the whereabouts to care and shake some action. The middle-class in its decline is often most influential in social change. Today it manifests in a look and tone. A way to be positive and never question what sounds right.
(Side note; take a gander at PCR/and reader's contribution on guns.)
Instead, we've looking-sharp and smiling hipsters, standing up for a media-led Stasi. Moaning about others moaning, leading to the takeaway of all that doesn't fit. No other conclusion. Cultural Marxism until even Marx-talk disallowed.
One only hope is for counter reaction and too quick-extremes. The dangers are laws inculcated and people's rise-up under a tech-based lock down.
Authority-figures roam about, without even the little they care now. Or, is this even high on their list of motives and caring about public opinion? Do their actions show contempt and purpose in revealing the iron fist? Want we; 'love our subservience' as A. Huxley proclaimed.
Where's more than hardly-anyone up in arms.? Going on the internet and hollering. Organising local meet-ups with their fellow concerned. Why the silence?
It's what makes the challenges before us all so despairing. Lack of care and determined-carry-on. Complex why but even so, ever more shocking.
This is the cause of The Saker's swearing and screaming. Begins his piece with:
Frankly, I am awed, amazed and even embarrassed....
Talks of what Govt.s are doing. Some comparisons and even those decades back somewhat less complicit. The rule of law did matter, as did at least some degree of critical thinking.
Then comes the righteous and rightful cry; And that is not the worst thing.
The worst thing is the deafening silence, the way everybody just
looks away, pretends like “ain’t my business” or, worse, actually takes
all this grotesque spectacle seriously. What the fuck is wrong with you
people?! Have you all been turned into zombies?! WAKE UP!!!!!!!
Let me carefully measure my words here and tell you the blunt truth.
Since the Neocon coup against Trump the West is now on exactly the
same course as Nazi Germany was in, roughly, the mid 1930s.
Oh sure, the ideology is different, the designated scapegoat also.
But the mindset is 'exactly' the same.
No speculation and what's tipping his current gushing anger. Even he presumed the lies might not be so audacious, or in the way of this poisoning, used to such effect.
The school of information-submission is upon us. And Spring '18 term looks to be graduation time. Believing the unbelievable about Russia because the supposed-bosses say so. Add to this, acceptance to persecute/prosecute people with opinions that differ.
Willingness to believe the Govt. news, without the reasonable releasing of evidence, is faith.
Shut-down, aka 'sack', anyone with any-connection to Jewish opinion deemed anti-Semitic. This is anti-faith.
One; a must-believe, the other, must-not.
This needs to grow and the lack of evidence. Faith is having something that shows itself to be true or possible, yet requires belief. Actuality thus far, somehow hidden. Time to expand our consciousness to take on increasing whoppers. With enough credence to make it possible, all assuming we trust the proclaimed. All on a bet. Work that faith muscle.
By people who revel in their superiority. Authoritarians. Found all over the place but never as zealous in a smug religion called Social Care. Our well being and on behalf of.
All toward a big up and coming banger of a false-flag. Then hear the calls for "bomb 'em" over "there". Lock up, "you-choose" talk, over "here". Russia face-off and..?
The cries of the PCR and Saker's etc are the voices we must hear and act on, or there can be no more anything like the life we live. Or, could be live at all. The straight forward reading is the Russian govt. pushed to destroy or/and destroyed.
Now... there's a variant and alternative to the standard alt. view on brewing-up anti-Russia that it's all about gaming for a show over real tensions. Based on their sounding subdued yet rampant tie-ups with Israel. Dependent on claims the Tel Aviv hub for code and chips is the back of all door keys. Able to trade and terrorise with everyone/things www-data. All onward and business alliances for the 'one belt road'.
On the tip-over and US/EU goes economic under, what to do? Putin etc. forced to -- or always the intention -- to take over and run World 2.0. All down, who gets in imagined, some kind of lifeboat.
Willing US/UK elites in a backroom realign to con the neo-con and scarper to the bunkers some days before go-bang. Scam and sting. March on looking at war with Russia with lies about truth-why, for think-are in-crowd.
Talk inevitable, tactics, limited strike, secret tech. -- who knows what? "The aliens here." Whatever..?
Believable or real, a likely backstory for the current onslaught of evident lies. Something aside from bribes and threats for operatives needing a James Bond excuse. Putin is Dr No. So "we know" why... need to tell you... The sheep aren't wolf-material/someone has to be the protector line.
About excluding the US and a back down and deteriorate or get bombed. Who has the boot on whose head?
But how can any, post-bomb across the presume-divides, leave much worth having? Nuclear is/or not, but no one can question the wipe out. Would go all ways and the economics, let alone environmental, to barren and brutal. A few days power-cut in most cities would bring mayhem. Bombs... and any close where? Food and water. These all the weapons needed.
Talk about 'what's worse'. Less, lost in madness, Putin etc. vs. US/EU -- and reckon City of London leadership overall. Or, Russia a bear in the corner ready to rip whoever hostile and close enough and with this...
Who is signalling what and one step under those suspect run-all behind families?
A big problem is the death wishing. This needs exposing and exorcism.
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