Sunday School - Wild Hope
Crime, Corruption, Community... the wild hope. [On 8, off 9pm]
Playin' French The Kid. A Con-TEN-der, deffo.
A sign of soon forward in life, and the Political/Banksters. In a word: Local, physical, intentional community.
Has to be: UKs Biggest Fragility. One question: Do we 'love' (some/a handful), our, 'neighbours', evidenced in a relationship of relative trust, (local/could make a late phone-call/knock their door) and confident are into mutual aid.
Take ya time, consider and answer.
MJ is in the promised land, Suffolk, UK.
Old people, in us is the jewel, the hidden deposit. Not re-living our ancestors; lives. Post-TV people. A 'Man' or 'Woman', is someone who repented, and began their recovery.
Our opinion of Litmus 9/11 is another strong indication. Except, the next question is the clincher.
An adolescent might be able to recount a respectable synopsis of the various theories,
'Adults' Act, for family and wider community, and at least let truth, transform the practical, personal, and yes, political, perspectives.
Take the email from Paul Craig Roberts, re-posting; The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a “Test” To Lock Down Society.
Positive RT-PCR test means being sick with COVID. This assumption is misleading./ Very few people, including doctors, understand how a PCR test works./ RT-PCR means Real Time-Polymerase Chain Reaction./ In French, it means: Réaction de Polymérisation en Chaîne en Temps Réel/ In medicine, we use this tool mainly to diagnose a viral infection./ Starting from a clinical situation with the presence or absence of particular symptoms in a patient, we consider different diagnoses based on tests./ In the case of certain infections, particularly viral infections, we use the RT-PCR technique to confirm a diagnostic hypothesis suggested by a clinical picture./ We do not routinely perform RT-PCR on any patient who is overheated, coughing or has an inflammatory syndrome!
The key word is Mislead.
Adults consider the Central HQ liars are compulsive and consistent. The only people who can assert this with an adult level of knowledge.
Where does it leave us?
Adults must support an Adolescent to become an adult, and children need a conversion.
The internet might assist but one to one, face to face, next best, phone/ICT version.
Find a reliable outpost, proclaiming, this kinda banter;
The Corbett Report is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source. It operates on the principle of open source intelligence and provides podcasts, interviews, articles and videos about breaking news and important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more.
One Hour (words and links above): One Love. Bunker-down and let's live up and zero-tolerance with lies.
Tutty B. at 20.59.
The Untouchable isn't a great, yet... Brian De Palma is one of the great' greats. Seen half a dozen movies in as many years. Goin' to the flicks next week. Watch, with a view to respond/immediately.
The Fugitive
Hi Mom!
Love Story
Ryan's Daughter
The Aristocats
The Hunt For Red October
Small Time Crooks
Black Swan
Four Lions
Will tap. Gotta skank first and open the book. A new PAS, will indicate, a done-er.
Some Democrats and presstitutes have even called for the arrest of anyone who says Biden did not win or might not have won if the evidence could be weighed. They want to make challenging the official explanation a crime subject to imprisonment, just as in some Western countries any stated opinion or evidence contrary to the official Holocaust story results in a prison sentence.
[ ... ]
The same for Covid. As far as I can tell there are more virologists, immunologists, and epidemiologists who question the seriousness of Covid than there are who see Covid as a threat that justifies lockdowns, mask mandates, and punishment for noncompliance. Yet, the dissenting experts are not permitted to present their evidence to the public. Keep in mind that Fauci and Redfield are not great scientists; they are merely administrators of public health organizations. They are not on the same level as their critics.
Think about it for a minute. In neither of the two most important issues currently affecting the United States—indeed, one could say the Western world—the validity of the US presidential election and the reality of the Covid threat—is there any public debate.
Doesn’t it strike you as odd that only one opinion—the official opinion—is permitted. The two most important issues of our time only have official explanations. The public is not permitted the expert dissenting opinion. This doesn’t bother you?
You would think that there would be a variety of views about such important subjects and that evidence would be presented and carefully evaluated. Instead, all debate is foreclosed. Only the official explanation is permitted.
This suggests that the evidence for Biden’s win and for a Covid threat that justifies an economic holocaust is suspect and cannot stand the light of day. Therefore, no debate is permitted in order to protect the lie.
[ ... ]
Our world is one of controlled explanations. Consider the large number. For examples there are President Kennedy’s assassination, Martin Luther King’s assassination, Robert Kennedy’s assassination, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, 9/11, Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction, Assad’s use of Chemical weapons, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Iranian nukes, Russiagate and the other orchestrated charges against President Trump.
The Western World emerged from the fall of the Roman World and the uncertainties of the Middle Age to become eventually a civilization based in science and evidence. But today evidence no longer counts. What counts in the Western World today is emotion. If you have the correct emotions, you are “woke” and know that Western Civilization is racist and misogynist and imperialist and that its white inhabitants are “systemic racists” who oppress black people for racist reasons. You know that the evil of the white race necessitates their overthrowing. If you are a white person, you are put in a position where “social justice” requires you to be put into a lower legal class with less rights. It is not considered hate speech to declare that whiteness must be erased.
The problem for the Western World is that many white people agree with their indictment. Deracinated white people lack the confidence to defend themselves, their history, monuments, and achievements.
In a diverse, multicultural society, deracinated races have little prospect. The defense of whiteness is defined as racist and this is used to prevent the rise of leaders who would restore white confidence. Jean Raspail’s novel, The Camp of the Saints, foretold the future of white peoples.
Paul Craig Roberts Free Inquiry R.I.P.
[Typo: Handel... not]
M'bro., James, jumps on Ring Them Bells:
Many thanks for that and the links Mark, I now have something in common with Burning Spear, very pleasing! Still trying to figure out why that photo is upside down, probably just me being slow.
NYC early 80s. Went here and there and any JA shows. The contrast and the UK crowds was conspicuous in the low-level atmosphere and attention. ONE show was different, such a big band and Winston wasn't having none of it and refused to let the crowd off, so he and the band?
Took the roof off. My fellow traveller, Phil a Rasta; Knew Burning Spear, were the one breakthrough sound.
Almost felt like England, the two plus hours as the orchestra of drum, bass, and a brass construction ...roared and soared until every last audience member was in the trance of roots and culture. Overcoming musicianship did it, the levels-held, and they, dug deep.
Psalms, Hymns, and Psalters with the unmistakable power of his convictions and devotions.
Thanks m'man, one person who never strikes me as slow. Know what y'mean though. Us over-40s, do forget, "have we ever been older than the 20's"
As for the picture, it was there, so... went up. Gore Vidal... m'man, and y'not we feel about the enemies presented? All a Political Panto, for the WWF wrestling, people re-imagine is... boxing.
One of the biggest themes (for me/here), came when you spoke of goldfish and their known world. Coupling it with a book by Walter Brueggemann,
The prophet engages in futuring fantasy. The prophet does not ask if the vision can be implemented, for questions of implementation are of no consequence until the vision can be imagined. The imagination must come before the implementation. Our culture is competent to implement almost anything and to imagine almost nothing. The same royal consciousness that make it possible to implement anything and everything is the one that shrinks imagination because imagination is a danger. Thus every totalitarian regime is frightened of the artist. It is the vocation of the prophet to keep alive the ministry of imagination, to keep on conjuring and proposing futures alternative to the single one the king wants to urge as the only thinkable one.
― Walter Brueggemann, The Prophetic Imagination.
Confident the battle-lines and front-line is a failure of imagination, the explanation for 9/11, as you know.
The ongoing failure of imagination
Not willingness to consent and complicity?
Goldfish food.