Sunday School - Ring 'what' Bells?
Thanks for lookin'. Sober and quiet reflection, in order. Playing Clavish, MJ on/ 'n out. [B. sorry graph-a-coming], and "Mazalean"..., word up. Big up Ace and Scheemer 1. / Stockwell Road, and 'Speaks' and ...'world', on the Hill. Oh for a copy of Speaks re-work of 'Ring my Bell', a last parting sound and a story to tell and the copy the DJ/promoting... (DJ/ pinched it at the end of the night). And, Big. Up for DJ 279 and having Speaks on, Choice FM. It was Friday Night Flaves, revived my interest in Hip-Hop. Show's catchprase? "It's nice, to be nice." Like, 'All You Need Is Love', and..., sounds, twee'? All the while, the OG, Hard-Core, and all that, Is > That: Love-talk and action. / MJ, out.
December 05, 2020
PCR. A BLM-projecting, 'False-Flag',
Joe Biden says, what he knows the war is over, and:
"Won't mandate [...] getting COVID-19 vaccine, wearing masks."
War is Freedom-lies, and, "yes/no, becomes, no/yes..."
Write on, the good news, .../later/in the morn.
Rave on, Ursula Haverbeck, rave on.
1. RoatanBill says: December 5, 2020 at 2:12 pm GMT • 1.4 days ago • 100 Words ↑
Prison for an elderly lady because she spoke words. She didn’t shoot bullets or in any way harm another or their property.
This is the system of laws we’re supposed to embrace?
Laws are made by legislatures. There’s no limit to what they can concoct. Look at what that SS officer known as the governor of Michigan has done so far under the color of law.
Those of you that respect the law as an institution should realize that it’s dark side is becoming more prominent every day. Who would have guessed a few years ago that politicians would lock people up in their homes without charges, without due process, strictly on their say so.
If the current Covid manufactured panic doesn’t tell you that gov’t is your enemy, then you must be living in a fantasy world.
"Whites Shooting, Whites, is a crisis", Jordan.
CONTENDERS TOP 20, '20. 'Moments in.' Up, before, a proper-listen.
: 1st impressions, meanings/messages, (later).
Israeli Zionists control American Christian Born Again Right Wing
Four Blood Moons, Christian Zionism and the Book of Revelations
Zionism-Myth vs Reality
Coolest song on the block. WHo be Nos. 1. 2. 3.? Spittin' soon. Seen, MJ.
May The Best Man Win
There's something in Brendon O'Connell thesis.
/Confuse Circus /Be Funny If / Dissidents On You Tube/ The Refusers/ Alison/ Nick Spero/ Unfolding/ Of Prophecy First/ Unsubscribed/ Should Be Writing About Brendon/ Heads Or Tail (Who Is Leading The Wars) ?/ Information Or Disinformation?/ Tap.
“Cool” has some relationship to fame or notoriety, though not all famous people are cool, and some are very uncool. The concept also ties in quite a bit with what is considered fashionable at any given moment, yet if something becomes too fashionable, and reaches the point that everyone is doing it, then it loses cool, often quite precipitously.
Comment by Jim Dandy on The Unz, / Sunday School 22/11 Kanye West Dave Chappelle
Other prompt came through a send-something to all me dears'...
Chew on, act up and strong, remember/
Aangirfan Years: Tap/Tapnewswire, the other, Other /One / Two..?
"GO ON..."
Brendon O’Connell thinks the Economic Reset is weeks away….before or around Christmas.
[Def., no late runnin'. so "Peace and Love to you, and don't be vexed on the wrong things/ person/ -or- blardyblah.]
GO Good.
Find Good, and Good, finds, a friend...