SUNDAY SCHOOL Michael Jackson And NOS
21WireTV, Sunday Show, the ONE, 'other-other'.
a long-read article;
Hiroyuki Hamada, for Off-Guardian.
Print and read it, over the weekend. An ideal piece to expolore, 9/11-Awake, Left/socialist, postions?
Wise, insightful, wide-ranging considerations, from Hiroyuki.
MJ's weekend, "one-thing to read"?
Dylan/JFK, and ... Socialists/Truthers?
A 'free-style write.'
Published as written. For completion, later, that evening.
Falling head-over,... requires reflection, gotta learn, to whisper, and, ten mins., 'under-tree sit'. Easy goes, eh. MJ Part Two, soon as ... Burn. Blog. of Bedlam, 2.
NOS Pt. 2.? Same-goes, and JFK AND BOB, next, 'ere.
Nine pm.
MJ, x.
Rewind Rewind
"Something special..."
D'One. Special one.
Culture and Anthony B., have-me-dancing.
Bumping on Koffee. The next on, YT autoplay and random/, demons/, or, ...God?
Always... one, of three.
Never-no, one-is-all and reality. No collaboration/ or contact/ or combination/ or carry-on, between, the last, two.
Why should I have to explain, why/how, MJ (1.), appears, 'innocent,' of alleged child abuse?
'Avin a laugh?
Ron Paul's Eightieth, guess-you-what, was the subject of the Jewish funny story.
An intro., by a 'Judge.'
Why Truthscoop is, even, funnier?
Insist, unmissable, and rewindable: Listen.
Judge N. on Ron P.
On the MJ, 'Promise List,' is to keep returning to the word and various meanings? What about historical and contemporary, 'Pagan/ism?'
One-else, on the list, is DMT, a complementary subject. A compehensive, medicine?
For Ian.
S. Awan [The Burning Blogger of Bedlam] will be publishing his Micheal Jackson post from a couple of years ago. With that, my comment at the time, will go up with it. About a month? 'BBB2'.
Tonight will attempt to identify Vlad clips, and/or summerise, where I'm at with, MJ's legacy?
Like Woody Allen, evidence-lacking, any guilt of child abuse. Remember in Leslie's Vintage Clothes Shop, Brixton. Leslie and mates, we didn't think he was guilty when the court case was on. At times doubted. S. Awan strikes at it? Tentative conclusions, and hope; "innocent."
Last year's 'Punk', aka., UK Hip-Hop, Grime, and Drill, brought light, I never, expected to be.
Vlad TV: Hip-Hop to Basketball, old and young, telling stories.
Recent split, and schism, with Jamar and Godfrey, leaving, aside... Vlad TV is the single-best, internet, interview website. About life, in all its fullness. The five or six interviews? Will name/link at 9pm, and prove [to me], and beyond reasonable doubt, Micheal, can be explained, and no-way, looks, an abuser.
The 'VladTV, voices', demonstrate.
And, don't.
No-one, will..., BUT..., Aangirfan.
Michael, ligged-with, alledged, and with, Jenner, well-established, child abusers.
The truths behind the headlines?, only Aangirfan, for that.
Not stating a conclusive position. Facts, witnesses, explanations, searching questions, datails, meta-data, video footage, old articles online, celebraties' line, and, evidence.
Old School, investagative reporting. Substance-rich, and edgy.
When BBB2 plug the amps in and hits the lights; James, and; Crimes Of Empire, gets weekly-again?
In the meantime, you can come TS/PAS for music and, pretty pictures, while waiting?
Pagan Poetry
Quiz-You-What's and Quotes, me, "spitting bars," [ I, like to say.].
Er,... telling, girlfriend, and people I meet; and something, you might like to read?
Re 'scoops, Truthscoop ... gone, Drill/music.
Online..., 'churchy stuff,' for Drill'rs. Promote among locals, (to me), in their 20's.
On Aangirfan and, another, 'creepy vintage Christian album' .
My readers on the Right, who are far more discerning than average folks, may be skeptical for different reasons. According to some of them, the chances of violent civil war or revolution are zero, since the establishment has far greater firepower. As I said above, if the Right took to the streets like BLM, they would be mercilessly crushed. But suppose they did it again. And again. And suppose the anger that sent them out into the streets did not diminish, but increased. It is naïve to think that determined individuals, through persistent guerilla warfare and other forms of resistance, cannot destabilize a government – especially when the government is run by decadent, out-of-touch elites who inhabit an ideological and social bubble. It has happened before, and can happen again.Some of my readers will greet these claims with skepticism. Average Americans find it impossible to imagine their country disintegrating in violent conflict. This is the result of years of propaganda about the “stability” of our Republic, the “miracle” of our peaceful transfer of power every four years, yada yada. Average Americans are bizarrely oblivious to just how violent this country really is and always has been (something that has not escaped the notice of the rest of the world): sky-high rates of murder, rape, and assault; urban riots every few years; the assassination of political figures; regular “spree killings”; and a civil war that claimed the lives of around 700 thousand people. Average folks may not want to think about it, but a second civil war is quite plausible.
Western “elites” and “intellectuals” are simply on a different, much lower level, than said Lavrov [Foreign Minister of Russia].
You do not negotiate with monkeys, you treat them nicely, you make sure that they are not abused, but you don’t negotiate with them, same as you don’t negotiate with toddlers.
The modern media is not a machine you can trust. Not ever. It is a construction built to control and corral opinion. To shuffle the public mind around a game-board they do not know they are on, based on rules they must never be allowed to understand. It serves no other function. It doesn’t “tell the truth sometimes”; it isn’t “occasionally trustworthy”. It’s a buffet of poisoned courses, selectively stacking your plate to suit your palate will not spare you the toxic effects. You’ll just smile as you choke.
To choose to believe or disbelieve the media only when it suits your case is as foolish as being entirely oblivious to its nature. Perhaps more foolish, because you cannot hide behind blameless ignorance. You, notoionally, know better.