SUNDAY SCHOOL Leah Butler-Smith
[Updated. 04/09/20, hadn't re-read, seen and changed a heap of typos. Locked-out, hadn't edited. Done, now.]
[UPDATE: Apologies, unable to access Truthscoop over Bank Holiday weekend.
Posted on:]
[06.50], Wed. 19th.
Darn and 'squat-diddly.' Not gone a day, without, click-in, and add...
Here c/o Aangirfan.
At least it's a time-based notice. The last chance, not so much a protest or purpose...? One's enough. If I meet a pregnant woman, and 'feels right' say one thing:
Having a baby has become a radical, even, a revolutionary act. Go to high-powered, big city, living? Are we aware of ambivalence to hostility, in having a child/children, and being, 'into families and future'. This sin't something I read, I knows it , first-hand, and unmistakable and evident.
Since the 'new religion' started in March '20, the proselytising has been effective, but... what does the 'Parable of the Sower' teach and explore?
Re-appropriating, how about, it lasts for a little while, but the shallows aren't holding. Everyone is convinced that people saying they won't meet up/pubs empty/High St. etc.,etc.
Quick jump-on the soap-box and shout out:
Rewind x2: The controversy and con, isn't about C-19 and /or the response. Not at the heart, centre. Orwell's 1984 spells it out, what he revealed in the elites and spy-ville.
The foundation of the false-hoods is proclaiming 'numbers, figures, statics'. Not even the death rates, year-on-year? Crucial figures as far, and accuracy.
The one threat and danger, to us and , back at the 'other lot' 'te for centralising WW tyrants, religious and -lous, top-floor mob.
The one projection and, be it good or bad news, the results The BBC and 'spooks' senior/senior editors and commissioners.
What we... (Fasting from, and for the indefinite), ...Some people is all but the 'one or two, here and there'. An example of the foundational controversy and conspiracy theory'. People ask around and find other's who confirm: not out/'C-19 health dangers'.
Switch on the toob, and have Six, or what 'ave ya, Confirm and create.
It's not about; What's goin' and 'a virus', or the dis.- or proportional response. That's a merry-g-round, designed to hook the 'user'. Confirmation bias? no. no .no. It's 'confirmation, 'confirmation'.
Locals, family, friends... at least concerning the 'health' and streets/shops issue?
Fear is why we're not 'going out'? Of c-19.
So? My 'argument' and T'scoop or Plant a Seed posts/info?
The value and possible influence or importance?
Not, where it's at.
The second most subversive move in UK and humanity?
- Children, the birth rate. People who have children are producing the answer. Birth-rates and 'statistics'. My ache of the moment is 10-14 year old, the one age group who have arguably been the saddest victims.
[Not this post/later..., to write on, and, think we all know, what's going down?]
- Physical contact in groups and open to all.
Hence on, to signpost:
Save Our Rights UK, (events this week).
Clickin' off,
MJ, for the third and final, 'backtrack'.
Saturday morning. Two days, eh, eh. Make d'most.
Calling this week, m' Holiday.
MJ, and outa 'ere.
[22.44., on the 18th.]
One for the bell. Little/if, at all, on-line from me, 'till 'Tiswas' time.
'Three..., for the road'.
Does God Really Love It All?
Does God Love Everyone and Everything?
Written by Thomas Jay Oord.
August 12th, 2020 / No Comments
[18/8/20], Update:
For Melissa.
'Coz'?, kind and considerate, wise and easy going. Yet, 'one-among'... the growing 'many'. The '(TV) hidden' masses, who aren't with the message, 'all assume/all sense'.
'M.', is open to correction. With rock-steady loyalty, to true information, no matter, 'who-says-what'.
For, the encouragement, to me.
For an explanation of 'virus testing', the kind, all salient adults should know: Kevin Boyles, 'Test Is The Devil'. Posted on, My nudge, and where to start, unlearning, if you use MSM? ...IF, you watch, 'Big Bros.' and TV News (?) ?
Start unpacking, 'C-19'. Seeing, if the Virus Test (?), can be anything-other, than Dr. Kaufman, says?
And knowledge of truth, for lies... /mistaken opinions/negligence/lack of control/’Party Political, expedience’/or...?
Again, on 'Devil in Disguise' post? Some of my thoughts on Boris' 'line management.'
The brevity and clarity of Dr. Andrew Kaufman? 'Worth the price of admission'/reason to be on Plant a Seed / Truthscoop / Crimes of Empire (The archived articles are packed with gems and relevance) / Aangirfan / Unz, and takes in The Saker and Paul Craig Roberts. Two of my long-term sources, for honesty, open and, investigating. Outside The Unz and co.
Who else documents, and defines our times? Can write?
All said, "roll on Burning Blogger Of Bedlam, 2.". "Beam S.Awan up."
Timothy,. I got bang-into a couple of years ago. So want, ...would like, to 'document' this man's journey; get into his ideas and vision. Chuffed to see his vid. on 'A'fan'.
End on a 'canny stop preaching at ya.' The line above, and , 'open to correction'? In the compliment to M., pondered out-loud, "why her? " As ever, the one-among, and people she knows.
Gave her, my stock; Why MJ a "twoofer", and component/s?
The 'one' who failed. Most changes of mind on 'big questions'. A number of times, getting into and revising , and reversing on. Of course, it isn't the common-among factor. For any 'others' like-minded and self-aware?
All we could say, is it's not safe and healthy to be as irresponsible, in our social/peronal/family/health-wise? What could be said, and couple, with 'changes' over, ideas or standpoints:
If we (can?), get the other side of the lies, lying, and deceptions?
It can, plough up the soil? Knocks out all-progressing-ahead, as in 'my thinking'. Can't be helped, if nothing that 'big', gets the boot. No major revisions and our Politics/Religion/Philosophy/Principles/Account of mankind, and on.
For the strong-viewed and active, interest? It's rare not to find; No change, only developments. Or, IF a ‘big un’? Something like, ‘Trotskyite to Conservative’, for example.
Although, Jay Dyer, has a neat line on The Trots and The Tories considered, ‘opposites’, or at least assumed, Commies -vs.- Capitalists. Dyer does his usual bookish and deep delve about, and highlights what are their common causes, or methods.
[Nb., must try find and replay. Recent mention and Jay Dyer, is on Libertarians. Be fascinated to hear Ron Paul reply. Seemed to me, ‘historical’, Libertarianism and its formation, regardless of the social order value, or otherwise:
Not a noble endeavour, through and through.]
The ‘Hitchens brothers’ trod, ‘commie in, commie out’. Big-Question change. Yeah, Christopher, was not, 'the conservative' in some areas.
And, “praise God”. In some areas, or aspects, therein.
On m'holiday break, (not tap-tap-tap'n): Three personality tests, to do: A Mum (for, six wks.); and Mum, (from, six wks); and, me.
A post on..?, 'Jeans And Fashion'... (er?)
A post on ... Components. [Call it that].
Thanks for reading.
'Dem try a ting,' ...we're knocked down, but..., not, defeated.
"Oh, no".
S'sing up now, re-word, make a noise...
Fear is vanguished by words.
'Truthscoop' is the outcome from chats among, S. Awan, James and myself. An avid reader of their sites and no disrespect to anyone, but S. Awan and James, where the two ‘out there’, and hot. BBB/S.Awan had the most up until Wordpress, censored/deleted the lot.
James ('Crimes'), often refers (in conversation), to the learning and analysis of S. Awan. Definitive articles on a number of stories and places.
Future, 'Dogma plans', ("'spill the beans', on Saturday"), include T'scoop, going, 'back to the roots'.
'...republishing extracts/intros of others writing and/or visuals while adding a scoop.' (Bio).
Three or four books 'to scoop'. Top of my 'holiday reading list':
'THE LIBYA CONSPIRACY', by S. Awan, aka., 'BBB'.
Plus, and, please note:
Plant a Seed will return to, normal(?) service, on Saturday the 24th.
[20.29]: Evening Service.
Before we start.
[30 mins. up], Ronnie nabs it.
[Commented: Reposted, and well done, Ronnie. Fan.]
Cleared the reds and 113, (set to play): (Clip missing).
3. She Said.
Mum? She said; "looks all right", commented on the hair. Leah and Anna, can't be acting. So? What have we: Flaky women, the 'Owen Benjamin's of thinking', say, shouldn't lead?
In a decade, child abuse by the 'rulers', who more..., men or women?
Except, abused 'men', in the main.
Who speaketh out?
The lip, and life, ones?
Women prayed and saved (us), prophesied by Wigglesworth, I think. Know, the Lydia Fellowship, can offer the details.
Y'know the women, pressing-in praying, last 'men' standing, them.
Girls girls, girls?
After seven years, Anna Brees does, what I was plea-ing.
At Bilderberg:
One Hundred, plus... Solutions. (Goes up, before, hearing first, as usual.):
Church Music:
Defiance! 6,000 Attend 'Illegal' California Church Service.
Chasin' the 'write on...'
Sunday School: Getting the chairs out.
Doors Open.
1. Blinds The Minds.
Anna Brees insists on remaining impartial: To stand in another person/other people's shoes. The definition of compassion. Leah early on speaks of deliberate ‘authorities-led’ social destruction? Anna calls for a healthy uncertainty and openness to debate.
It’s here I shout, “Amen”.
In ‘information warfare’, our overall perceived, misunderstood or maligned position, defines our standing. Enthusiasts for the ‘sacred’ line from Boris etc., is presented as facing a level of opposition. Like aspects of professional wrestling, the fight can be fake. Enough to keep the illusion.
Tension or doubt about the ‘ten commandments’, the Law?
The ‘services’ with hymns, choruses, preaching and liturgy? TV News and The Mirror to The Mail.
It’s a bind-one-self, aka., Rel-ig-ion. Get it?
‘C-19’ is seen as evil spirits. The masks and keeping away from one another?
Our religious sign and clothing.
“God Bless You?”, when someone sneezes?
A tradition from times, when expelling ‘demons/demonized’ was seen to occur through our sneezing. Masks are symbolic of the demons needing a ‘lid on’. Keeping ‘them’… in, or out?
C-19 has a ‘cross’, it’s called ‘The Vaccine.’ We need to be ‘saved’, all cometh via the god of this age, who ‘blinds the minds’.
Of..., 'unbelievers'.
The women go on to name 'scientists' in reputable places. They're Protest-ants. The Church of State etc., claims all are 'members'. All the while some of the 'Bishops of Learning' are disobeying the Pope-like spokespeople.
Their names are?
"Notepads out, please?".
2. Not Only By Life But Lip.
One interpretation has it God speaking as though...
Leave that as may; Satan/ic, is a smokescreen builder. Such a con, C-19 stylee.
Let's be C-19 agnostic?
How about the believers, or 'atheists'?
2000 years ago, 'religion', was say, 'Nero'.
Michael (Green), who came to visit me in Lewisham in 1993.
Man wants to know, what's going on.
Let's get some 'early church' under our belt.
Today's 'Talk'.
Christianity was ridiculous; for it proclaimed that the wisdom of God was exhibited in the cross of Jesus.
Evangelism is never proclamation in a vacuum; but always to people, and the message must be given in terms that make sense to them.
The role of the apologist is to minimise the gap between himself and his potential converts.
This must often have been not formal preaching, but informal chattering to friends and chance acquaintances, in homes and wine shops, on walks, and around market stalls. They went everywhere gossiping the gospel; they did it naturally, enthusiastically, and with the conviction of those who are not paid to say that sort of thing. Consequently, they were taken seriously, and the movement spread, notably among the lower classes.
Wherever they went, Christians were opposed as anti-social, atheistic and depraved. There message proclaimed a crucified criminal, and nothing could have been less calculated than that to win them converts.
Worse still, this worship of crucified Messiah was distinctly blasphemous. The Old Testament made it perfectly clear that anyone hanged on a stake was resting under the curse of God.
In the first place, Christianity was new and almost by definition nothing new could be true.
Christianity was ridiculous; for it proclaimed that the wisdom of God was exhibited in the cross of Jesus. [Rewind].
The resurrection came to them as God’s vindication of the claims Jesus had made. They saw that he was 'designated Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead'. And they continued to announce these joyful tidings with tireless zeal and boundless enthusiasm.
Evangelism is never proclamation in a vacuum; but always to people, and the message must be given in terms that make sense to them.
Paul employed the analogy of adoption (in evangelism), this practice was common in Roman society.
The role of the apologist is to 'minimise the gap between himself and his potential converts'.
They made the grace of God credible by a society of love and mutual care which astonished the pagans and was recognised as something entirely new. It lent persuasiveness to their claim that the New Age had dawned in Christ.
The intellectuals, too, made their way slowly into the Christian movement. They were…dominated by a concern for truth, and Christianity offered them One whom they believed was final truth in personal categories.
But what about the ordinary man- supposing, for a moment, that such an abstraction existed: what attracted him to Christianity? Undoubtedly the love of Christians had a lot to do with it, so did the moral qualities they displayed, the warmth of their fellowship, their manifest enthusiasm, the universal applicability of their message. Reconciliation with God had a lot to do with it.
This added a new dimension to living here and now, without waiting for whatever might befall after death. The assurance and confidence of the Christians, who were quite willing to lose home comfort, friends, and even life in propagating their cause won its share of converts; so did fear of judgement…But perhaps the greatest single factor which appealed to the man in the street was deliverance, deliverance from demons, from fate, from magic.
The very fact that we are so imperfectly aware of how evangelism was carried out and by whom, should make us sensitive to the possibility that the little man, the unknown ordinary man, the man who left no literary remains was the prime agent in mission. [...] The great mission of Christianity was in reality accomplished by means of informal missionaries.
The very disciples themselves were, significantly, laymen, devoid of formal theological training. Christianity was from its inception a lay movement, and so it continued for a remarkably long time.
This must often have been not formal preaching, but informal chattering to friends and chance acquaintances, in homes and wine shops, on walks, and around market stalls. They went everywhere gossiping the gospel; they did it naturally, enthusiastically, and with the conviction of those who are not paid to say that sort of thing. Consequently, they were taken seriously, and the movement spread, notably among the lower classes.
There was no distinction in the early church between full time ministers and laymen in this responsibility to spread the gospel by every means possible, there was equally no distinction between the sexes in the matter. It was axiomatic that every Christian was called to be a witness to Christ, not only by life but lip.
Pages 173/29/31/43/43/49/115/117/173/29/31/43/43/49/115/117/117/120/120/123.
Michael Green, Evangelism in the Early Church, (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2003).
My baby paints herself red
She paints her hair
Her hair is dead
She's living in the city
With the bodies that scream
We are all Jesus
We all dream
See the dancer in there reeling
Paint the sky upon the ceiling
Four useless gods upon a day
So blinded by the filth on Sunday
Saying the words for the idiots
You are miracle drivel
Optical sewer
Listens to the flowers fall
Paint the words upon the wall
This is the pulse of fools like you
Who sound so red and turn so blue
The sound of uselessness in summer
The war is over if you want
See the dancer see me reeling
Paint the sea upon the ceiling
My baby paints herself red
She paints her hair
Her hair is dead
She's living in the city
With the bodies that scream
We are all Jesus
We all dream
See the dancer see me reeling
Paint the sky upon the ceiling
That's pulse
Shadow Gate Documentary Released.
This documentary is about the private national security state that rules us with false news and controlled explanations. It relies on whistleblowers from within the organization. It describes how it was used with Russiagate and Impeachgate against Trump.
Reportedly, the journalist Millie Weaver was arrested at home in Ohio yesterday as she was about to release the documentary. Perhaps anticipating such, she had already seeded the film and it is available here for now:
As it is likely to be taken down and suppressed, copy it while you can.
[Reposted, sounds exciting hope-wise. Great to hear Millie, keepin' on the front line. Thanks, MJ.]
Bonus Ball:
The efforts invested in Free Software are not merely about knowledge, they are about empowerment: empowerment to study, empowerment to modify, empowerment to share, and empowerment to enable sharing with others. Commitment to liberty in an information age requires a refusal to compromise on the core principles of Free Software, with a commitment and honesty that demands sacrifice. Many may refuse this burden, working only to enrich themselves in the present moment; others will work to increase the breadth and depth of human knowledge. Implemented as Free Software, we find a model of sustainability and long-term vision that increases not only knowledge but practical direct ability freely shared for all without exception. This is a worthy cause and its thoughtfulness has already enabled all of us; from the mundane to the most extraordinary, Free Software is involved.
Richard Stallman is the revolutionary and theorist who has given the world Free Software. His essays cover topics that have been essential reading for decades, widely read and understood by people creating systems for our information age and beyond. He has dedicated his life to the liberation of humanity, and this book explains how we might each help with this cause of liberation.
Jacob Appelbaum.
Freedom to distribute (freedoms 2 and 3) means you are free to redistribute copies, either with or without modifications, either gratis or charging a fee for distribution, to anyone anywhere. Being free to do these things means (among other things) that you do not have to ask or pay for permission to do so.
You should also have the freedom to make modifications and use them privately in your own work or play, without even mentioning that they exist. If you do publish your changes, you should not be required to notify anyone in particular, or in any particular way.
Richard 'Blessed' Stallman.
[14.28]. Mid-Service Refreshments.
["Soon Come", 'The pressures of the world... a-callin'
Please play/cry/worship/befuddle/be still/be open...]
Off on a 'prayer and playlist' cycle. Back for evening matinee.
And Leah etc.
Sing up.
Or, Snooker' highlights:
No woman, no... bike ride.
The great silence.
Not the film, but aim, concept, and discipline.
But changed m'mind; gotta mate to see.
Big up.
Be Bold.
Be strong, because..?