On 'Plant a Seed', I like to blog on a song. Experimental in the approach and fresh, in not over-editing. Jump on and freewheeling like Jack Kerouac. Less self-conscious, the self-indulgence is upfront and unashamed. Goes out/up, and published by mid-evening. The aim is anyone-interested and locals/friends who take a look and read, understand the way I walk, and peculiarities, aka Style. [" ...evangelism can be an art."]
When meeting people and advertise Truthscoop, I tell them about the playlists. I can't see who can argue with finding them. My question is who likes music and would appreciate the selections? Self-publicist to that extent. Had my years 'in music' and so why not, "pass it on". "The writing bit..." comes over as an after-thought.
What's goin' on?
S. Awan, The Burning Blogger of Bedlam, and; James' Crimes of Empire have been my inspiration on the internet.
S.Awan was 'taken down' by Wordpress. May 20, 2019. [See, for the story.]
While James hasn't published for a while should be back, soon, ...I hopes. Good excuse to re-read, the different posts he swaps, as the opening one/top of the page.
S.Awan had a once-used YouTube ch. and posted a couple of videos since the 'takedown'.
Please get:
Reservations that could be included around people I've written about and 'guilt by association'. The need to qualify, or to get dubbed some-prejudice or other?
I don't care to do.
The big trouble with the world: Fear of diversity of opinion in an honest and open exchange of ideas. Explaining, to save assumptions, isn't something I'm not careful about.
Another assumption. You, like? Dig a bit on all our sites, and S.Awan broadcasts. Bet we bust all but ones you wouldn't question.
Nothing taken (by me), and make no contact or, public and link. Mucho fine. Less is more. some ways.
If the thoughts expressed here scare you, or you think "dangerous", again; Big Trouble. That is if you're serious and consideration of the wider world Most people aren't, and not hard to see why.
We will not like, what will end-up, IF... we don't hold the ground Burning Blogger [was, but "coming..."], Crimes of Empire and Truthscoop, publish on.
8 am. An hour or so to relax and make a playlist.
It's evangelism and my way to self-educate.
With a soundtrack and half-decent cover for the compilation albums.
Last note.
Anyone likes to write or have a go on Truthscoop? Please contact me.
Top of 'Crimes' at the moment is The Final Blood Moon in the Tetrad Rises. James and comments, inc. 'me', is a one-stop-shop to clarify the Christians' claim are seeing-ahead and prophetic.
To A.M and Car Confessions, Plant a Seed.
For young Alfred and "dad" and promised 'post about the dog'. Please note, back with 'more Truthscoop', ...more than Sunday School, once Plant a Seed zips up, and got room for two posts a day.]
Commented, Thanks, Dean: our eyes and ears. Real appreciation, MJ. Reposted on
"WELCOME." Post under completion during the day, and until the next new post, begins. Thanks for coming.
Last night doing chores, listened to about ten hours of Vlad TV. The most interesting and instructive, informative, funny, and... mad, sad, website-anything, on the internet.
One to go and yet played will be one of the best, "no doubt". The last thing, post- the post, play it. Be Sunday, by the evening, I reckon. "Grow-blog", by the hours.
Got to rock and groove. Needs. Must.
You get my "beef/drift/flow".
As JA UK taught me, "Seen".
Questions and 'bashment', cuss and cursing, 'sex talk' -and- Gospel, mix? To, comment.
For now, and a Christian, watching or listening? If you don't have the 'liberty in Christ' or "feel led" to be here, that's well-ok. Nuff respect and not better or worse from my side.
Forget that I read the 'Song of Songs' and Jesus, Paul, covering areas of contention, and see how, it's appropriate. We/I have a relationship with God, (I believe). With questions and openness, being comfortable. Hearing what the person communicating is saying: What?
With the Holy Spirit's help, able to 'Gospel and groove'. In Con-text, not Con. us and, misunderstanding. Here and there, turn 'sex talk' and romance, into my worship. Easy, done.
Impossible to imagine or believe?
Got me there? Next says I ask you: "Please, pray for me". Thanks.
Forty years on the road, think I might know what God-up-for, is, vs., bumbling about, or worse. Yet, appreciate, appears problematic for many Evangelicals.
'Don't stumble other Christians', know God says that. Stumble off and "bless you" or be open to God in what's happening.
"Best (is done), Y'all", aka., 'not sin'.