9.3 NOW Tis done and talk of AIDS and C., Church and what..?, carried over, to the next planting/t'night. Thanks.
1982 Pt 1.
Another Ad:
Might try a 'proper playlist'? Clear up 'info-gestion'.
[8.3.20. Callin' it 'done' was "bullshit", been on and fixed tyypo/make-no-sense lines. Gotta get on Dylan in a day or so.
Later, 'scoopers.]
Latest, "start-a-post" on Plant a Seed is on:
The Truthbomber is back on. Blessings.
Go tell ya:
'Mark Jesus' = 'Mark' + 'Jesus', to me, that is. Mark “Jesus” became other's reference and phone/contacts tag. Not my '...suggesting' and doing, sometimes got called “MJ”. While not by me. A decade in Ladbroke Grove. Dishing out good-looking, handy carry-out NT's or a Bible. To y'know who and hanging about. That did it and the J word. Two or three years before the Grove got private security stop the park party for regulars. Summer early evening. Carry-on small speaker and blaster.
Where Plant a Seed began. 10 pm Fridays under the Westway [put a flier up, when I do... Dylan].
Man who I asked what we should call it, sat on the handlebars facing me on my road-racing BMX. Stopped to chat under the Westway. Two or three days later, hit by a lorry, almost killed. Crushed bits in his back. Thereon, who in Ladbroke grove doesn't know Mark? Got a place near “Trellick”(-tower). Crack and chronic, the 'Crack-demic'.
Anyone reading, and knows him? Please email me for a mobile number, I'd like to talk to him.
On 'Trellick' and one other message in a (Blog) bottle:
See Johnny (12th fl.) ? Could you please, pass on, "Mark says hello, hope well, be cracking to connect and chat.”
Know to say hello, the fellas in the image below. They're standing outside 'Trellick'.
So, what music video is the still of the boys in the Grove and 'hood' from? The first UK/US big swing together. (Obv. on a playlist, and would be the 42 track opener).
And, the US big hitter ripped out the cinema?
Plus, left a clue in the text and 'mystery take-over the cinema' brigade.
Not been back to London. No plans. History, making history. A link to a strong song. Y'might grapple with the lyrics, below?
UK Underground Hip Hop circa. 2000, South London.Wikipedia talks of 'mid-2000s' and calls it 'Road Rap'. And the 90s?
Parallels the destruction of America on August 1st 1981. Witness to speak in defence of the lost and how we should hold onto, Jesus says, to what remains. In pre-'85 NY and relationship and inspiration for today.
MTV's first words to 'mankind'. Midday Aug. 1st, and what-do-ya-know?
A coincidence:
“Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll,” by John Lack, the first Chief Operating Officer of MTV Networks. It was accompanied by footage of the first Space Shuttle launch countdown of Columbia and the launch of Apollo 11.
Next posts are Dylan review, 1982 Pt 2. and on to SJ and Prison.
Famous people didn't matter in NY, the early 80s. To explain in the piece/post.
Looked today, footage from '1982' and saw a thumbnail of a face on the YouTube side bar.
One time we walked from B to 7th. Approached him coming out, standing on the corner of the park. The west side of Ave. B, looking down 7th.
Kowing me, asked him: "What's up?" Being all downtown and 'in' Puerto Rican, said; "Que Pasa".
He smiles and seemed to appreciate the accent bristling on the edge of the danger zone.
"Looking for a home?" he replied.
If I recall, he'd seen the flat he wanted, or might be mistaken and was looking. Discovering which were the hot and safer blocks between A and B. Even 1st and A had a few hairy spots.
In comes the celebrities, a celebrity.
How fitting it was Quentin Crisp. Representing the UK. Of all the people I thought, would handle and fit like a glove. Got to be him.
Somehow, going through the usual risk assessment in considering the badlands seemed silly. The one person from the UK who was NYC before, he lived there.
All excited, blathered on about 'Hurt' in Naked Civil Servant and documentary I was in the UK.
Easy to be with and bustling with energy, he invited me to walk across town with him to his hotel on 7th Ave.
OH by the way. As was in NY 1982 in funny kind of way. Not a hint of intentional flirtation to attract sexual action. The 1982 'rewind' will cover sex, expect more surprises. Observations and feelings.
[No, didn't go 'there', "go gay". Wasn't a question. Outside theoretic's and discussions.]
Facsinated to know what it was like to live on the border, I was in.
I lived across the road top floor, first floor, first door, past the Catholic School and enterprise.
Quintin knew, and right, not to stray further. B was the limit, stay A and west.
Two wonderful, stop-start/slow-slow, dawdling, Hours. Bounced about, no one else. Shouts out, now and again, here was someone NY'ers knew. 'NY' knew its' gay fans and friends.
Friends with one and all, Quintin Crisp was a people gather-er.
Our 'afternoon out' he wore a handsome dark cape. Classic white shirt, buffed-up high collar. OLD, clothing. Now, we're talking, 'vintage' shirt.
There was a touch of Artful Dodger about him, but not Fagin. Imagine I'm 'Oliver', he old/young, Jack Wild (actor). In retrospect, roles reversed. I'd lived in NY longer than he had, although we talked a lot about his many visits over the years.
Would have experienced the 'Loft' and house-parties, pre-Garage. The gestation and birth with Larry Levan and Jellybean, cutting the cord.
NY Radio was the mother.
Salsa and reggae into soul music; Tamla, Stax, and disco.
Punk and dub in the mix. 'Industrial', and jazz, o' course. African, Cuba... 'tim-buck-too', I dunno? Nor does anyone.
From a small area within Kingston, Jamaica. -meets- London and UK Cities.
Jamaicans meet "punks"/plus..., etc.
74-76 NY punks got the UK going.
76-78 UK upturned the 'jukebox' and related 'arts'.
80-84 Reggae in 'Roots and Culture'/'Lovers (rock)' ended in '85.
80-84 NY Radio had its day.
[Details in posts to come]
Told me the 'dust story', which I repeated-about as an astounding revelation.
Felt like a decent dad or uncle. Mate and friend too.
Always got a nod, smile and quick idle chatter if we saw each other. Tell he didn't want you to know he was being all-about-me done good and at ease.
Yeah, a gentleman, and proper. Gentle, and yet, a man's man.
Let the clip play from start, get his first answer and whist 'funny', do you think he was joking?
Prophet Quentin seducing the crowds.
Song to remind me of Q.C.We could have sung it together. Heart goes out and people I knew.
Hearing M. Stipe delivers a 'psalm of our times'. Who are the new/latest '...Lepers'? (Pleased to keep up with Playlist Standards again).
Quintin Crisp was the first Public and Celeb, New Leper. He broke through with honesty, humour, and protest. A Free-Speech-aholic, who followed Jesus in these respects. Kindness and in 'good humour', with manners: Where at all possible and right. For Jesus, a demonstration in how this proceeds; "Truths to Tell".
Truth, for 'a believer'?
A person, like we are, some-times/-what: God.
Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father. Person/s. One, and a family of 'us', aka The Church/locals, on Earth.
Not talk, theories, ideas or information. First; The person of God, meeting many soon-as can. Anyone, who "comes" invites, without conditions. It's a relationship.
What do we do?
From a living and responsive person and power. Dunamis. Unimaginable and beyond conceptions of power.
Gotta spit and polish this kind of thinking on Plant a Seed.
Dunamai is my alternative email tag.
Welcome to contact me on it: dinamai[at]mail[dot]com.
Or, mark[at]plant[a]seed[dot]org[dot]uk.
Ancient Greek variation on the roots of the language and The Dynamite:
The Person of The Holy Spirit.
Like any loving mutual love, we volunteer our self to each other. In love.
Reflecting, God's attitude towards us.
Big on meting societies' Lepers. Still queer folk, persecuted world-over to death, for Quintin-like honesty.
'From the devil', and God weeps.
God wants, it... Stopped.
[God I Gotta stop/end Sunday School this week NOW. Busting me open and up, and got this, 'Ceremony' blasting away. Auto YouTube playing on.
Talk about 'God the DJ/Selector'.]
Got a few red-hot examples. Not a chance (?) to explain away. A Coincidence eh? Like, meeting Quintin that lunchtime venturing on the border. East corner of Tomkins Sq, Pk, west side of Ave. B.
Well, yes/maybe..? -or- Another (?), example? Sure, that particular day?? 'Cept, if we hadn't met for a long walk, wouldn't be able to write about it. Not saying God saw the pixel typing detail and text on this post?
NOT, according to the presentation in the Bible.
This afternoon? Was it lucky dip and the 'right' for moment song,? Sneaks past into a Playlist-exclusive-listening window. To stir emotion and desire?
So what?
Let you know if, I... "get a word" on?
Coincidence -or- The Holy Spirit is 'at work' inside 'Tech@YouTube'?
Rule the devil out. No mo-tive, no bad, can come.
[Tie up Plant a Seed for today/tonight].
This is why events unnerve me
They find it all, a different story
Notice whom for wheels are turning
Turn again and turn towards this time
All she asks is the strength to hold me
Then again the same old story
World will travel, oh so quickly
Travel first and lean towards this time.
A getting-late idol is what the nut-case Gay-first crowd oppress with. Crisp would devastate with commentary if alive today.
Tear down the tables of bullshit like Jesus, that one would.
Scary, so open with love, and power.
Final gush on the Crisp.
He sought to disguise any effort to ensure I'm the centre of attention.
Because, ...he already was.
Note the way he looks at Letterman.
A decade later, still old school. Ain't for giving up; "....they try to call it the east village, over my dead body" on fourteenth to Houston. The "Lower East Side".
A lovely geezer all round. Graceful walking side by side. I walked sideways but he liked to swivel and do a twist about on the corners. A dozen corners, twelve blocks. A to 7th. Ten minutes a crab-crawl of a block. Never stopped yappin', remember bouncing about, and walking backwards for one whole block. Good weather so would have 'carried' and m' skates.
Add ('pon Dylan post) a clip and with gal on skates. “Could have been me”. Would skate to Danceteria uptown, worked there.
Songs bubbling under the School's Out playlist could include a song about a bike.
Playlist Standard.
"I've got a bike... you Can...".
D'teria closes/moves location, all sacked, moved nearer re-opened. By then I'd started weekends at The Peppermint Lounge. [Yeah, would that I could remember, if... I carried them. Think I started with them.. must have, got someone to look after them?]
OR; Put them on at the end with headphones, and back to Jungleland.
[How is it I can sorta remember doing both (?)]
Dan Asher.
Two mates saw most where Scott, and Dan. We watched Dan get to scrawl some nursery-school-done looking faces. Be in the first 'new/"concept" art show.
Well, Dan always, walked, everywhere, Quintin-pace.
Mid-90s Dan [Asher] visited me in the UK. Seen this clip about his art and;
To help Dan I took him to meet Paul Hedge at Hales gallery Deptford. Dan left a heap of the 'pieces' that are on the display when clip begins. Gave me some and tiny spidery drawings had bundles of them. Reason to note; Hales asked me to pick all the 'work' he's left there on the spec. Think I was homeless when asked and didn't collect. Gave me big clay 'figure', used as a doorstop.
Haven't gone looking for what's said/written about Dan. Do know he made some money which proved crucial. (When not oh Dan, he was half-homeless. Lived in a cupboard, and it was. Half a room. Most of the time. The one person other than Scott let stay over when flat-troubles).
His big art sale?
A chair Jean-Michel-Basquiat owned. Sat on it, splashing a bit of paint on it, here and there.
A little while after he died. Dan ambling around, happening to pass where he'd lived.
That was the first day and what the builders or whoever, threw out of his apartment on to the street. Next day, came back, more bits and bobs.
There's a story in that eh?
Scott and I went to his first showing and ribbed him all the way.
"They like it, I can do them quick and cheap".
We had dramas between us. One day Scott had with Dan about something. By then, an early trendy-try bar opened on first, off St Marks. Opening night, Dan was in there. He'd landed this time, his giant.... more scrawled faces. In the first 'hip' ish bar.
Scott turned up early hours, Dan was soaking up his 15 minutes of fame, they argued. Scott left, and before leaving, ripped them all down and tore them up in front everyone. Wasn't there but he told me some looked as though it was more theatrics from Dan.
After the kiss and make up, we had a laugh over controversy that suited Dan. No wonder some suspected an 'inside job'.
Scott, Dan, Phil (a Jamaican from the UK, who came to NY with me), we all had Reggae.
NY and the US, not so.
And Dan had the money-spinner to rescue us. A 'right to be proud', and the photo he took. Poster-size copies and storing them to sell was my job. Here's a close up of the face in the pic:
Quintin Crisp. (cont.)
The Letterman interview is full of candid goodies.
Your Sunday school teacher. “Notes and a Bible please...”
Am putting it out-there and a Downtown-NYC, ONE semi-famous, local. Not counting Johnny Thunders on a dope run everyday. ONE person who went east of my door and into the 14 x 4 block, 'Alphabet City'.
Billy Idol, knew his glamorous but gritty ex. Lived on McDougal, so not the Lowereastside. He didn't live east, not that it matters s'pose. In the clubs and whatever party, it's "Billy" Who else?
Joe Jackson.
He'd sit in the quite bar of an afternoon. On a stool talking to [Oh boy, names ?: Tall Dread the manager, white misses, went to Japan in '84. It's closure was '84]. First Big change on the landscape. The Avenue A 'Bar and Grill' (havin' a laugh?). Think it said Grill. No food. Black paint inside and dark. Loud juke-box.
Next, and the 'other' The Ukrainian bar [Name?], where everything was 65c; a shot/mixer, draft beer. St Marks, between First and Second avenues.
Between Leshkos 7th and A and Odessa (the folding doors are different). The Avenue A Bar was next door, as seen, or near as.
Number Two, shocking knock-down the best we had, or known; “our local cinema”.
Which big, still-big, global company in 1985?
To enter the Sun. School Quiz:
Hit the acorn on the right side of the page.
First on the block and nail nos 2. and the Lower East Side getting village'd. Distance emerging in months, not years. An old New York and last milestone and circa 1970.
Jewish people, Ukrainians with a smattering of all-over.
The gangs of ABC. One a block, by and large. Living on the block, the territory couldn't be lost. One small tribe with baseball bats and guns. One of fifty to 100 peephole, Heroin and Cocaine, 'shops'.
Puerto Ricans (inc., adopted and other nationals), were equal to Jamaicans in the UK. Salsa and Reggae. Which never crossed the pond and UK got Salsa. Not as in the soundtrack for drug dealing.
“Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll,” by John Lack, the first Chief Operating Officer of MTV Networks. It was accompanied by footage of the first Space Shuttle launch countdown of Columbia and the launch of Apollo 11.
MTV 1.8.81. First words broadcast.
Salsa and Reggae were the street music and anthems blaring in the open drugs market.
Of course NY, KISS or WBLS, or 'KTU.
Outsiders from all over the States bumped up the numbers but made no significant changes. They/"we" had our 'unspeakable', knowing 'it', (“Gentrification”), was coming. Street-party/protests, posters always up and a live issue. We thought better, that's all, to celebrate freedom-now.
While we had it.
All this Old/New and NY, ring them bells and today? Having 'an ending' is all we could and right to do in '84.
As for 2020?
One reason everyone welcomed us with open arms. No “lights, camera, pictures...” outside attention and interference.
See: Truthscoop '1982', part 1.
Bar on the corner I lived had 70 year old men in white shirts selling short-bears draft 35 c. pickled eggs 50c or nuts for food. Longest horseshoe bar in NYC. Won't look on Google maps. Once bitten... and all that. Or research. That kind of 'old'.
First Major Retailer in 1985 “Downtown”, 'flagship store'?
Tasty Bible and crazy bag of traditional sweets for the winner.
Don't bother researching once I reveal the answer, there'll be no via Google, record of it.
The demolished cinema topped an impressive number of movie-house gems. The contenders, again on 'Dylan,' will share.
Began as Vrg (“Verge”) in Brockley and changed to Cam in Brixton. 'Christian Anarchist Mark'. Closer resolution: 'Post-Evangelical' (the term of the season), 'Charismatic' (not seasonal), 'Christian'. An Anarcho-Syndaclist Mark.
"I'm a Christian". Nut else. No add-ons. "MJ" to ya'll, while to m'mates, all couple or three of them, (and enough, thanks), I'm “Mark”.
Don't care what anyone calls me, but... so you know.
School Out.
Hope y'like, and sets feet, arms, head and bits, Moving.
Or; meditating, well and good. Roll around, WhatEver. Be the critique and chatter upon.
"See the keys in front of you?"
Got A to Z on.
Chatter a type OUT. Feel better. Tap, tap... be an MJ?
J Two.
Ctr. + A.
Ctrl. + C.
Open email.
New Email: Ctr. + V.
To: Mark[at]plantaseed[dot]com.
Easy Peasy.
Quite a trip to spend tonight fiddling it all together. Get some images and text on Bob D.
“Soon come...”
Wi mekkin histri
It is noh mistri
Wi winnin victri
Now tell mi someting
Mistah ritewing man
Tell mi someting
How lang yu really feel
Wi woulda grovel an squeal
Wen soh much murdah canceal
Wen wi woun cyaan heal
Wen wi feel di way wi feel
Feel di way wi feel?
Well dere woz Toxteth
An dere woz Moss Side
An a lat a addah places
Whey di police ad to hide
Well dere woz Brixtan
An dere woz Chapeltown
An a lat a addah place dat woz burnt to di groun
Burnt to di groun
Burnt to di groun
It is noh mistri
Wi mekkin histri
It is noh mistri
Wi winnin victri
Closing chorus anyone?
Whack it up then... and wail along with Strummer.
Yankee soldier
He want to shoot some skag
He met it in Cambodia, but now
He can't afford a bag
Yankee dollar talk
To the dictators of the world
In fact it's giving orders
An' they can't afford to miss a word
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
But what can I do?
Yankee detectives
Are always on the TV
'Cause killers in America work
Seven days a week
Never mind the stars and stripes
Let's print the Watergate Tapes
I'll salute the New Wave
And I hope nobody escapes
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
But what can I do?
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
But what can I do?
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
But what can I do?
Move up, Starsky
For the C.I.A.
Suck on Kojak
For the USA.
Need the words up. An overhead projector. Always gotta use an 'overhead'.
One for the rap-road. Or, prefered Rap. Lang. usage, as in; on the road, rapping and, ...'tings.
Last laugh and lessons. Themes pending and getting outings in next three posts are Lords of war and the battle of the sexes.
Be a lot of Lee, Hicks, Hughes, Chappelle, Prior and up first; Dane Bapiste.
All it took was seeing one video for inclusion in 'the pack'. The cut, and be a Truthscoop/Plant a Seed, Comic Vid., Clip.
The magnificent seven, to choose from. With Dane Baptiste, have his channel to watch, albeit slowly but sure as, and re-post some of them.
Keep, The Fast.
The set of the century in import and wisdom. "Come on...": Where and when
from (?) 'mainstream' is there a more important message?
A set/short-speech from up and coming, savvy trade-union boss, Toby. [My...union boss].
The Free Speech Union - Membership Organisation.
Post Comic:
Don't know about the song but seen this in the sidebar. Face of the girl on thumbnail is enough to get a 'truthscoop re-post'.
Face and figure, God made.
OFF out, will check the song out, 'pon return.
One love x