SUNDAY SCHOOL 06/09/20 Lonely Now
Truthscoop/Bags Of Playlists
[March 18, 2020.]
And; 'Lonely Now' Pt. 2. on
[August 7th, 2020.]
For Roland and family.
The song you spoke about:
[Lauren Daigle]
"Welcome to Sunday School."
Me? Nah. Life-long loners got over that. Mine began from dot. Circumstances added momentum. Single-mum, home alone, out by 17 and a bedsit and the pub. Won't 'fess on, but for good and bad, deep schooling in the lone path. Taken decades and capacities for a permanent lover —the, only kind.
You see tonight's the night when the needs come out
When your needs come out to breathe
And you toast the stars and there ain't now way you can sleep, ooohh...
The Poet.
How about this?
Choose this, call the post that... in seconds, and all a free-flow.
Go pick, 'If you think you're lonely now'.
Such a biggie, it answers my enquiry. In that..., 'the song' has been my substitute, and a major antidote to being stuck, bored, lonely...
In Truthscoop/1982 (August 10, 2019), said it, thus:
Something like; 'Last night a D.J. saved my life'. Describes a degree of literal reality. Words to sing and of utmost importance in moderating the fears and phobias. Lifting me on. DTrain/Keep On and so many others — did that. Voices of reassurance.
Not saying, isn't a common experience. On about checking my current diet and input? That positive and intentional upbuilding, contend comes through unambiguous language. Not feeling the struggles of life so much, suppose it matters less. As for me... need music to help.
Realising all over again, how much we grow our appetites and our state of mind. How far is it about; Hear what's said and through ongoing emotional responses, shape up... or pull down? Our mental wellness somewhat realigning, with whatever gets told.
Not any old how and admit being put-off with new–agey talk–ourselves–into theories. Get up and yap into a mirror. Not that, more about a combo with music and in intense regularity. The NY advantage was it came blasting from the streets and shops, cabs and what have you, all sharing a single, out-now, playlist. Easy to soak in.
Without which, can't imagine how else could have carried on in such a spot, being so young.
Message: Find words and beats that can inspire, charge up, impart hope and stir up the best going forward. Can't now listen to DTrain and does it. Get food elsewhere but my reckoning is the need for a whole lot more.
Theological-wise, the claim and promise is of a gift. God giving us something, some one, recognised by, and named, The Holy Spirit/wind/breath/...the person of...
On to the world around?
No one un-awake, i,e., not out, about the boldest of the terrorists, waving a pirate flag, but all along...
The base-line would be watching this and contrary about it:
As humanity and life shows us, some people who tell a lie, tell them all the time. Ruby Ridge, Waco... through to, C-19.
Modus operandi: A Conspiracy Theorist is someone with conclusive evidence the Govt./Big business/Elite/s behind, are compulsive, consistent, persistent, confident, nasty, evil, sick and into spooky-spiritual shenanigan, LIARS.
No, deceivers is closer. The lies are for the deception. Aim being, we become devil-like, and turn to love our servitude.
A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.
Aldous Huxley.
They covet our God-meant cries and depths toward themselves.
'Steal, kill and destroy' is the intention, but... we need to do it, for them.
The movement we're all being pushed into has binary directions: 0 and 1.
Empty and full; To empty us to nought, or be filled and love; self-harm and God, and self, acceptance; physical suffering and healing/compassion; chaos and order; yet, controlled and spontaneity; all to cities and the countryside; 'kill yourself' and begin-again, with expert support; fear and peace; state-believer and open-to, or into, God. (At least not gobbling up the anti-Christ, TV news); Transhumanism and Companionship/families/children.
Could do a dozen or two more, one is the root and about loneliness and grounded sufficient, somehow. Where 'loneliness' remains, as experienced over centuries. For understandable reasons. The last few decades changed all this.
Instead, the strategy by social planners is to drum and bash out the hope and goodness in us. Kill empathy, squash a sense of local community. The media and laws... The TV-like media is part of the process.
The false-flags work in tandem, that bets on enough of a TV-like News audience, will validate the takeover and open tyranny. The assumption is enough damage has been done, no-TV/no-TV news types will slink off, hopeless and worst/best practice, drugged.
Loneliness is a base-line, and the goal is to micro-manage individuals into social redundancy. Rendered obsolete.
[One am, exceeded my clocking-off. Will go, Lonely Pt 2., on Plant a Seed, on the 'morrow. Tar for comin', MJ.]
Throughout the 1990's, knew Athlete's vocalist Joel Pott and his family. Steve, (drums), was another teenager got to know a bit. By the end of the decade I'd begun getting involved in a small handful of artists, and around that time, Athlete, took off.
Not a good time in respects to excessive alcohol use, a broken marriage, —a trouble man, a mess.
Listened in, and watched Athlete rise to a potential, arena-playing, future. One week, their debut album was top of the charts, later they got a Novella Award for 'Wires'.
Come to re-listening a decade later, and then again, last year, to 'pop, rap, rock', etc. The intervening years, what music played, was 'classical'. Gigs and going out? Regular visits to the Barbican, or Festival Hall.
So, cometh blogging, plus... 'toons, like to keep a check on prejudices; positive, and negative?
Reckoning on the music? Do I like and rate, want to listen, or am I bias, and any talk, or promotion, is because...
Like Athlete, aka., want to hear and play.
In 2010, 'Don't Hold Your Breath', got-me good.
They did have some upsets, including; Parlaphone/EMI taken over by Universal. New boss, and Athlete, out with the old. The cost (to Athlete), was their back catalogue, and the release from their contract.
Another was the bass player broke his arm while on the US-leg of a U2 tour. All said, Athlete, again and again, win strong support from older and new fans, even in the recent years and no releases. Joel has gone on to work with other artists in production and songwriting. I'm not up-to-date, and how the others are doing. Expect they're grateful for the success and yet, so close to busting up a level.
The comments on videos often talk of how underrated and great they are. As for me? The one's and two's of any artist is my interest. Fussy and demanding, no doubts and Athlete make the cut.
Plans are to wade through and do a playlist-a-post (or two?), review songs and artists. Hold the socio-political/theological, chatter, and pretend it's the N.M.E.
To that end and here/now, to refrain from getting on Athlete and 'the G'vnor'.
On Guvna B?
Never expected to hear/see a Guvna B.
'Exceptional', and for once, the word isn't an exaggeration.
One way to engage and explain, requires a survey of music made by Christians, from 1950-2020. Have the outlook and understanding, not sure it's out there/up-there... on the net.
New York '81-84, the Lower East Side; South London 98-2003, Underground UK Hip-Hop; and, 1985-2020 Evangelical- and its post-E., 'emergent', outliers.
Three places, scenes, and times; where the stuff I read or hear is often, inaccurate, or missing the relevant facts.
The Church 1950-2020, and post-1985 in particular, is dismissed with glib over-simplicity. Won't say when..., but would like to offer healthy, historical revisionism.
Break and before bed: Loneliness.
[Aim for 23.00, start.
On to the twenty, thirty... plays of the Poet.
A song to be obsessed for-a-day on.
Read me again after Bobby, ohhh...,
"Come on".]
It's the simple things like the robots Stevie g draws
And the ease with which you seem to pull those tricks
There are moments of escape for every one of us
And the beauty in the times that we create
I saw you smiling
And I need, my vehicles and animals
And I will be alright
And take me back to, nineteen seventy nine so I can, find my open eyes
He can play all by himself for many hours
I have never seen a kid, who's so content
There is nothing from the outside that can touch him
'Cause he's just learning, how to be alone with one, I saw you smiling
And I need my, vehicles and animals
And, I will be, alright
Take me back to, nineteen seventy nine so I can, find my open eyes
And I need my, vehicles and animals
And I will be, alright
And take me back to, nineteen seventy nine so I can, find my open eyes, and...
Lying down on my bed
I just got another kick to the head
Oh yeah, you're a part of me
Yet another branch on the family tree
Salt on my fingers, salt in my cuts
Salt on my face, and salt in my guts
It's been a battle but we've come through OK
Stop what you're doing and play
Cos we've got, our vehicles and animals, so...
We're gonna-be, all-right
There's no need for us, to go back in time
Because we've, found our open eyes
We've got, our vehicles and animals
So, we're gonna be alright
And there's no need for us to go back in time
Because we've, found our open eyes
Vehicles & Animals
Pubs and parks are quiet. Plenty of people walking about, although quieter, and not the numbers before C-19.
A month ago a pub landlord told me customers have told her, that they're not out, because of the health fears.
Could it be the imposition of the 'new rules' is a factor? It puts me off. If so, they didn't say.
Today, met two young families in the park, a couple of mates, people in a pub, and chats with others. Over half of them never watch the news etc., the others might, but consider it, 'rare'.
Again, the last, couple or so, weeks; guessed all but one person out of about eight, as not 'TV etc., News viewers'.
Today, didn't try guessing, but asked, "do you, watch..."?
Spoke to another ten over the fortnight.
None of them, watch the news, if at all. Backs my theory about 'TV News etc.', and one of the main plank of a problem. Main..., downer, to manipulate our mood.
Now, I'm intrigued to meet; a sparky, the lights are on, C-19 agnostic/outraged, and 'well-as', considering the times: Come across, fine not flummoxed or puzzled, troubled, ...about a virus.
Take heart, I do. Not an abundant of opportunities, but receive whatever and whenever I can .
1. Loneliness, and Now.
2. Athlete and Guvna B.
Write some on them, and using the Bobby Womack song/title, and think/write about being lonely..., now.
2020's centralised legislation are edicts without the semblance of a representative process offered through Parliament.
The rule of law is being so emasculated ... our rights are being pulled away by stealth. If we don’t have a strong legal framework then we will move towards law by government and not law through parliament, and the heart of democracy will be gone. We must be alert to that.
Kirsty Brimelow QC.
C/o Sourced from an article, 'Liberty in lockdown', on
Lord Sumption's quoted identifies the young, who've faced the disproportional brunt of the C-19' over-reaction.
The reports over the months and negative affects on school-age children is well understated. We're all supposed to be mucking in, and making the most of an, inevitable, social shut-down.
Lord Sumption says,
No politician was prepared to put their head above the parapet and say that this was disgraceful and profoundly damaging to our traditions and to the people who are least affected by the virus because they are young. Somebody had to say it.
Local to me, two separate young people, committed suicide. Both known to a friend, and met an uncle to one of them. Don't know the extent, pressures of isolation, are a cause? 'Exam results', precipitated one of these horrors. What can be ascertained, is the six months, going on to a year is blighting and buggering-up a generation.
Drugs, and 'Mobiles', are ruinous. Already, that.
Now the Govt., and lackey's singing along, have marched us into a madness. The country becomes a full-on, cuckoos nest.
The narrator in the novel is long-term patient, Chief Bromden. An opening line:
I been silent so long now it’s gonna roar out of me like floodwaters and you think the guy telling this is ranting and raving my God; you think this is too horrible to have really happened, this is too awful to be the truth! But, please. It’s still hard for me to have a clear mind thinking on it. But it’s the truth even if it didn’t happen.
It's a double smack. Isolated, yet for many young people, no space to be alone. For one period, unable to/discouraged, leaving home and seeing others.
What does all this do to the young? Facing:
'But it’s the truth even if it didn’t happen.'
Could be the nine words to sum-up the threats of a pandemic, virus, FEAR. Authorities behaving with all the symptoms of paranoia, and lack of self-awareness.
Passed on in word, deed, and partakers in 'TV-type News' to sponges soaking up and believing in their words.
Two clicks and search engine away from a counter-narrative? Lies, lies, lies, and more lies. All out there, but who wants to look? Already confused, while the notion; if it doesn't make 'the news' it'll make no difference, so what?" and better sense or accurate information.
Understand why everyone wants to get away from C-19 talk. The live, fresh and all swish and confident, TV presentation is sugar. BAD, bad-for-us, sugar. Rots' brains, and causes the compulsion for more.
Go sugar-free and our mental environment. Escape the psychological string-a-long, we're 'in this together', via TV.
The teens and young adults tend not to watch 'the box'. While, the least obedient, in mask-wearing and remaining indoors.
Discern they're the centre of the target, to re-educate by the tyranny, behind and within the UK Govt.
Who is, crazy?: