Sunday Sch00l - JFK And Bob Dylan
Sport, Sax, Words, Music, Art, and Health 'n Safety. TS likes the under-rated, under-respected, missed, and buried by the beast.
For Phoebe.
[Monday midday, "there ya have it."
Been on/off/on/edit/add, etc. Start off with some notes. Shape up... and see where we go.]
Surrender your crown on this blood-stained ground,
take off your mask
He sees your deeds, He knows your needs
even before you ask
How long can you falsely and deny what is real ?
How long can you hate yourself for the weakness
you conceal ?
Of every earthly plan that be known to man,
He is unconcerned
He's got plans of his own to set up His throne
When He returns.
From, When He, ...Returns.
Bob Dylan.
California, circa., 1980.
The stable, Bob was 'born-again into, was an evangelical church, finding it's Armageddon/s, and, Israel, the sign and miracle.
"God told us.... of a great surge of numbers and zeal in Christianity."
All, before: "when he returns." Some went for dates, or 'decade'-means, "soon...,"
And, when, he...?
Interpretations today, allow for a broader-theological readings from his lyrics. If, understood, today?
In context? Bob, knew, what he was saying.
NME, R. Stone, all considered his first-original in seven years (?) and muddy masterpeice. A question mark. A-con-spiracy?
OR? "Let's move on..."
Dylan and Morrison (Van), are the two most important living artists. So, if you consider, 'music', the, highest art, (not me? —follows, words...,).
(Bach, and Vaugan Williams, the cross over or, transition.)
Two at the top. Two, outspoken, two, slated and, UNDER, rated.
Two prophetic words.
Murder She Wrote, with next, 'Sunday School Theme,' on, 'Van and C-19.'
Dylan never spoke between songs live, after his, Jesus-period. On tour he gave short preaches between numbers. His verbatum quotes are consistent and, all about, the soon-returning, Christ.
9 Horse
Late 70s/early 80s they would have been understood in the life and politics of Evangelicals.
Charismatic and Calvinist, with novel End-Times teaching. Of which, the claims and contemporary-political "predictions," —all proved, to to be false (prophecy).
Divergences about, when He returns among Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians.
The wider and bigger questions, underlying basis, the ground built-on is the 'Reformed view'. The common word associated with it is: Predestination.
Holding to 'Calvin' comes with the (Local), 'Church.' you, become a Christian, and are part of. The luck of where, you're born, (again)?
Your, 'predestined, blessing.'
Held a vague Calvinism, from 1985 to '88. Assumed a mystery but... true.
An interview for 'Ichthus', to train as a Church Worker, accepted, knowing this. The request (by Sue Mitchell); "All we ask, is you consider the arguments, and scriptures?". On more of the Arminian perspective, and not, Calvinists.
Confidence, and openess. Accept Calvinists, who do street work ...ALL the time, and see results. Not trusting, predetimined outcomes but 'storming the gates of hell' and in excubrant chorus-driven praise, declare and exercise faith in 'The Holy Spirit'.
Wait on God, but not for 'something to happen'? Rather, go out with promises, parise and and through encounters with God... on the streets, doing evangelism. Signs, wonders, and ... with the balls, of overseas mission. Old Church.
Into hostile 'locked-down' and masked-up in the local community.
Truth be known, 'Ichthus Christian Fellowship' leaders were/are(?), 'Open Theists'.
SO widespeard at the time, the assumption was, and remains the case, for 'Hyper, Calvin-ism'.
A Theological, school of thought developed in response, to the critiques traditional Calvinism, began to face.
Dylan left the church, his songs and albums are the documents. What few interviews, and two vol.s, and biography: Bob isn't one for offering disclosure about religion, or polilitics? Yet, in the Mid-2000s, Bob did, 'tv-con-mercials ,' and bowed to the Prez. for a trinket from the state of Babylon.
For Sax.
ADVERTISEMENT: Plant a Seed on Monday, 'Elevation'.
On Truthscoop, this week, Clavish, and, Jordan.
TS on C., more-like, O' course, Jordan and/or, Clavish, could pop-in? Try a 'free-write'?
Jordan's, 'Salford Duppy'.
With J Hus/Koffee, Repeat... the Top Twenty, Twenty, Twenty?
Some year, and, a 2019?
2020, October to December, the UK Social Housing, outpouring.
Clavish, out in-front, more to come...
Off and on until midnight, breaks, publish before-hand. Done by 11 ish. [23.21, start-up, t'morrow].
On, the delaying... Dave Tom., post? Decided...?
Let's do, "the shed" on Sunday nights, until the end of year, and nab his weekly contributions. Seems fair? See if he, shamlessly begs-for-nothing, but asks like, men, do?
Each week will start my typing with silence ('course),... God? Moss def, and most imp. Read, go with the, flow,,,
First reading:
It’s hard to talk about the myriad issues piled in our society in a cohesive way, and when we try, we often get the same response: “What is your solution?” People get frustrated and demand an instant solution to the structural problem they are very much a part of.
The very insistence on a single, cure-for-all-answer betrays their unwillingness to see the structural and systematic nature of the problem. Meanwhile they allow themselves “solutions” which are concocted by those who have created the problems.
Those “solutions” are bound to be strictly incremental and reformist, otherwise the self-serving nature of the overall trajectory becomes blatantly obvious.
A decent article, becomes a great article?
Because of..., the comments. Ploughing through them on O.G. Learning, challenging, refreshing, frustrating, and tools of the trade.
Consider, 'Commies,' like Buddhists?
Good news, in what's happening. Socialists' appeal.
The 'system,' and 'Ruling Class/Elites,' tag and explanation, is a blurred vision, with Marx-bias. Yet, the alleged targets' outcome, and woe-ful ways? Can't fault the insight.
Like, stirs, the crowd. A different kind, of commie? Not, happy?
Like Buddhists/ism, for me?
Good for, approaching, the 'God,' they don't, believe in. God? At all, and, for Buddha.
Help, With... Meeting God. Not, About...(?)'
18 May 1980
Marvin, Tammi, And Motown.
Bonus Ball
How Come?
Answer to the Quiz-You-What: The Gap. Not, provable, (my research). The cinema?
Documenting the times. TS mission.
Putting the 'hangings' up, for Sunday School, later tonight.
Start, thinking about..., typing, and, publishing, —as I go.
For Phoebe.
9pm Free-write and, m'seeking-God session.
The, Dylan song, and Lord J., (UK).
[No notes, no cut and paste, write, 9pm].
Like Jordan at 'five minutes, in...', hear, write, few-hours, deliver. Put him on unheard, ...still.