States Debate
About to watch something but gonna write my bit first, post – then – watch.
Was a named, just-about active enough to justify, Anarcho-Syndicalist, for a decade. Until such personal troubles that my-world fell apart and postulations, gabbing about a preferred social order, dice-appeared in irrelevance. Then the awake and re-in with, keep-local and libertarian dreams if push came to shout-about. Or, a bit more state-ism, if not too wide abouts. Or.../”do I give a..?”
Because, all in all, seems academic and unbecoming. Be like being in some trench and old war, talking how to run peace-time, when the bombs and bayonets are reigning down. More WHEN, there’s a time and for me, ain’t now.
Anarchy=no government and worldwide. Me and ones, I was with/in, the strict defo. Any else-wise, let alone the worst abusers and attempts to couple with capital was gob.... etc. The A to live and die for was/is, a detailed vision, with all the scenario talk-throughs and how could be/what’ll happen.
Representatives go local to natural land-mass organising forums; while from roads to rolls, there’s a way things would look to be.
This and a close-ish, protest-walking alliance, with the ones – “commies” – expecting to fight it out come post-revolution/collapse to the death in the semi-finals. Socialism is anarchy in a millennium. This most despised. Yet, more recently, ever-more present participators at The A-ists Book Fair, tribal gathering. Times are hard.
‘Love not the World’ is my starter for ten. 'W' being ‘kosmos’ (ancient Greek), used in this Bible verse to mean… the systems that unavoidably emerge and overlay a more natural or benign order. I.e. The Empire. This, we’re to hate; Things of ‘this world’ that rob us, unseen or likely bang upfront. Illustrated as pollution, a corrupting soul grab and gobble up, substitutes for God-wise devotion, while dis-enabling love and care for surrounding community.
Bible’s three stumblers and keep from:
This kosmos; Physical capacity untransformed for higher ways and; Unseen forces with personality out to disrupt and destroy. (‘The world, the flesh and the devil’).
Having said this, a lot of research could fall into this second priority and questionable-relevant, perspective. So why spend two hours on this debate? Because... may help me in my study campaign and a) Could/should inspire for prayer. And, b) Get more leads how/what to pray – and the machinations behind the centralist of cabals.
Will add: Can’t stand certain ideological overstating, not that it’ll likely or easily come about here. Certainly without pull-up. Not even overstating ideology but “nothing good can come from...” talk. Left/Right/Libs/Anarchos are__________. Fill in an overgeneralised slag-off and get into off-loading on.
There’s only two sides for the stir-up and set em fighting party, those holding the main media’s buttons. And some of our hot-buttons.
Comrades of chaos, duping along -and- those with strong rigorous critiques for opposing claims, yet – able to employ discerning measure when possible, understanding the limits of labels and over-generalising.
One I’m tempted to: Anarchists and the Left are woeful re awakening-up, yet, so are the alt. right (let alone, called ‘old’ lot).
Lemmie nag: Tagged alt. R, these swaggering comic and hip-shooters, are careful to avoid openly considering the more outrageous-sounding aspects of corruption. This to keep broader appeal but maintain, dangerous pretend-ville, that keep the Beast fed.
My suggestion is there are two most rooted crimes, ritual-based and foundations for perpetrators’ perceived power. Glue that keeps the idol together:
Elite-based, child abuse–murder -and- hoax/false-flags.
These two ‘single issues’ keep the masses talking political, while the bedrock of the madness, can be a deflection from these darkest deeds.
What ave ya… In a deluge of what-abouts, we all have our calls. In the broad but maybe focused. Not claiming "mine oh mine" for all to adopt. But like tapping this piece, if I had a political theory it would be numero uno: DIY
Type/join or do a talk/film/graf an image etc, is the one first, best move.
And 2: Find y’issue/s. Distinctives. As far as poss. Maybe one pressure-izer? One strat. or, one or two “my thang/s”.
Post an awoken education, most effective would be, everyone scurrying into/onto their more concentrated directions.
Particular over general. Single-ish issue activism/approach, over necessarily broad-stroking theorising.
Writing as in here/me is very much “just because” and motivation. Convoluted and babble-ridden maybe but, it is what is. DI-me and some-thing, and "so there". Lest I 'shrink back'? Which the Bible warns against.
Soap box and ground taken.
And Peace To You.