Sounds of the Weekend
SUNDAY SCHOOL A-COMIN' // + Page below, ***NEW IMPROVED,*** SMALLER-SIZE -ish(?) Butter stop, X.
2015-2020, The Same 'Ol, Same Ol', and Aangirfan been blazing all along, ...Before that.
All-the- while, hardly ...another. A-lone? A.W.O.L.? A-WOT?
[Last night/late], noticed the numbers are starting to roll-out of Drill-ville.
Appear on the You Tube, drop-down, etc. If, I took a good look, be a dozen on TS in a day. Not feelin' and do that? Will go for a 30/20 contender selection on Sunday 9 pm. Offering, no deep- searching, —which might, cause me to miss
Ne'er less by the Charts on Boxing Day, with room for any last snuk in's... be on 1/1/21.
Gassed x
Comment on Digga C from Sohamsta.
Happy are the Peacemakers.
Beyond..., words, and art/music, (?).
Thanks for the info.
MJ. // Reposted on
Terms & Conditions: A UK Drill Story | YouTube Originals
PIECZENIK, Calls it... "going under".
TKK, 'Nothing will come from Powell’s lawsuits [ ... ] Harris/Biden will be President'.
SHRIVER/ (LOCKDOWN), "doesn't work".
SKINNYMAN on Racism, and Homophobia, in Hip-Hop?
FSU/ Weekly News Round-Up; 'Christian Hate Crime'.
North Yorkshire police are investigating Ben John of the advocacy group Christian Concern for an alleged hate crime after receiving a report from transgender minister Rev Alex Clare-Young of the United Reformed Church. Upon seeing Clare-Young, who is married to another minister, Jo, in a promotional video on LGBTQ participation in the Church of England, which featured the Archbishop of Canterbury, John responded with a video of his own which allegedly made Rev Clare-Young “feel very unsafe”. In his video, John called transgenderism a “false ideology” and, referring to the two ministers, added, “what we’re actually seeing here is a lesbian couple. This man isn’t really a man. She’s a woman. So whilst the Church of England might say yes we haven’t changed the doctrine of marriage, they have changed the practice”.
DORE, 250 Mill. ? Strike.
McKENZIE, Commented; Fantastic photographs and reminds me of a documentary topping the list, and, "next up": 'Of Time and the City' (2008), and Liverpool, "once upon..." Reckon we got to 'go back', to 'look forward', eh? As ever, thanks. [Awaiting Mod./And thank you, too.]
DARKMOON, Pornography and its Effect on Children, 2017.
SOVEREIGNTEA, University Students? Time for an essay?
Jordan, Fredo, Diana, Clavish...
RA, Wretch 32, Ghetts, Giggs...
Race Tips, and 'starting prices'?
[MJ,] runnin' : 1. C. (1); 2. J. (2); 3. F. (1 / although, considering, his 2nd shot (?) - / it, could, be/ is ... 2020s', number one.).
All, and any to come, and (yet?), to hear?
Maps and Charts 2020, ...soon.
Anybody seen a knight pass this way
I saw him playing chess with Death yesterday
His crusade was a search for God and they say
It's been a along way to carry on
Anybody hear of plague in this town
The town I've left behind was burned to the ground
A young girl on a stake her face framed in flames cried
I'm not a witch God knows my name
The knight he watched with fear
He needed to know
He ran where he might feel God's breath
And in the misty church
He knelt to confess
The face within the booth was Mr. Death
My life's a vain pursuit of meaningless smiles
Why can't God touch me with a sign
Perhaps there's no one there answered the booth
And Death hid within his cloak and smiled
This morning I played chess with Death said the knight
We played that he might grant me time
My bishop and my knight will shatter his flanks
And still I might feel God's heart in mine
And through confession's grille Death's laughter was heard
The knight cried No you've cheated me!
But still I'll find a way
We'll meet once again and once again
Continue to play
They met within the woods the knight his squire and friends
And Death said now the game shall end
The final move was made
The knight hung his head
And said you've won I've nothing left to play
The minstrel filled with visions sang to his love
To look against the stormy sky
The knight his squire and friends
Their hands held as one
Solemnly danced toward the dawn
His hourglass in his hand his scythe by his side
The master Death he leads them on
The rain will wash away the tears from their faces
And as the thunder cracked they were gone
Sport a big circus can distract and us from real-world affairs and debilitate action, is increasingly an emerging market for political pressure.
/Chess Up December 08, 2015.
The Wisest Thing In The World Is To Cry Out Before You Are Hurt. It Is No Good To Cry Out After You Are Hurt; Especially After You Are Mortally Hurt. People Talk About The Impatience Of The Populace; But Sound Historians Know That Most Tyrannies Have Been Possible Because Men Moved Too Late. It Is Often Essential To Resist A Tyranny Before It Exists. It Is No Answer To Say, With A Distant Optimism, That The Scheme Is Only In The Air. A Blow From A Hatchet Can Only Be Parried While It Is In The Air.
Cull or confinement? Their perceived conclusions. Move from evident soft-kill to mass kill-off, or remain the billions? Corralled and contained in the global lab. The new-world old disorder.
For our own good of course. For future sustainability. Management consultancy concludes.
/ Cull Or Confinement
/ MLK by PCR January 20, 2016.
Dear Readers: This website is one of the few places on Earth where truth exists. If you do not support truth, you will be locked in The Matrix and there will be no one to get you out. If you are aware, you realize that truth on earth is disappearing faster than the environment and threatened species. The survival of truth depends on your support of those who are committed to truth.
Poppy A Twenty Bag
Bonus Ball/s
FOR SAX x-X-x.
Large gatherings of any type are not safe during COVID-19. Close contact with multiple people should be avoided. But, if you decide to find a crowd, below are tips to reduce your risk of spreading or getting COVID-19:
Limit the size of your guest list; Keep it intimate; Go with a consistent sex partner; Pick larger, more open, and well-ventilated spaces; Wear a face covering, avoid kissing, and do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands; Bring an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Safer Sex and COVID-19 ('Guidance' from NYC "Health")
I’ve found it very interesting that, despite the many hundreds of thousands of words in mainstream coverage on America’s recent racial unrest, and despite the relevant and obvious historical contexts, hardly anything has been said on how relatively quiet the South has been. This is not to say that some protests and vandalism haven’t been witnessed, but that they pale in comparison to events seen in Wisconsin, and especially to those seen in Portland and other (often predominantly White) northern cities. Why this disparity exists is surely of some importance, and the silence around it is surely evidence of some mainstream discomfort regarding the conclusions one might reach. For my own part, I’ve engaged in a mixture of objective thought and personal recollection, certainly as regards the woeful Portland.
Portland Memories; December 1, 2020
Andrew Joyce.