So Vain
The headline got me. Not into Marx but accept the weight his words might carry:
Washington is proving Karl Marx’s conclusion correct that violence is the only effective force in history, writes Roberts.
The added question mark on the graphic is 'hope' and another way. Another chance. A somehow witnessing the collapse and make a do-what-can-do small contribution. For the young in our midst. For God who asks, we ask and act.
Why care? What's the value or sense?
Out come the excuses, with some into-Jesus, even using the bad bits of 'classic theology' to cop ye out. Pretend all in God's time and plan. Yet, read Jesus fresh and straight up? We have to conclude or imagine what God is saying, and wants to do.
Because... and because, to sit and suck in and spit with the deceiver/s is an act of betrayal... of Christ -- who is m-love.
Feel it though, reading the one sum-up claim from Karl. Amplified by Paul. Expanded by Craig. In an ongoing, unfolding revelation of what's going on. Which all in all, troubles and convicts.
Staring at manipulated Venezuela, in this example, is upsetting. Facing the 'conclusion' physical weapons are next. Reduced to the core, it's about violence-works. Much CIA practice, few cock-ups. By State apparatus and mercenaries alongside.
Nos. 1 seek and destroyer, named as the CIA with co-opted -- extra -- criminals.
Caught time and time again but covering-ish it up since modern-day dot. How many coups, not including may as well be through interference, since 1800? Hundred-plus upfront. Less obvious ones? Well about every country and as all the time as possible.
Turn another page of honest research and evidence displays whose fingerprints, again and again, and..? Add or divide and Israel, plus or times, the world of subservient national rulers.
CIA -- for their bosses -- installed pups' provide a degree of US-looking financial benefits. But there's a working gang to feed. Personal incentives to crook away. In this region drugs, and in Venuzeals' case, oil -- they've got the most and a jackpot.
Have we got it? Same lot/same way/every time. Same alphabet and agency. When, aren't they, involved?
With no other or better strategy for a takeover than brute hate and war. In this case Brazil, and hear Colombia, readying for US-led, military industrial action. Reassigned US troops for Central America, once destruction blows up South.
Should make us sick inside. Angry and yes, upset, this the world we live in. While pace toward and subterfuge on top keep a glazed-eyed, cynical but sing-along mainstream amped: As long as it's not, too... local. The media massaging the public to believe the lies. "Suck along now".
International-conflict, false-flags and fakery. It's all about show and hides a bit. The dialectic and the dumb.
Of course, more into-Marx, like Craig Murray who the headline is signposting, tend to only dig, so far. Choose not to know, look or admit, the deeper scamming's critical roots and problem. Our failure to assess -- stuff the personal intellectual or otherwise backlash -- and admit darkest. BE a true alternative to the scam-artists and not, one-step back, expose 'rs.
The political establishment loves the Left and Right, Monarchy or Libertarian, Anarchy or Fascism... and what's the latest dog and pony; Far-Right. Pushing any of these for a solution is so vain. Darn foolish and unrealistic to think we're anywhere close to sorting out the -ism's.
Be like going into a medical operation without a satisfactory diagnosis. We claim to know how to fix and a social re-ordering. Come-of-it. First: Spot the flags and fakers. Full disclosure talk, or ya slagging for the system.
Who runs, or at least influences the so-called radical groups. What do we think the thousands upon... spooks, do all day and night? What spy hunt for the good of the said nation. Sure there are some, somewhat sincere, think-protecting the flock. Others take the bonus and screw over all required. For who, they don't know, or why.?
Take the cash and go home.
Commentators credibility matches their level of understanding and the disordering. CIA etc. in and about Caracas isn't a US Imperial-Americano affair. It's a gravy train for the money and power junkies who have a nihilistic bent. On a train, they don't know how to get off -- this presuming the desire.
Violence is horrible, I for one, seeking not to watch the glamorised version on screens. Self or national defence has a place if conviction allows. But it's the sickness of sickos passed on that requires rejection. It is a dis-ease and the cure is honesty, truth and oh yeah...