Once upon ye olde false-flag times, that which defines our generation, cometh hoaxes. Some in part, some not and bloody full-on. Videos comparing footage and accounts making intellectual nonsense of assured and presumed guilt. But lo and behold masses didn't think so matters.
Not least the hot and daring commentators mapping new world order's stomping boot. While silly to deny the evidence it was 'best not look' or 'pretend up's down'. For these public talkers, it's having to face and consider peers and pressure.
What's the price and costly analysis, versus, chant-on in knowing lies?
The obvious need, and why-act dumb and question-less/not at all. All about perceiving what undermines the strength of precious held arguments. What the fake narrative serves and its servants.
And all this demonstrates is what a poor and weak position, needing all the lying help it can get. Becomes the dare-not investigate. "Na-na-nah..." like a stubborn and crazed child. Finger in ears, eyes shut and not wide. All about me-me-me.
'Any means necessary' shouldn't include deception. Especially if it's lauded about and this trumpeting 'what the other side' do. Better to say it somehow or somewhere, somehow. Isn't this what sneaky groups and movements are at least honest enough to admit. Even if and below the surface admission.
Less hypocritical and a more powerful platform for the insiders and their soldiers.
Not think?
(Do I 'think' I'm talking to... who?)
Less a problem if protesters of terrorism showed some respectful sanity and information-restraint. Knowing doubts and discrepancies exist, so tactful and general, remarking concerns. Let alone and way-ok to say "don't know but..."
But, and never.
No, no-no-no, have to name the events, like we need reminding what threat they mean. When all along it's a form of insider communicating. Self-reinforcement and drunk on deception double-downing.
OH yeahh... so bold and tough they swagger. So fearless -- and the beast. Taking think-to the menacing establishment. Like Ali and such in pre-fight jabber and heroics. Yet the huffin' and puffin' is trash in truth terms and their claimed weapon and fist. One big lotta lies: So Pop... goes the credibility.
Saps and weaklings. Near-on Vichy-like. Bought and paid-for, making ready for the invaders, while acting all 'our' side.
Coming on like the now infamous witness' could-be actor, and their 'duping delight'.
Is talking-up or written list of 'previous events' anything but instinctive? Amp up the dissonance or wave the indicator:
"Let no one speculate, I'm one of them-conspiracy, theorists".
Very method-acting. All pretend. Everything thereon, utter undermined.
The contemporary version of the Masonic handshake and secret signs to one another.
While all 'sides' are in terror-visions' sight. The aim is for one and united to isolate any who refuse to adhere. To 'Gaslight' and mop up dissenters into believing the world's so mad, we may as well agree and shut-it.
Think about the holograms or simulation. Go flat and get off all else, do 'Mandela', anything to minimise the war, killing, imprisonment innocent and on and on...
Watch the puppet show, played by these flags and top billing and two-way match:
The Left and Islam, Military Industrial and Israel first.
And; The Right and Nationalism etc. and... Military Industrial and Israel first.
Up the spooks and surveillance. Off the net and any qualms or fussing by the prolls.
Once upon Sandy Hook to Nice times output surged as comments revealed.
(Worth noting this somewhat remains and last-outpost and comments.)
Evermore broadcasting, then came Vegas through to Parkland. Now we've arrived at "no more of that rude and insulting questioning chatter" times.
Documentaries are being deleted down. This month's steps forward are Amazon at work on its book burning frenzy.
Stated weeks back, the next two would involve a mosque and follow-up, said to be a reprisal. And/or the other religion-way around.
Going all to plan and not difficult to predict. The clash of the old religions as represented by respective nations is full of potential. The coming squeeze and sucker punches. Often the surrounding and a distraction-from is one of the benefits.
Most often oh-Israel and gone rogue bits of Mossad involved. Got hands-in on and a particular nation-directed smack.
While 'nations as chess-pieces' top-floor lot might step-back allowing independence within agreed spheres.
Or start up... or be monitor-staring and operational control.
My guess is the whoever and planners have a synagogue and a church ready and set up for precision timing. Strategic decisions based on allowances and minor variables within the political landscape.
Trump and Brexit, well confirmed as unfolding from long-way back manipulating manoeuvres. Couldn't be better for the dread-few with engaging for them, seeming a risk. Rile up the crowds in a dogfight that's reared-up and rigged from decades.
Political pundits progress no matter the nobility of cause is dependant on diagnosis. Always, always, always been about lies. From 'the garden' and "did God say?" Which God didn't, if read close enough. In the details -- and what?
IF we cloud over and trust in the state-god. No, actually ... an idol. It's behind the stage show and the action. IF... we carry on and don't squawk for survival, the lies will become 'truth' accepted, once all revealed.
This week was ideal for a terror-time show. UK and US nationalists got the confirmed wallop they'd feared. Caught Rees-Mogg conceding lack of confidence with, "I don't think there's time to..." In reference to the law changing and full-withdrawal of Brexit. Or the one that ain't and we get.
Hear Trump to Breitbart about 'do better' or 'need to behave' about users on social media? (Can't quick find and no-way going to listen to the interview).
All I can -- at a purposeful distance see -- is this is the depleting the hopefuls. In nations unable to elect leaders that matter.
Realise it's fake terror events, can provoke and persuade conversion. Get up out of your seat and come forward to the screen and awake. Millions humbled themselves and repented. While the rest, remain, well... lost, whichever way you size it.
The other element, Truthsccop-suggested, was obvious involvement and the internet. Hacked-terror? In this New Zealand whatever, piles on the idea someone got all netted-up into madness.
Always a poss. this first headline-warranting lone nutter and nasty sicko with excusing politics? Gonna wrote a dodgy and self-penned manifesto. Or whatever it is. Haven't, and not intending, to pay a lot of attention.
Reporting honest and deep isn't allowed so it's an act of frustration. As for the alternative research smacking of dare-not get whacky fears. In case I/we look...
SELL outs and better dump the income and find another earner and be real.
This threat of banning on YouTube etc has quelled near-on remaining would spark up voices. Understandable. Not for me through and through to judge, getting kicked off and the ad/supporter money helping pay bills.
It's some and not trying so much at all. Not radical aka getting to the roots.
A quick read of first articles and a vid or two, that might have something to say are quick to reel off the list and so switch...
No more. No more wasting time with so-fooled or fake-along ones.
We should have no confidence in any of them. And I mean any.
'Jo Cox' -- and it was Thomas Mair for instance. Get shocked up and thrown. Taken a beyond reasonable doubt hammering from Richard Hall. Recently floored me with its level of detailed coverage.
No one much cares though. Ones who know the con and mass hypnosis is up, got Aangirfan and..? Burning Blogger and... well the diminishing Custer last-standing.
Idlib –Reportage from the Last Front in Syria
Taste that Awake talk eh:
Are villagers optimistic about the future?
“Yes, very optimistic,” declares the village chief. “If we get help, if we can rebuild, we will all come back.”
But then, they show me the water wells, destroyed by the ISIS.
It is all smiles through tears. So far only 30 have come back. How many will come home this year?
I asked the chief what the main aim of the ISIS was?
“No aim, no logic. ISIS was created by the West. They tried to destroy everything, this village, this area, this entire country. They made no sense… they do not think like us… they only brought destruction.”
Know the difference. Spit out the substitutes and so-called not, this is.
The bamboozled needing truth. Talkers online, face the flags, or we should abandon in principle. One... of our only hopes and should not squander this exposing opportunity.
Must stay off and not indulge in upfront go on and on... fake and false-flag deniers.