SJ and Prisons Pt. 3
A K.Koke, comparison charts?
Who got the FIREPOWER to shout-out? Where's the sounds and messages, The Truthscoop Music?
...and start on SJ.
POST UP: To gimmie a shove and, get to it?
Listened/listening, to interviews with; K. Koke; Giggs; JaJa Soze; and, Professor Griff.
Feed up, and seek to come up with something..., helpful/ hopeful/ good/ encouraging/ convicting/ funny/ sad/ galvanising, and inspire/ suggest-ways we can make an outcry/
On for a few minutes at midnight. Might not return, straight-back 'n on. Might be a day or so, -or- MJ is jumping jack flash at dawn?
Jumping in the night, is best for some things, but the morn., and me-making-sense(?).
Ambush '...Bait' is the one for me, over a day or so.
QUESTION: What Are The Police, saying... if suspected of strategising, to 'prevent' an Ambush, and a family man, becoming...a voice and life, and, for good?
Police/Authorities? Could, show a little grace, for, us/people, to provide his wages, via the music-making? Or, what...? 'We'd, rather, he keeps up the Crim-ing?
TS Investigation Time is calling.
As for K. Koke, it's a bit of a first/ (m'reckon): Who else, has made, this kind? Fits with a Paul Morley question, to tease out a response when interviewing a 'younger, Giggs'?
OPPOSITION FROM STATE etc? What's the message...?
Ambush isn't for running away, or; masking his mouth shut.
[Source/s: Plantaseed /If You've Been Touched Own Up]
Music..., CAN, and, Could, Matter, in a whole ton of ways? Anthems on similar lines, and trends are set? A Righteous Upsetter, one hadn't dared wonder, and, ...would anyone?
Pushes us/me, forward and, out there.
From personal listening/private experiences, or, "Party time". Else-where? Does what?
Speaks to collective/s, and, socio-political, liberating, possibilities. For once, we got a Rap, and attacking?
Made for, to make-for positive moves in social living. For dreams and visions. Music and words to advance, the action stations. Music, forming a decisive and integrated, element in the Up-Rise.
Notta surprise, eh: MJ calls it, "Historic".
Two and a bit years ago, I didn't think we'd see anything happen of historic, significance, and, contemporary music? Or, in fact, the rest is called, Art/s. Had, not imagined. At, all.
The same goes, a couple of days ago?
'Hardly, (can), believe it? Hadn't, even, wondered, if anyone would be so bright and bold, to yap about a Jungle Book of Elephants, in all-our, (esp., The Pretenders' Class ...), Rooms?
All this comin' on, as, am gettin' over, the power, imagery, bars, and vivid re-telling on his latest, Daily Duppy.
As for the man in the tin-foil hat? GINORMOUS, and will weave some of K Koke's thoughts and/or lyrics. WHAT A SONG? And, a vid., a song. Claim, made, out of an assessment, as, 'History' reveals?
Y'know why, so?
Related, figuring context to compare and seen in, the historical perspective; various accounts, and data. (Kid ye not.)
....WHEN, the CLEAR and PRESENT danger, IS the NEW religious CULT, and THE idols OF vax.
Plow on, and look for tryin' to do a blog post/, and get the size of it all/ and be of public interest.
Holla out: Tar, and givin' it/me, a, go.