Press Down
The Saker writes; 'Today I am going to touch upon a subject which frankly saddens me, but which I cannot ignore, if only because so many others have also noticed this and asked me about it: what in the world is really wrong with Russia Today and Sputnik (RT&Sp)?!'
RT is one of my three for headlines and another half-dozen, bother with. Bored off, too much viewing, by not straying. Same with YT vids. Stopped subbing and bookmarks.
Saker's article, enhanced by comments like this one, is an example. Get others up and involved. Encouragement to become like those gathering. Never mind the quality we need volume.
Precious little replication. Guess what? Depleting ranks and takers. Alt. commentators with some pull or reach, generally want to replace the mainstream. Wrong aim.
The call for ever more subscribers and supporters. Instead of widespread and movement-making. All with with a bit more Zapatista attitude. At least in lift all-can, and all can do, go-public. Regardless, the level of personal disclosure. We don't need new/our versions of celebrity spokespeople. Rallying leaders. We're not living in a Shakespeare play. It's a vain strategy (in both senses of the word). We have them and thanks when get a kick and inspire but too many chiefs not enough...
Comments or any output/anyhow is the only measure worth considering. Listen to so many talking. (Now vid etc more than ever, since writing is in decline). All sounds breakthrough, huff 'n puff exposing urgent info... but so, what? Who you/we talking to... talking... why and what for?
Very Evangelical Church. Assuming teaching achieving and something happening -- when more-often, likely/not-a-lot. Loong looong talks.... too long/too many and not using a broader set of elements. Fresh expressions -- and what some like to describe and 'church'.
All in all, am tiring with receiving. Got the ground down. Now about "what to do?". The concluding and persistent reaction. Hence this. Cathartic meditation. To process and in principle, be the protest.
Don't, would equal, shut-off the world. Don't and do pay attention, seems stupid. Come over, as here in this post, and 'don't' -- would be hypocritical.
As for the blatant shhh sshhh "don't mention the war" non-alt lot?
Social commentators, shamed by compliance in a conspiracy, to look no deeper. Many ways get the 'when in Rome' and my job/debts/children/gotta live/someone gonna... line.
Accept a degree of looking to best-can, push far-as, be insider change-makers. 'But the hour is getting late...' and as for me, grow in disgust. Involuntary, sick-inducing. Increased sensitivity.
No one's asking 'believe' this or that -- but consider. Nadda. "No comment". The very defence from those avoiding media investigation. Shamed in silence.
What gets me is the come-across radical and cutting. Two at it, in a blistering debate, yet a fence around the agenda never breached. And the arrogance at a mere mention of. Big-head dismissal, before any consideration. De-legitimises and drains what cred., whatever intellectual sense given.
No answers to the questions that are never asked. While here's the thing: They're forced to compromise in holding privately-held views.
The press down to this and motivation; Pride, money (if applicable) and fear of peers. A few are Mockingbird Project type intentional employees, others blackmailed and/or threatened. Narcissistic, nihilistic, idealogues -- them/that too.
Who wants to listen/read these -- at best -- limited hangouts? Decreasing. Even people, written about in TS. Tolerance waning. The think-alt brigade. They could dare call for at least the beginnings around the edges and debate. But not so/much. Zionism, a major stop-sign there. Or, off into esoteric's and drop politics.
What's the good news?
The perverse-prophecy -- 'when everything/is false' -- involves risk. Goes some way to explain, or reveal where, enemy armour has cracks. Signs there's deeper than common to state goals going on. Seem... driven? Them religious and bound to follow something other, methinks. And with this comes, my hope.
With this comes responsibility. With this... 'on earth as it is...'
Truth and Justice.
Good News: Wolfgang going to court. PCR resting for a week but pressing on. Child sex abuse publicity and push is giving survivors permission to come forward. And there's a small group of YT makers looking for evidence of hoax in said-horrors. BBB and Crimes are two sites, most inspiring me/this. And may this be others.
And... re-reading, self-critical but press publish. Hey, at least am sparking and called light.
Wee PS. Any output counts and m'plea. Chats face to face, engagement in local politics, directly communicating with someone to pressure or try engage... Dunno, reviewing m'blab, it's about response not spectate, is best or better -- this all. We should support financially or however, independent journalism, especially-think those overseas in less well documented spots. And another recognise is how Fracking Camps are action over tawkin' to little avail. Me know my 'bit' and this isn't conventional or popularly believed. If someone's reading this and ain't sure what can-do -- may you find a pitch and call. God, bless you.
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