Commented on Aangirfan's POPE ON GAYS, WOMEN, WEAPONS...
Pope says whatever is written by... 'you masters of war'. Natural progressions of play-book, sing-along with, the NWO mantras. Believe in whatever screws both sides into confusion. Correspondingly affirming and upsetting. Cover sex-abuse up/apologise for homophobia. Proclaim traditional same-sex theology/appease gay Catholics and watching liberal world. Court Conservatives/suck up to Liberal referees. Back bombing neo-cons and bless... weapons. Apologise? It's like his 'fast' for Syria… but, go along with propaganda about Assad. 'Silence on...'a useful endorsement, to blow Assad/leadership and any chance of peace and stability, to smithereens. And to the 'poor' no less (see article). “Sorry you poor people...”. Man's a loon. Fruit-cake.
According to Leo Zagami he lives an average joe life (suspect Obama the same). T.V. and tasty dins, chats with mates, leisure galore, much Sport, kick-back easy. All to be wheeled out to 'make-up' and furrowed brow for camera-caught performances. Few meetings to con the surrounding “privileged to meet”. Those surround, jostling or dominating control.
Keen as could be on Jesus… and the church, (could be/more than ever much is). Can only pray the exodus pouring out the pews will cause some to start their own home-spun efforts. (Urgent prayer meetings). Not only is the Pope-role unheard of in the Bible but 'clergy' came way afterwards, as with buildings and all the productive yet most-worse baggage. Francis duped in disconnect or more the dark duper – I don't know? But these sentimental sounding statements from him are a hubris wind-up. Quite pitiful. But why expect otherwise?
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