Pope Francis – Head or Hat?
Commeted on Tap's Pope Francis – Head of Masonic One-World Religion and Patron of Islam: Commandment of Baptism just as Imperialistic as Islam!
Listening – last weekend – to JamesGordon Graham take the – ‘it’s Jesuits wagging..’ line and not, the more popularly claimed/other J lot/running it, I’m interested to read this. Personally I’m a “it’s the City of London lot” but maybe, it’s so entwined at the pinnacle/s of these parasites, they don’t have their hierarchical alliances quite so clearly structured? Maybe they, one of the three or four different allegiances to ancient clubs, think, they call the shots? Or maybe, there’s a ‘they’ behind all, and J this or J that, is a ruse? Cover. They’re bound to be doing what they do, with religious intent. Self-revelation, a ritual. Question is, what do they who seem to associate as Illuminat-Lucifer-ism, believe?
I think (?) there are the couple of dozen, who decant into a room and become less than a dozen, finally meet, fewer still. This – the ‘Globalist’ cabal – final influencers. There they have, their certain ‘experiences’, that convince them – and then out, to the dozens. This and secret-to-us, 3000 year old and along the way, docs. They believe authentic and validate their cause. Magicians with manuscripts. Automatic writing ‘John Dee’ like. Believing they’re doing, what should and their non-human connections yonder are leading them, to lead us all. Do what’s ‘right’ in their eyes.
With Augustine. He set-off the notion there’s no other future than the one that – for God – has already happened, (in mind/will be). This map-ahead, leaked out and said elite, read this and see themselves, ‘rightful’ conquerors. We know this, the theology of most-Christianity (certainly Jesuits), Islam and Zionism. Because Augustine set them on it. As for ‘them’, do they believe this – or, have they taken off their ‘Platonic’ glasses and seen the Bible doesn’t actually teach this, the way it is?
Or have they, there own ‘Bible’?
My guess is they believe the fix is in. They and their pass-it on to people, to fulfil their version and vision from a Biblical narrative.
Does – The Bible – say, we have a saviour, who one day will re-present and wind-up the world. As far as we individually allow, ‘reconcile all things’, new bodies, new earth. ‘This’ earth renewed.
As for Popes etc? My sense is they’re trying somewhat to be sincere and like – don’t ‘we’ all – cop-out. Enjoy their privilege and pageantry. Know the scam-ish but pretend… who knows what?
Will be re-reading this post, watch the videos. Sussing the Black Pope or whatever I could be wrong about – but Augustine misreading the Bible is exposed for all to read.