Plastic Bag
Donald and Theresa, are going do deal with it. ‘Internet propaganda’. Said so. Straight away. Tough on net talk. Root and branch they'd probably say. Time for the bigger clippers. Well that’s alright then eh, no more bombs, because there's no more: Nothing on the internet. Delete everything. Be safer.
Yep, no more me typing you here this. OK? Or should we shout together join and do our can so something bit? You know we need masses others and me, type, online? Soon. Else we gonna be-come the un-type-ables? Un-vid-maker-ables? We got troub. a coming. And wonder why I do >>>this<<<
Parsons Green. Something, in a -- Plastic Bag?
HEAR and assume... you know. Do one of my half-dozen or so regular look-ats and one on this would be: Matty D 4Truth. (Watch out, channel goes down and new one's up, need to change the numbers, this one '3').
Update; 20/9. Matty D 4Truth number 5
Laughing his pants off, could hear in my head, before even pressed play. Aghsst at the popular reaction, predictably. THIS, is the coming shock and after effects. This hours in to the 'event'. Transparently as...
Next look a little later, Shillers List -- (16/9 - update, video's down) -- came up on ‘Parsons Green’ search engine. The understandably dismissive tone, bother lower himself to cover. Sarcastic despair at knowing the blind media will lead the blind. Correction: The pretend-blind bosses lead; in-on, don't look or blind media, leads the...
Series consistent, obviously all the others were/are. Look again 3am GMT Annie Logical. Dulcet, steady, ordinary, wonderful, calm but raging, clear start on the potential connections process. Those claiming eye-sight testimony. Then one for the road, Trust One News 5 below, so quickly post this 4am GMT. Will return with an update and new post in some hours.
God willing.