Perspectives? Who is, on the right lines?
Reading the Book of Lamentations this morning aptly accompanies my concern: We have got to be on the brink of global collapse?
Virtually mainstream admitted. To keep up Greg Hunter holds light, his latest Michael Krieger-Complete Collapse of Everything more/same/warnings.
Written previously, 'maybe sooner is better'? Resistance to awaking is rock-solid. Increasingly there's investigation into this phenomenon. Commented in response to Texas Shrugged Book's Perhaps This is Why The Truth Community Accomplishes Nothing.
'They don't care' or they do-this, this way, because it serves 'higher' purposes. Maybe totally care, not about us, but 'how' they manipulate us. This searching broadcast is the necessary journey. Right attitude. Open/Convictions. The question why false-flag-wise? – Shows so? Why the signs and probable numerology? The need to push the scam beyond what's required? To have us increasingly believe, more of a lie? Listened to similar bright-one, 'HowISee TheWorld' yesterday and he spoke of sloppy, humanity. You speak of their disregard. But does this adequately explain the progression of these dark works? Their ways and means? You know where I'm going… And what about the compelling case for their rituals and other-worldy enterprises at the heart of these monstrous crews? For what it's worth, commend this investigation. P.S. one the other day, where you spoke about “can't we just admit we're wrong” – when am. More refreshing talk. 'We have to start to think differently' – on you go, need this conversation. Thank you.
Not only brick walls against deeper engagement about – my latest title for the 'few worst ones' – these Masters of War and their ways, but those 'in the know' demonstrate little cohesion. Diversity sure-great – but hostility turns inward. Frustration goes where?
Change 'pop...' – for truthers – '...will eat itself' is the too often tone.
Understandable why but so sad. We have it in us to overcome. We're not, so under the beast, such we couldn't rise-up. But talk is too 'out there' and less, to fellow-soldiers and action in standing together.
Truthers are this world's prophets. A sometimes bizarre gabble but nevertheless, all we have.
Contrast this with Jesus people. James re-posted a wham-o on Crimes of Empire and The Final Blood Moon in the Tetrad Rises!
On this I noted What I like about CoE is the – don’t know what you might rewind? (If not a regular visitor to Crimes of Empire, maybe keep your eyes on it for these re-posts).
This post unfolds jumbo reasons why the church has 'lost perspective'?
Listening to a perfectly reasonable awoken Christian, immensely/relatively popular broadcaster. Yet what's the problem – she suggests – turning from global analyses to the 'church' for once?
“No prophets”.
And who might this be? Those 'proving' the Bible is true because current affairs follow end-time Revelation predicted patterns. And if only the Church got more onto this… etc. etc.
No, no and no. And there's her doing real good, being a rare and sensible, urgent and well-informed, prophetic voice about the times but thinks – the church isn't wrapped-up in speculating what supposedly written 2000 years ago in code about today? Enough/and if/ – we'd have more prophetic power and new believers would tumble in and the powers somehow be..? Who knows what?
Not here to knock-knock-knock these futurist viewers but trying to work out why 'church-asleep' conclude these beliefs are prone to debilitate. If all-is-determined since the beginning, why buck against, if expecting this is the 'end' times?
On the other side, study-based progressives want Marx and Jesus. OK, Jesus and… but y'got the groove. 'One nation under...'
And we face the master's warring.
Not least, because the U.K. Govt. is on the most supid path to increase Russia/UK etc tensions and make us all vulnerable to a mistake – let alone intention – that would cause irrevocable death and destruction.
This isn't all-because/most at all through believing in Zionism: the Myth and the Reality and 'end-times thinking' but we need to take an honest look.
If I/we are right?
And this isn't because, of believers in Karl and co…
But… again, we need more open, calm across the divides talk.
Darkmoon's Welcome to the Apocalypse: Russians warn US of possible Nuclear Holocaust.
My comment:
How our normalcy bias kicks against this possibility. Never forget an utterly credible report, maybe four years ago, eavesdrop on some CFR-type meet. The young think-tanker spoke through scenarios and described the need and expectation, that ‘we’ would and could, ‘take the hit’ if necessary. Current geo-stand, unsustainable. The only way to the new world order. Are the hawks pushing this ‘acceptable risk’? Believe in beating Russia by calling their bluff or… etc. etc. What Paul Craig Roberts and others suggest; assessment nuclear can be contained is unrealistic. Uncharted myth. Another name calling the danger is Pilger. Understand the ‘caution’ over such warnings but not confident, those bunker-hidden behind, wouldn’t be so incompetently reckless, to push so-called conventional engagement a step too far. I don’t know these writers, except The Saker and Dmitry, who’ve surely no need to overly-up the sensational – enough of that world-over. This can’t have web-followers in mind/except to warn, and for peace. This reads real alarm. For them to write this – as I recently read The Saker had on similar lines – I take all too seriously and pray accordingly.
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