The idea some of our supposed-protectors including senior ones, would pull stunts that look like terrorism or employ mercenaries to murder and injure, is deeply upsetting. Abuse that psychologically scars us, something akin to physical and sexual assault, upon a young or vulnerable person. Add to the comparison, perpetrated by someone with public authority and power. Finally, victims not knowing any seeming legitimate recourse to resolve.
Particularly in the past, authorities often dissuaded child-abuse investigations that might lead to prosecution. How must this feel for a bruised and battered soul?
How about search-engine 'false-flag' and news?
All that can be found is a mainstream mocking, advocating we must all self-censor the possibility there are abusers within the establishment. They're clear and quick to imply, those who publicly question these events, are causing unnecessary doubt and therefore distress.
Maintaining it's a drummed-up conspiracy by those wanting to oppose certain political issues in order to deflect from properly addressing the terror question. Primarily mental-health provision, increasing restrictions on guns in the US and the use of the internet to radicalize so-called extremists and therefore, organising these crimes.
We're told, the dangerous cost of promoting false-flag possibilities is a distracted public.
On one hand it's a 'nutty fringe' doing internet-based speculation that somehow seeps into the vast masses, who it's asserted, are overwhelmingly loyal to the narrative on the news channels etc.
They want us to believe people don't much accept these conspiracies but use as an excuse, to confuse the apportioned blame, again, if it politically suits their cause.
The need is to warn away and off this pursuit of mixing supposed, fiction with facts.
The focus is ensuring their fellow mainstream commentators, get the message and a warning, that if they dare even hint at a suggestion there's a cover-up, they're condoning and thereby participating in a form of information extremism.
Multiple shooters at Las Vegas is the current front-line. Regardless if someone would deny anything beyond this, all must refute and strongly no-less, any allegations there are criminals pretending to be the responsible establishment. I.e. more than one shooter.
Or, the other line, is a dumb-public do accept these 'baseless assertions' in what's considered alarmingly large numbers. The resulting responsibility, coming back to presenters and reporter, to never fan these flames and countenance this alternative reasoning.
So what is it? Lots are into 'there were multi-shooters in Vegas and maybe suspicions beyond' -or- few?
This particularly easy to climb base-camp is considered strictly off limits. Yet, we all know, if someone will deceive at all, may well carry on. This could lead to the heights and who knows unraveling of how high and deep this could go?
Honesty isn't really flexible, it's friend or enemy. It's a door locked or once opened, usually never re-shut. Certainly in corruption as all encompassing as faking war.
A liar may well think they have the receivers best interests in view but it's difficult to surmise what this can be in these circumstances. The multiple-shooter claim does nothing to change any maintained motive and intent.
Won't quote any of these articles from the search. They hold a generic direction and without deviation.
Return to "deeply upsetting". The lack of consternation among populations in the West is truly shocking. Somehow the question 'who gets what?' is answered; most do, if pushed and candid.
While how many care? Nearly nobody. This evidenced in the comments -- if allowed or open -- in the mainstream press. The numbers are as considerable as this. Or whatever other productive and positive resistance.
For knowing and not protesting, is somehow worse, than being genuinely fooled. Certainly this makes sense in allowing anomalies and maintaining of inconsistencies, serving no independent purpose to hide from. Less genuine fools, more complicit and green-lighting this wicked process.
Time up.
Updated yesterday's post, proposing I wrote on this. Said here nothing particularly interesting for and to me. Think I'll resort to making some closing single-line statements around the subject and keep an eye out for writing I can 'scoop' that helps me explore.
Demoralisation of those concerned and vocal.
Not guns but freedom to write or talk on the internet is the target.
Pacing and the monitoring of the last one/s, in light of the latest one/s.
The longer-term desire to control the tap, with the public presuming critical measures are causing a period, when the incidents are minimal or never as frequent.
Illuminasty religion, a ritualistic power-fueling and dark devotion.
Compromise the journalists and broadcasters to know, once down this road, there's no turning back or restraint in what they'd be asked to do.
To perform mass abuse from similarly derived principles that are percived at work in the secret society rape and killing events.
The final here/today/one: meticulously monitor exactly how over-reaction works. Plainly, this is what it is. Like the planted and contrived confusion, intentional and somewhat undermining the claimed purpose. Yes, in respects to serving what could be thought as secondary purposes but not if considering any primary claims and dampening of conspiracy talk.
False-flags and child abuse are of the same root and the foundational mechanism for centralised oppression and destruction.
These two activities have never been more exposed, to the honourable in the system's apparatus, being given public support to arrest and convict. It isn't settled and inevitable will fail and this post isn't irrelevant, which doesn't reflect numerical impact, more about self-conscious personal integrity and for me, unseen maneuvers.
After a grubby last night, better write, than comply with hell. Better and call on God in this post, a prayer letter and right reaction.