Our Line Of Duty
Thoughts, and prayin' for SJ and others, locked-up with. Sunday School on SJ, and, 'For Brad'. (Working title): 'Men Without Chests', and name of the first book I bought, 'understood', to be/by... a 'Christian', and, CS Lewis. /// Calling, 'Steppaz' / Frosty, in at six. Giggs and Jorja, nos. 7, and '2020'. [11.54 Fri.]
[0300 303 5678 and choose to withhold, (all but C-19 Med., records/ not 'allowed to opt-out'.) the passing on of our private information.]
UK Column/ THE News, broadcast.
Tucker Carlson, and the Portsmouth-based Powerhouse.
The 'Mature' and 'Alive'...
The Awake ―will listen.
Uncertain, what to Vax, do?
Who, Will, Hear?
Herein is HOPE.
The Brave and Loving. Best of British. For our neighbours, health, and hope.
You readers, and 'scoopers.
Canny -say, too fierce 'n bash-e?
Please, Do, Tucker, thanks.
Contextualise; Please note, 'Reggae'/ Rastafarians, Don't/ Do/ Race.
[The incriminating photo, and his mention of "knife crime" concerns, when told by the police, "there'd been, an 'incident'."]
Brad, reminded me, and missed, Frosty, slippin' off m'radar, and, 2019 charts.
Steppaz, November 06, 2020.
[Nb., Typo, should read; 'V and I, are the totality of ROCK/POP/RnB/Hip-Hop/jazz... in opposition.']
2020, Top Of MJ's Pops
Plant a Seed/ STRAIGHT IN LIKE THAT, December 10, 2020
Sir David Willcock (Conductor)
Alfa 158 comments, on 'Trojan Horse';
Media Pseudo-Debates and the Silence of Leftist Critics
You’ve heard of them, no doubt, the U.S. rulers who can’t rule too well and are always getting surprised by events or fed bad advice by their underlings. Their “mistakes” are always well intentioned. They stumble into wars through faulty intelligence. They drop the ball because of bureaucratic mix-ups.
They miscalculate the perfidy of the elites whom allegedly they oppose while ushering them into the national coffers out of necessity since they are too big to fail. They never see the storm coming, even as they create it. Their incompetence is the retort to all those nut cases who conjure up conspiracy theories to explain their actions or lack thereof. They are innocent. Always innocent.
They and their media mouthpieces offer Americans, who are most eager to accept, what Lutheran pastor and anti-Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer, executed at age thirty-nine by Hitler, called cheap grace:
"Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance…”
These incompetents are, in the immortal words of the New York newspaper columnist Jimmy Breslin, “The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight.”
Except they could and can.
The Incompetent, Negligent, Mishandling, Miscalculating Elite Blunderers, Edward Curtin, March 21, 2021
'Glenn Greenwald Explains that Another Barrier to an American Police State Has Fallen', March 23, 2021.
Hopeful & planning to win.
David Noakes and Lynda Thyer court case is on NOW.
Tap, March 25, 2021
I’m a cop of 20 years. I’m leaving. I’m done.
Over the past half century and longer progressivists have been largely successful in restructuring what is sometimes termed “higher culture”—an appreciation and understanding of the role in our society of inherited art, literature, music, and architecture—and altering its relationship to most average citizens. When I was a boy, for instance, classical music was programmed regularly and popularly on commercial radio—the major local station at that time in Raleigh, North Carolina, WPTF, featured both the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts on Saturdays and a classical music program every night at 8 p.m. Network television offered us the long-running “Voice of Firestone” and “The Bell Telephone Hour.” Widely-viewed programs like Sunday prime time’s “Ed Sullivan Show” would feature Wagnerian soprano Birgit Nilsson and coloratura Joan Sutherland.
The Musical Trojan Horse
Destruction of Western Civilization through Music and the Arts
TOP TEN, 2019.
"I urge you to read the disturbing words below, and if not weep, then think very carefully about them."
I’m done with duplicitous liars and twisters of the truth in Parliament, who destroyed policing to further their own careers. I’m done with those charlatans and snake-oil salesmen and women who spread their bile. Whose acid eats away at society, its values and future. I’m done with the utter lack of consequences of their corruption.
I’m done with the duplicitous liars and twisters of truth in the media and ‘journalism’ with their spin, lies, misrepresentation and half-truths. I’m done with their 24-hours news, their Twitter echo chambers, their pile-on tactics and agendas, to invent the next big story or extend the life of the old one. I’m done with their sickening pretence that they are on some crusade to make the world a better place.
I’m done with the socially corrosive special-interest groups who want to be top of the victimhood ladder and are prepared to burn the world and anyone different to them, to ensure they are heard above anyone else. Their constant screaming for attention and ever more fantastical claims that bear no scrutiny, but which they know they will never be challenged on, because, you know, ‘cancel culture’.
I’m done with the public, their violence, their lying, their abuse, their spitting, their constant screaming for instant gratification and destruction of anything and everyone around them if they don’t get their own way, like a bunch of petulant adolescents. I’m done with their demand for every right, real or imagined, and their utter lack of personal or social responsibility to each other.
I’m done with the senior officers who will jump on any bandwagon, throw any officer under a bus for doing their job, do anything at all to get that next rank and more power. I’m done with them pretending to be cops when they are just politicians in uniform. At least real politicians don’t seek to hide their stench and are there for all the world to see, in all their obnoxious, odious glory.
I’m done with the far left and far right, two sides of the same violent, socially corrosive and destructive coin, trampling over anyone and everyone, destroying anything in their paths, if it doesn’t conform to the ‘right’ narrative or worldview. I’m done with their red and black flags, their balaclavas, their violence, bullying, and intimidation. I’m done with them calling themselves Nazis or Antifa and pretending they are any different to the opposition. I’m done with their antilocution and persecution of anyone that isn’t on their side. I’m done with their cheerleaders in the media who adopt their causes but absolve themselves of any responsibility for the harm they cause.
[NEXT POST: PAS/ 'Nadsat' + TS 'Sunday School']
Having been a Homeless Worker, spent years, 'working alongside the police'. Saw attitudes, (and you can, add, Nurses/GPs), Way-WAY-more, conscientious, and considerate, than 'Social Care workers'.
Across the board in face-to-face engagements with rough-sleepers, not... the homeless, etc., team. The cops displayed a degree of vocation, and followed a humane, and mature, C A R E.
As for DRILL etc., music-makers; in and about, Social Housing; Black... white, and any skin tone; stuck in the hood, and considered, 'the underclass'?
Another, story.
We are all... in the post-C-19' excusing, 'Controlled Demolition', considered; 'No Class', and cattle to herd, the sheep to keep, sleepy.
We're ALL, The New, Underclass?
Under, "the Feds.", Authority.
Their, Property?
The Police are now social coercion workers. New-rules and behaviours. New employees/ Old and, any good? Resigning, early-redundancy, etc.,
-combines- with; m'main burden?:
Teenagers/ into their 20s, esp., females.
Put-upon 'Mental Health...' with claims, and little/no-sense/or, evidence?
“Researchers have found a new virus, which is causing an outbreak.” Found a virus? What does that mean? The virus has been isolated. What does that mean? The virus has been sequenced. What does that mean? The believer can automatically apply his own images and thoughts and sensations and feelings to this mystery.
And indeed, the whole “virus discovery process” HAS been conducted behind closed doors, in high-security facilities, in a sanctum where only the priests can operate. Because they possess the magic.
They have found the enemy.
Next comes a new piece of magic. The test. The priests have devised a highly complex system of amulet arranging and rubbing, in order to detect the presence of the virus in a human.
The COVID narrative as an occult work of art, Jon Rappoport, March 24, 2021
'...And There Was My Guitar'
To, TV, with top actors; Martin Compston, (DS Steve Arnott), and, Vicky McClure, (DI Kate Fleming).
Fessin' up, first tv show for a bit. Watch = post, about, will watch the episode. Stopped at 'that line', consider we could do well, ponder-on.
Back after, the box.
(Almost six, ... and, to, do).
Line Of Duty, Series 2, Episode 3 (Script).
To whom or what are we on duty for?
Mine goes; to God; m'misses; fam./mates.
Spending little time writing, the rest, juke-box(ing), about. All Change. Drill (music), and related on TS. New stylee.
Plant a ...
Same ol', same ol' with not the selection of music. Fasting on the genre, formally known, (my ends): 'Classical Music'.
From Harlem Spartans to George Frideric Handel.
'Practicals'; Health; Food; Water; Fitness, Post/s. Best of Rappers/instrumentals.
PAS, "all that jazz", and 'talk about', Jesus.
Seeking to stay off, and take in tomorrows' planned Burning Blogger Of Bedlam, re-launch. Take in, over a couple-a-three days.
Moscow now has ‘no relations’ with EU because Brussels has ‘destroyed’ once friendly ties, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov claims, March 23, 2012.
/The Pretend, June 16, 2018
/Certain Circumstances, September 16, 2018
John Jones sits across from the psychiatrist.
Mr. Jones, I see your employer referred you.
Yes, Doctor. I was basically told that if I didn’t seek treatment, I would be suspended. Perhaps fired.
Why? What did you do?
Nothing. I just told a co-worker the news is an illusion. She reported me to the Personnel officer.
The news is an illusion?
Yes. It’s a realization I came to recently.
Psychiatrist treats delusions about The News, Jon Rappoport, March 23, 2012
Effing brilliant. Here was me thinking that 322 had passed off with nothing to report.
Not so. A good old fashioned false flag to mark the day. Oh well.
Another pile of tripe in Clownworld.
Delete as appropriate:
Left passport at scene.
Uploaded manifesto to Internet.
Known to authorities.
Grainy, shaky footage of event.
Shoe left at side of the road.
Heavy numerology present ie 322, 33, multiples of 11 or the time of day.
Assault rifle used.
Attacked a minority group.
Oh well. Another day in Clownworld. At least he (assuming it's a white male) never flew planes into tall buildings.
Comments, Peace to the humans, on BOULDER COLORADO 'FALSE FLAG' 22 MARCH 2021, Aangirfan, (....where else?).
Now that's all but gone. Their named YouTube channel nos. 10, 11, 12... Bored with terminations and viewers all in the know. All but gone. Dozens deserted.
Now there's Craig Murray. Someone who's adamant he doesn't believe X, Y, Z 'conspiracies'. One saving qualification: But I am open to correction.
Yet, might be last man standing -- or thereabouts -- ready to push for truth. Unlike most others, the mainstream accepts his presence. He makes MSM-ish. Because... he's not, a declared 'conspiracy theorist'.