Open And Stirred
See, write, and publish is my way. False-starts? -- do flounder. Unable to find something else written about for a hook or scoop. On Owen, the only thing can find to try-relate, is the absence of articles about yesterday's Tel Aviv protests. Not a single UK paper (etc.) thinks it worth mentioning 10-50 thousand on the streets. The Times Of Israel; An estimated 50,000-plus....
On Owen, first heard him this week, a gripping two hours and 'The Good News Bears'. A terrific listen, where my disagreements with -- all-up for Ben S., Tommy and Trump -- don't matter. Somehow his attitude keeps my gripes calm and in perspective.
A brilliant educator. Whistles around and skips through giant ideas with freewheeling clarity. This who we most need; well informed and lucid. Open and stirred.
On the 'JQ?' he states it's about the IQ Bell Curve and accepts this the roots and why the big-on Jewish Question. In his latest, he gets to stating 'ideologies are not racist'. With respect there's context, doing wonders in the midst, dispelling book-loads of crazy.
Had an idea to take snippets -- would title 'flashes' -- and back with beats. Two or three-minute devasting ditties. Lively, funny, concise and capture a lot in a few words. Won't because don't do more than this but would like to hear such.
Dangerous. Some around will seek to co-opt. Hold back. Keep to a list of unmentionables and expect tight lips. Going live is great because he reads comments and keeps dig-dig digging. Someone asked had he read Tragedy and Hope? He hadn't, which is honest, and in a certain way refreshing and endearing.
Those who have are talking-radical history but in many ways, in a bubble. A reaffirming choir. Not here with Owen, he has the ear of those who don't talk Carroll Quigley (T&H author). Who more or less could flip over into the conspiracy spilling data and provide needed air.
Those one step back from the terrorist puppets and falsies, the calling card to remain 'in'. Yet, forced to stumble into deemed off-reservation discussion? Someone might ask, then what..?
If he presses into and gets up on the undeniable and 'what we gonna do?' Man'll be difficult to hold down. Again, admit a paradox and not suggesting he's not obvious and up-on two tons and blazing. Go further, he/if-where likewise, are who hold the sway and balance. In freedom fight-back against censorship stomping all off.
Shortest post but quick as and done, feels better than not:
According to a former IDF brigadier general Israel is on the path to apartheid. This demo a last gasping scream against. Regardless of the whats-what or not and Zionism, the lack of coverage is the scoop itself.
The unstoppable hunting for anti-S. and Jeremy C. bulldozes through the News headliners. The call to stop talking about Israel etc. And yet? -- no talk about laws, could argue, precipitates the controversy.
Repeat and NO talk. Hardly a peep in the States. Put Corbyn in a search engine and yes -- bit of backlash, but going on and on and... 'Racism against Jewish people' is the ish. Not racism-by?
Yossi Mekelberg describes as; [The Nation-State Law] has one distinctly positive value that deserves recognition; it ends the 70-year masquerade of Israel being a fully fledged democracy in which all its citizens are equal in the eyes of the law.
Talking of pro. politicos Michael Krieger writes, people aren’t having intelligent conversations with one another. They’re just yelling at each other.
Owen Benjamin is a brill voice. The tone and attitude what makes for a listen. May O. manage to articulate the yelling at each other into a sound to extract sense and peace.