Only On Saturdays
Water Pt. 2 and MJ's regime.
POST ON VAN THE MAN, August 14, Audley End.
Only on Saturdays...
Tap water? Now and again, (keep body alert to toxins)/ Vape, weed and the weekend/ Beers of quality, from a 'local' microbrewery, four or six bottles, late afternoon over the 'two day weekend' / Coffee (caffeine), one day a week/ Cocaine is wrecking-lives like an express train, young uns in Portugal as m'man J. tells me today and a recent return home. Most I associate have been touched by that demon. C. is pants and 'seen the minds of a generation or three, starved for that angry fix'/ Would do a bit of speed for a night up but having no excuses, and some laborious home-based task, see nah, reason/ Should do OMAD and kick-off a straight in like that, two-day food/water, fast. Nb., "should,", read "...ain't," but... [to be cont.]