On The Purpose
An information war? Am I back in the trenches, or... whoever might be or what said, another child playing bows and arrows? Is no one warring much against anyone that matters, rather, fantasy? Intentions could be laudable but should admit is a hobby, a leisure activity. Not a fight.
More about 'interesting' if that's our 'thing' and should keep clear on this, the reason. Stop with the hope speaking out brings productive progression. Stick with getting our thinking-rocks off. Admit we're indulging in a small huddle of intellectual enquiry. See the numbers and even fewer commentors. Agree, is a wee gaggle of chatter, having moved from type to videos in the main. Now into trimming by censor times. Say 'Isreal did it' and like Rev. Sizer, associated with this possibility, get shut down. Only missing, in that three-word sum-up combo, is elite-led child abuse/murder/rituals. Making false-hoax-flags, ritual sex abuse and 'Israel' what draws the delete to desist.
All the while, some like the offloading over others who differ. Coping with the crisis behind the facades, looking for an outlet. Seen to be about the fault of the alt. talkers and emphasis aren't this or that, therefore... shoot the wounded among. Hold on though, am presupposing... army? Must take that scarf off my head and put down the stick.
Reading The Unz on David Irving is most illuminating. Came through PCR's well-placed encouragement. Heartening to read these one's in a million among proper journalists. Rare commitment to public honesty. Add The Saker. Add comments.
Yet, reading the smug-fest. and crit-ing in the comments on The Unz re-posting of The Saker 'Is Putin really ready to “ditch” Iran?' the display of frustration is evident. Not, what's proposed and always fair to question -- but how it comes out. The thrill of the put down. Do those belittling The Saker's effort have their own outposts, i.e. a website? Nah, spectators moaning at the players. Hardly a big deal punching out from a home page. At least shows effort. A stand. Instead, it's quick and easy disrespect, all anon with ease and puffs up big.
Signs of the loss of hope is a cathartic need to hit out and at someone else on the same approximate side. And here, the trip-up. To break through into popular take-up ism, is itself, wider involvement in the cause. All peaked around Sandy Hook times since then the decline has been solid. View/readers to commentators to DIY and make much noise. Instead, it was more about followers and subscribers. Watching over making.
This is why the more recent mushrooming of naming and shaming the 'shills and gatekeepers' is so silly. Keeping out whom? Scant psyhco-analysing can see the rabble of rousers is doing each other in. No need for spooks and psyops. We manage the troubles jus' fine in showing no-need to encourage/much/others. Hence the drop-off. All it takes.
A lot of active-type Christians follow the same online line. Not seeing much happen with 'outsiders', all that remains is turn on claim-insiders. Prattle on and on about what's wrong with the Church. Not content to keep this to theology or at least show best-can respect for alternatives. Get culty and suggest, said denomination/stream of thinking is IT and all else not. At all... at all.
Different for those looking in, they should say whatever but those 'inside'... Oh I know, there is no inside, no collective-like commitment: a goal and broad as, far as, church.
Can't see there's any doubt we are on a road to social destructive transformation but what is opposing? Are there broadcasting purposes that matter? Depends. On who and what is going on.
Hillary Clinton's; 'we're in an information war and we are losing it', stirs up the expose and send in the cops talk. A whole Trump train of thinking, many waving God's-saying-so flags, believe the brink is upon us. Military tribunals and thousands of indictments for US corrupt ones are here. OK, soon, very soon... v.v.v.soon.
Back to The Saker's breakdown of front-line Syria. Calm and reasonable. "Looks like..." and here we have it, up to date and perceptive. Help to think through.
Public opinion? How much does this figure and intentions and outworking of 'them'? And who be them?
Trillionaire families ...behind the multi-bill. few elite cabals. Is it contemporary Borgias and nobility behind the Vatican, or those thirteen/various version's list? Or Estulin's Astor and co, behind Roth. gangs and royals in the City of London, and the Rock. lot in Washington etc. In a sub-battle to cull or enslave the numbers?
All behind the govt./media/biggest corps. who spew out on us. In duping delight at 99.9% .9999 etc who don't know/don't care/do know but don't...
The pile of mannequins, high-velocity gunshots behind minor bandages and smiles, on and on... How else can this make perverse sense? And yes, the hospital and emergency staff in such numbers not speaking out. Ever. This is a puzzle. But it works. The evidence is what speaks. Motive and method follow.
Understandable consideration suggests viewing the central criminals at it, we do their bidding. Follow the line, they desire. Ritual participation in their supposed interaction with gods. Feeding on us, as we soak in their works.
So on the purpose. Got mine. Trad. and progressive theological and practice mix, to stay off the net/much and go to God a lot. Appreciate a few sites and writers. Helps, and we ought to rattle the cages where and when we can. Still believe... we can see, justice and a degree of reprieve. The why-type.
[And please excuse/forgive me, for the strange 'On The Pull' post. A picture of a woman that went up for a few hours, late last Sunday. Plus, ain't the foreseeable or so transformed as last post/link to bio suggest. Although some boundaries in place allow for a bit of this ol' scooping and planting. Hold them up or will shut me down again. Peace to you]