Oh My, With A Title Like This...
Phones Turning People Into Zombies, Incapable Of Emotional Connection With Others. An amen please: Phones Turning People Into... OK not an "amen" so much, more a scream for deliverance.
Long-time, tip of spear, far as I see; Nick Begich on Richie Allen.
What to tap? Says it all. Suppose I'll hear some science. Dunno what to say (to the readers who ain't gonna read this). Maybe some ways, because those who might, have spent TOO MUCH TIME ON THE PHONE aka The Internet.
Let's see if maybe Nick will hit on these spots? Will resist a rant and make, ok... do, six, statements/questions:
1) People -- and I mean people all and everywhere/believe not an overstatement -- are sick to core with disconnect-itus.
2) Granted, it's hard to tell, say remembering pre-2010 or thereabouts, when bandwidth loaded up. Was there, that much of a jump, in never-get-back going ballistic? Don't mean friends and know not so necc.
3) Has the cumulative pass-on occurred? Those not so-stuffing-up on (anti-/because is)social-media, influenced by the population-wide 'tipping point' having come and gone. Why bother, others don't? Each one, un-teach one, to care so much?
4) Is the white-light of this bad fire, F.B. Twit and other connection tools, over and above the audible chat? Perhaps video-linking the exception and somehow this does something... (Nb. these questions aren't explored through, as yet).
5) Is being in a loving, romantic or family, relationship and the use of media an exceptional online activity, nothing the damage coming, through group-tech type activity. M'mates and network.
6) Could 'email' or say text, be substituted for 'phone' and this title not lose relevance?
Will listen later. Might come back a re-comment, actually if need-be, do another post.
That title though. And zombies. Talk about, "take the words right out of my..."