No Surprises
Sometimes it is quite difficult to pinpoint when one’s world view on a contentious topic undergoes sharp transformation, but at other times it is quite easy, Ron Unz writes in American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion.
Add Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain by Michael Hoffman, coupling for a consider settled history upset.
Two voices in a relative wilderness. At least among the well written. Both would appeal to Identitarians (nation-building on racial lines). The no-go camp for discussion by the "rest of us" with our all-but, those-views and ideologies. Albeit to slam and dismiss.
Whatever the merit in bash dem said-racisits, what's the counter-cost? The influence upon widespread mind-locked intention never to risk transformation? Anything but -- and see around a corner which could cause an unraveling.
The WWW has encouraged whole new stratospheres of assuming informed, now thinking, experts. The paradox is rich. Mr./Ms. Know It All's holding distinct and defensive less-teachable attitudes. Again; Where the undergoes sharp transformation admittance or desire for this? Here and there -- but not a lot.
We have too much information. Or, better said, our attitude doesn't match the excelling output and corresponds open-wise. The correlation isn't positive.
Keep off all but a handful of websites and YT channels. Why? Tone and manner. Nothing wrong with ding-dong debate but frustration and empire blues off-loading, discouraging my virtual presence. Let alone comment-based participation.
All too much put-whosoever in 'their place'. Satisfaction at being on a side and not suffering dissenters. Bore-Ring. Want to read or hear healthy struggle grasping and expansive adventuring. Not dissuaded by who-thinks, what-else and put-downs. More try for rediscovery and what's lost or tentative mapping uncertainties.
All the while 90+% Normies don't or won't even consider basic building-7-collapse alternatives. Into never but prescribed acceptable alternatives. The Left to Right Intelligencia 'will and can' investigate list. Otherwise, all reassured to accept there's nothing to see.
No questions, no surprises.
So prejudice against the messenger heads the reason for reluctance. Association with certain thinking = taking hated-group as serious and somehow dignifies. They're abhorrent and no discussion. Unacceptable. And here's the kicker... Dangerous. Offending XYZ and so ABC must be State-led silenced.
'Out of the conversation' is how media's academic types like to dub the 'no-talking about/with/that lot'. Allegations of Jewish-based supremacy and 'what about white people?'. Making headlines but to shut the door on deeper debate. While off-limits even more acute establishment thought-threats. Top two unmentionables are evidence of fake/false-flags, followed by, ritual sex abuse.
Ron is treading on one foot and Jewish questions. While Michael Hoffman stomps around white-racial discrimination. Corresponding comments are often as insightful as the article. Should say, make the article all the more, insightful. Get; All I can say is WOW!... and one comment.
Well done. Admit the shock. How bold and receptive. Very 'force nothing/resist nothing' attentive.
Could go on. Sure will -- God willing -- next ramble on. ALL saying is The Unz is the best gathering journal website. Enough to read and comments. Enough. Ron Unz's prepared to publish contrary views. The maturity and freedom to attempt responsible surprise.