No Satisfaction
Waiting for comments on The Saker posting: Press Conference of Alexander Shulgin, Russian Representative to the OPCW.
No place for glee and watching for the mainstream slip and slide to excuse, deflect, and deny. The BBC keeping off the headlines, all but must -- or, be too obvious, in their well-practiced obfuscation. Downright monsters... oh forgot, that's Assad and Putin.
Already they're setting up the fall-guy; US officials have raised concerns that Russia, the Syrian government's ally, might have tampered with the site.
The OPCW isn't prepared for this?
What shabby sickos. They don't so care though, with confidence brimming and thus far, the front-line has stood firm. Hardly a whimper of dissent. Enough to get holler'd down or ignored.
There's no satisfaction to be had in all this. More with mourning Paul Craig Roberts' subdued anger and head-shaking despair.
His latest. Could be any of his laments. Lies that cannot be this bold and stamp-on international legality without cost. The alternative take is it's acting for crowds and power. "It will slow down... bit of jumping about, all to go quieter". 4D political shenanigans.
No -- don't buy this. Acclimatise and actuaries are where my headlights beam. To have masses, and the media that feeds, prepared to go along and along and...
Second comment popped up on The Saker. Bright as and well-said, the terrible sum-up:
Either one has faith in morality, rational objective thinking, and the basic humanity of people or you don’t.
Leave here. Do something else. Other than reading the-rotten, raked over, by people who -- like me -- type out of a respectable cathartic cry. Talk out...
Because not to, is a kind of death. A shameful cynical stupidity -or- with understanding and empathy, in having a breakdown.
No. No satisfaction. The right action is exclaim and pain. What..? Twenty thousand might read a Saker post.
We're in trouble.