News Flash
Off the news. 'BBB and Crimes. Afan and Tap. PCR and Saker'. Content will hear/there -- enough. Virtual fast from other web. Which makes for an interesting challenge and fulfilling Truthscoop's mandate. Less is more though, and prep. for the dark. Plus... tings to do.
News flash. Tis that eh? Thunderbolt and lightening -- for what purpose? Pulsating rhythms of seeming relevance. Interesting, yes, no doubt. Connection reassuring. Places context for living. In 'touch'.
Question is, how much is self-perpetrating, inadvertent trappings? (Last post Pt.2 -- see it coming).
Lots don't though -- do it. News, alt. or msm. Many more, than likely inclined to imagine. Meet all-ages and backgrounds who have no... at-all-at-all, idea about a major headline. Incidents and alarmed, not unsurprising -- ain't happening.
Purposeful and habitual news-less. At a loss and yet mild, at least in resisting and response to the surprising update/by me. Seems to lend itself to being open to true-truth. No-so judging by fed-appearances. Not schooled by 'the false prophets'. (Which, is mainstream media, in one).
The news/the news, the medium/message. Protesting in danger of being the scam. Irrelevant to social and/or political action? Look back and analyse, the huff and... puff. How much filler and posturing -- diversion -- slight of hand -- tricks?
Conspicuous are the, we-know-what, 'flags'. Thriller-fiction. Always mocking with elements, or total, fakery. When T.V. drama's all about study the cops and clues. Now time for the 'news' and brush aside anomalies because... 'WE' SAID.
This on the non-alt but how about the alt?
Sad but wise to conclude, many out-there have misconstrued expectations. As last posted and went on about; focus too broad and intention too much about circling back for more... news. The answer suppose: Hours and hours and. And...
Hence fasting down. Not in the no-brigade but off, lost in the supermarket, over selection.
Effective political social action, isn't about screen-time but local/or turn-up, somewhere. Face to face. No one much meets anymore. Lost our appetite. Not the same. Skype all we like.
And THIS is the news flash; Many of the best truth-first outposts, dilapidated off, because of. Too much output, too little response. Crisis of faith.
News makers/writers, most now on vid. -- into; yapping about "join next time" for more. More wider-public reaching the numero-uno goal. Which stats show??
Best can/hope for on the web, is finding targets that might breach the walls. 'Sandy Hook', for instance, has great potential for a real outrage/upraise. Down tools on Corrupt inc. and call the honorable cops. But as an example, causes little interest, few viewers on the web and militant censorship.
Let's do PCR, since he's back from a break. And off -- and out.
'According to news reports in the British press, Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed Russia’s industries to prepare themselves to be able to make a quick switch to war production' more.
Titled; 'Can’t You See War On The Horizon?'
-- actually can't do a comment on this, back on analysis about analysis. And Obv. my line: We need need to keep 'what-do' as a primary. And less output by some of those with audience bringing time. Find some way to foot-up as many others can, to have a go.
Me on a repeat. Me havin' a go.