Nevertheless Sound/Stop The (wider) War
Decided to Truthcoop m'Seeds on some good advice. Put up Plant a Seed/nevertheless-sound posts here (see comments). Recycle and maybe add a thought/as here. Plus: Was/am planning similar with truthscoop and find old pieces and reboot them with additional. Still might go this way and newbies and… all a mix and mash.
My enduring thought this morn is prophetic Paul's (Craig Roberts) and recent convergence of Russian-related writers' piece all warning of w.war unless…
My writing is to wrestle out what God might be like or think. And this be of God use.
Get we should not oversimplify that which isn't or complicate the straightforward. Yesterday I wrote about Muslim faith on Aangirfan's THE RELIGION OF PEACE and knew I'd tried too hard and overstated when throwing in; 'And overseas terrorism? Coercion, threats, bullying into brainwashed, drugged-up, considerable numbers from outside the particular countries on the 'starve so make some mon'. Shouting what they may or may not seriously believe is their high and mighty backer.'
Knew as soon as pressed publish, I'd pushed it… neglected to write more/something like:
Those here and there, who knows more or less, or what is going on – mixed with trailblazing, bitterness, bravado, dreams of virgins, Koranic mantras, peer-pressured pride, rejection fears, on and on… who knows what's going on, that drives someone to believe to try overthrowing the leadership of a nation, against the will of almost all its most historically rooted masses?
I can easily understand the faith in Allah for those in the Syrian-homeland-Army. Mixed with family, communities and love of the land. That Islam makes sense. But the invaders?
Perhaps it's/bound to be, much more than the evident stories of posturing and manipulation, that show up lots-less than divine-like inspirations. But I still wonder if those 'rebel' forces really can whip themselves up on Islam? Still reckon human nature is for peace and the loud aggressive haters in whatever country intimidate, a hardcore minority the masses on.
Look at the Right “get 'em all out” lot in Europe. The opposite is another relatively smaller section, all for no-borders. The problem is both views are destructive and sadly growing – but not that rapidly. The middle holds. Just.
And God. Back to war. God is against war. The lot behind the name of North America push, push, push… are drugged-up maniacs, crazed in a sicko frenzy. 'We' tend to think widespread sudden destruction 'is something that could never… happen'. Darn dimbo Christians think God will necessarily stop it.
Answer: might/be able/can/if we pray/repent/act/co-work/do/as the Bible says those in the Old bit did. And IF...
In other words, we, are what this takes – in and with God – have authority over the forces that embed in and, in this instance, tip their madness to murderous mayhem.
All can contribute, following the good and right light and do something… productive. Communicate truth-truth, not pontificate political meanderings or wishful platitudes. Talk and write about the lies and expose. That's good.
Seek what is out here. That connection is the next step. But the shock troopers who can most rout the rot. That be in all and any, who communicate direct into/to the unseen. Toward God and then through in 'to' this. Those who receive freely, mind-changers and believe-on-ers who have the greater in me than.... The Holy Spirit (so-called). Got what's needed. The essentials and the power. Dunamite like.
So on war? Whatever must happen to make it stop – physically is battled and won in the invisible.
Not inaccessible. But: Jibber and jabber all the day can. To/with God. Get Bible in, read, feed, splutter out. Inspire and fuel. Fast some. Even till tea-time. Find the faith… to believe. Hear (impressions from) God.
My sense is this war footing is the dominant concern. Paul Craig Roberts, disarmingly persuasive.
Pray as you go now...
Oh here's that Plant post:
Reading the Bible to discover what those compiling it might have understood were communicating is important. Weighing how the church historically read is another. Using reason to balance and best conclude textual difficulties of translation and applying to contemporary questions – more considerations. The progressive nature of God's revelation post-early church and overall, why read/what to do with these books/letters, called the Bible – more etc.
Could go on. But why read and what do?
M'motivation is two-fold:
Apply 'God's word' in the war to save the planet and peoples from excessive destruction. Apply = hear God in reading the Bible and verse sown to reap.
This battle is over an awakening socio-politically and the individual and locally collective outcomes once grasped: Revival with God. Connected in waking, being the primary prerequisite.
Knowing these words are – God's means. To communicate through me and out into the 'other realm'. To type and talk to God as I go and speak 'into'… speak in writing 'to' this.
Two or three reading it is enough. Www is slowly but stupidly being robbed from us. The need to call those nationally and globally crime-ing it the most worthy use of these keys and bytes.
Already now started this morning want to stop.
Rather say one thing be done. Realising less media = more likely 'hear' God. Impressions on to something. Less internet is our wilderness. Ideally, I'd be for none but comment somewhere and be done. I don't spend too/as long on the net, because only visit a handful of sites. Ok... what's a one-er this morn? Jeremiah 18/readings at.
God only judges to be redemptive – it gets that bad. Judges in doing some/heart hardening need to, mover and shaker/s.
The question of 'who has heard?'. Only those being selectively and/or potentially persecuted have something to say. About those that pulling, that many strings and our impoverishment that wide and woeful.
Peekay Truth Shut Down. There's a 'word'.
Whom Paul Craig Roberts wrote as; 'The person who prepared this — — is a bit crude in his language, but his point is nevertheless sound'.
And the verse above goes on with A most horrible thing has been done... Idols. Worthless Idols. Trust(ed) in. And somehow this not only being relevant to outworking behaviour on the ground. But in the 'above's' – and what it does there? And this back and down and around…
Thomas Merton speaks of the disaster, 'no greater disaster', of being 'immersed in unreality'. And only in the work of exposure and repentance (awakening and revival) do we 'start on the road of dark contemplation'. He gets all 'material things' about it but whatever most engage us to lie along: Is anti-God and death-bringing.
Still, more, same old song from me…
Need to get some time prior to writing and whammo…
This morning went here first and commented. Must/next time start all fresh and blank doc. Comment/s after.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God
Watch/read mainstream news with the Holy Spirit and it's one horrible sick façade. Total idol ramping. Monsters eating the word. Birds of the air Jesus calls it. Christ in the trampling: Christ give us the words to say/write. We need the 'nevertheless sound'.
Update: 28/12 The '72 Virgin' thing and Islam is made up.