More Pie
A PewDiePie video was top of the YT page last night. Took a peek. Endearing stuff and in a jolly mood, decided I'd post off from this in the morn. Now gone, been removed.
The zip and snap edits, weren't like one or two scanned, when researching for a previous posting. They seemed more free-styling and recorded live.
This one racked up 350,000 views in a little less than an hour. Nothing particularity unusual about the first little bit I saw or those figures. Full-on revelry and rollicking. Light and lively. Ok, likable IF?
"Same shebackle every time, come on we're in this together" he went. 'Playing the songs of my people' is/was the title and there are copies up/on YT and was taken down because of copyright infringement. Not sure this delightful, daft dude, is much of a lead-off but will have a ten minute blab and go.
As for truth to scoop on... won't add the vid/copy of and looking quickly see no obvious substitutes and an article about him, pertinent to include.
Known for "Nazi and Nigger" is the Pie. And like the game world he's in, toppling this king of comedy, is what the articles about him seem intent on achieving. Life a game, winners and knock outs. Sniggering disdain at losers. Must be the most loved/hated man on the net. All the young punks wanting to see downfall. Producers with miniscule followings in comparison. Some with numbers, the nearest about half his coming-up-to, 60 million subscribers.
In his YouTube videos, PewDiePie is boisterous and goofy, playing video games and swearing up a storm. PewDiePie — the YouTube name of 27-year-old Swede Felix Kjellberg — has used his charisma and close relationship to subscribers (whom he calls "bros") to build a lucrative career around his YouTube output. But PewDiePie came into a negative spotlight recently after a Wall Street Journal report described anti-Semitic messages in his videos, leading Disney and YouTube to cut direct business ties with him (though he hasn't been barred from YouTube).
PewDiePie apologized for taking a joke too far, but he maintained his right to joke about any topic and flipped a middle finger to the media in a response video. Since then, PewDiePie's subscriber count has increased, and he has said he's excited about the new opportunities afforded him as an independent creator. (Source)
No website and only housed on social media, somehow this fella, is an ish. A bellwether, and while he'll probably/maybe, manage to stay in the fascists' framing, he's the prize coconut to topple. How can they shift the boundaries? Ones that corral all of us. What'll it be?
There will be trouble at mill. How he responds the ish and kicked off/leaving YT is the lever.
He'll only be allowed to stay in his isolated castle and have guests on. As for going out and interviews etc? Doubtful. This firework must stay in a box or say, confined display.
He mustn't tweet or talk politics. At all. Reckon any dare-say will be hammered. Not that he might say anything of note but to even begin this conversation, will send the fuhrers to the air-raid sirens.
Finally, he must not talk at all. Outside the bubble he inhabits. Could be wrong but would suppose this -- the direction. M'hunch says PewDiePie is the most important person in media. Keeping the nippers locked into simulation and stupidity, modelling the need to play the game(s). But a motor mouth and fun loving. He likes to win.
'First they came for PewDiePie but I wasn't a game and goofy vid. fan...'