Words? Write these not expecting to be read. Much. Don't mind. Other concerns have me gripped.
Internet popularity? If I make good, it's to promote one central, awake-contesting, plea: DIY.
Make a comment somewhere, add a thought, go-further – do a truthscoop? For me, this unquestionably our goal – a vocal rise-up. Volume, as in numbers. This our best wake-up chance.
Recently c/o Memory Hole signposted to Sandy Hook kills TV by Barry Soetoro Esq. Whatever else it says, is the brightly discerning, “we need 10,000 more websites” - to bust the screen-ceiling.
On Sandy Hook and then on to 9/11. Makes utterly wise sense. Consider the 100,000 viewers and 10% become 'doers' in repetitious maybe but individual-effort outposts?
What might this look-like, what would be achieved?
Finally, reach many-more of the ones, who might want to know what's coming and do something remarkable and speak out, prolifically and powerful enough…
And how is action-connecting stirred? – Through self-expression.
All and any kind. The style and skill is secondary. Talk? Type? Take a photo and add a word? Mobile phone etc etc. 'Bang a gong/get it on'
Words: Enough of the rightly directional ones and what might be achieved?
Took down (for the second time/on a second twitter account), a swear-word on an image by the superb The Burning Blogger of Bedlam that I'd retweeted. Got bugged by the word, even though it made an apt-dig. Even though I can lazily and regretfully splutter such language. If its use is measured and purposeful, can be occasional value but general banter – ain't/supposed to be me…
Words are powerful and believe I underestimate this and them.
My encouragement to myself is read and view more discerningly. Don't cruise about. Discipline who and what to see -yet- write and graphic away as much can-do in what little time allowing.
A mini-rant would be; Our one need is more words out and connecting to people to empower…
The common emphasis and shove-foward is on more information; deeper and more revealing. As 'Sandy Hook kills TV' proclaims, we have enough examples and evidence, what's missing is volume in a chorus to bring down the hoUse of charades.
F's following/but more the angst of concern/pushed to such language.
And original one as referenced -
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