Mind Your Self 3
On... to say am off, and be on the 'morrow. Not one to like saying..., and not do, or explain? Hence the last post and stating 'back on Monday'.
ALL..., to note, are the parallels to 'mental health' and its provenance, or roots of the shoots, explored through F. William Engdahl -or- read and presented by Sam.
From the physical to the psychological:
Formerly, when Church and State were allied, people accepted theological justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. Today, when Medicine and the State are allied, people accept therapeutic justifications for state-sanctioned coercion. This is how, some two hundred years ago, psychiatry became an arm of the coercive apparatus of the state. And this is why today all of medicine threatens to become transformed from personal therapy into political tyranny.
Thomas Szasz – New Preface to The Myth of Mental Illness (2010)1
Our mind is fed with understanding and there's nothing in the light that isn't true.
Quick to tick-the-boxes, label, and medicate is the default way of child/adolescent psychology and adult social care.
Preface to comment made about 'classrooms and social housing'.
Meeting ever-more openness and/or, 'got it' thinking, come interest to test presumptions.
We're in a world of two movements: Regression and repression -or- repentance and rise-up.
Tom's 'pandemic of not thinking'.2
We all do it and I does it... in life and moves, that are mistakes and negligence to see alternatives or a better way. All I can say is - take a chance(?) - and love back; in the love coming our one-on-one way, and consider the poss.:
'...that in all things God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good'.
The prospect, and overarching hope. Reality..., that can become real to us all: Here for good.
That 's God.
Be on ...next-time to conclude on 'mind our self'.
When Sam met Tom (November 2021). Full Interview ↩