Mind Your Self 2
Let's get to it... tick is tocking, and be a dash and done.
Image from the outsiders' fakery and manipulate the media to do war in Syria. The comment has something on depression and psychological pain. Conclude and part 3 on Monday in a new-found public-PC space. Open with the admittance and how less online-access is the way to keep me less fried and fresh. Try staying off the screen for a day and see what's cooking eh?
Comment from Lucy Davies' piece:
[I’ve already used] an ample supply of language associated with psychology, but for the most part that’s just another word for morality, which draws insight from social sciences apart from pretensions of priestly castes claiming authority over common people’s perceptions. Professional classes are, metaphorically speaking of course, one of the most likely places to find narcissistic personality traits or disorders, as in many if not most cases of people paid to manage others.
Morality is all about our philosophy. To discover what makes us sad without obvious and sufficient cause, we can't forget the roots of our walk and being. We are what we believe, more than less.
The few dreadful ones behind the drive to destroy in the guise and name of health have reasons and mandates. Setting lower-down levels and bosses for money and power going, contend the pushers and commanders are in it for other utopian purposes. There's ideology for an anti-morality i.e. they're in opposition and/or unbelief about statements claimed in the 'Syria false-flag' image.
Vaccines aren't safe and dig any ways back and find they've done no-good as purported. Go 'Dr Sam Bailey' and hear/see the history of the basis for the counter-claims. The deeper cause: make creation look like it's a wild and hostile un-made, battle of fitness to survive and without, ...a unique and here-for-good humanity.
Same as line with "mental health" and the need to profile the genuine darkness and lack of motive to live, or make productive actions, as natural and the doctors have the answer. Hard core nihilism is presented as normal and to be expected.
Agree, the person with dependence on prescribed medication is in a vulnerable place and not denying -can(?)- receive benefits. Or, at least avoids a self-harm mode and their perception and experience without them.
What it isn't, is a basis for the roots and why someone feels as they do to arrive at this condition.
NO qualms and decent talking-based therapies in coping mechanisms, triggers, abandonment issues, all that and the wider list of possible triggers and solutions. Yet.., add drugs and mind-alter'rs of any kind and there's no telling the contributing factor, or delay in reaching a reliable way through without artificial stimulation?
Of course post-lockdown traumatic experiences and online screen mania have been/and are detrimental to our well being.
What isn't as obvious is the profound difficulty and living-on with a public -in the main- pretending the pre-2020 is back.
Two battle grounds where the first signs of the crack-up are schools and social housing.
Asked what I think will happen, to which I reply; a mass of mind-based breakdowns.
The use of 'mind-based' and way to describe our thinking process is in defiance and naming the brain, as somehow separate, from the physical. Better said, and the rest of our body.
Again, the manipulators behind their managers are intent on separating, what we are. The food we eat, the drink; what our eyes view, ears listen to; the gates of our bodies are polluters or purifiers.
We're the sum of many parts but a unified-person all in coordination and connected up.
Toxicity is the issue. In body, mind and soul. We do well to get out of the streams that stuff us up. If it's certain relationships, or choices when and what we consume; all builds up the burdens inside -or- keeps it down and even can release us from stored up unwanted and rubbish?
Taken thirty minutes and a quick scan of the 141 comments on A Pandemic of Narcissistic Abuse and throw a few out, and am off within the hour.
Get down m'self but disciplines keep that to a somewhat-minimum.
Am ...supposed to be low and troubled, the question is; about what and why?
Lobbing a couple of comments in to close and make an appeal on the subject with suggestions, and attempts at what helps, on Monday.
Be well..., and do feel the compassion for the broken (like me).
The one starter is to stop calling on lies from the liars.
Diagnosis? At best a debate, if not a shallow history-confirming, awful put-on and scam.
Psychiatry is the foundational technofascism – predating that of vaccines and viruses. They’ll let you choose not to get jabbed, but for making that choice, they’ll declare you “mentally ill” and a danger to society. That declaration will be made on the arbitrary say-so of a whitecoat. You’ll then be consigned to a treatment centre and all further choices will be made on your behalf.
I read, but rarely write on this site anymore. No, psychological violence will not disappear. And yes, indeed it is at the root of all manmade problems. In the financial capitalist society we live in it is enmeshed in the fabric of society. There are other forms of personality disorder and its not for us to diagnose anyone. Even specialists disagree on definitions, let alone are able to agree on a diagnostic. Whatever name one uses, there is for me a category that feels no remorse (sociopathy according to some definitions), another one that does to some extent, but manage to ignore it, telling themselves, its not serious what they did; the person they victimized will get over it (narcissistic disorder). For the victimized it makes little difference.